
Karma: An Intricate Battle of Resolute, Crime, Destiny, Truth and Love

The story revolves around Sharmishtha, an investigative journalist who is determined to expose a criminal network and Mr Roychowdhury, a businessman struggling to save his beloved wife from his own dark past. Destiny has brought them on crossed paths. Surrounded with evil and unbeknownst of the people involved, will they be able to achieve their goals? Excerpt: Roychowdhury was instructing someone on the phone when his call got interrupted by another line. He looked at his phone it's his wife. He disconnected the line and went on instructing the person. He was using a normal tone as of now, then, suddenly, his voice lowered and deepened as he spoke, "Do you understand? We are going to kidnap her and then I will teach her a lesson myself. Make sure nothing goes wrong with it." "Can't we just kill her where she stands? Kidnapping is a lot of hustle," said a voice from the other side. "No! Don't kill her. I want to torment her the way she has been tormenting my life with her interference. We dispose of her after that like we had been doing," said Roychowdhury with a scarier tone. ------------------------------------------ [A chat between Sharmishtha and her husband] "Should I come back quickly?" "As soon as possible." "Is that so?" "Yes," Sharmishtha replied. Suddenly, her voice broke down as tears rolled down her eyes. "Are you crying?" asked a concerned Rey. "Yes," replied Sharmishtha softly. "Why?" "I don't know." "I will come back in a week Love. Don't cry," Rey replied softly. "Such a child!" he thought. "I want a hug." "You will get a long hug and lots of kisses. I won't leave you alone ever again. Now wipe your tears and smile," Rey replied. ------------------------------------------------- She gently coaxed his upper lips and slide her tongue into his mouth. Rey responded by trying to capture her lower lips and letting her in. She brushed off the upper corner of his mouth and sucked on his tongue then slowly drawing out to let him breathe. Rey felt like he was poured with a gush of warm water in freezing cold. Her kisses felt soft and soothing. She was being gentle he could feel it. But he wanted more. "You are still weak," she reminded him. "Please," he begged as his gaze settled on her lips. The book doesn't contain sexual abuse or rape (it is not allowed and the author is not comfortable with those either) but it may contain violent scenes***

Aarnaa · Urbain
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37 Chs

What Spring Was Like

Rey and Shyra heard the sound of rustling leaves and twigs snapping underfoot as they were moving along the paths that ran between the woods. They stopped, scanning the area in an effort to locate the noise's origin. A deer suddenly charged out from behind a tree, darted across their path, and vanished into the undergrowth. The two exchanged smiles as they expressed gratitude for their chance encounter with nature.

A sudden question came to Rey's mind: "You mentioned on our second date that people called you frightening. Don't get me wrong here; I am just asking out of curiosity, Did you do anything frightening?"

Shyra smiled as she replied softly, "No. I don't think that I have done anything particularly frightening."


"They say it's my looks, my gait, even my eye, maybe my behaviour; to be honest, I don't really understand either. I think it would be better if you asked Rajiv about that sort of thing." She smiled again. "He's been my friend for years, and he might be able to shed some light on it."

"I see. It's still weird, though," Rey replied.

"What is?"

"That your looks are frightening, your gait is frightening, your eyes are frightening, or even your behaviour is frightening. It is very incomprehensible for me to think that anyone would label someone like you as frightening!" Rey smiled as he walked, looking at the path ahead of them.

"Hmm. Maybe you haven't spent enough time with me to find me frightening or repulsive," she chuckled.

"Repulsive?" Rey raised his brows. "I don't think any amount of time would be enough in this world for me to find you repulsive."

"Well, you never know," she replied with a playful grin. "But I'm glad you don't find me frightening or repulsive. It's nice to have someone who accepts me for who I am. By the way, are you trying to flirt?" she teased.

"Maybe, I don't know. As for the frightening part, I do know that one incident about you shooting someone, but to me that's as attractive as the rest of you, maybe more." He smirked.

She laughed, "You're incorrigible. But just so you know, that incident was in self-defence. I'm not a violent person by nature."

He nodded. "I know, and I admire your strength and courage. It's one of the things that drew me to you in the first place."

"You are doing significantly better than our early days. Quite the growth, I must say. From not being able to talk to straight up throwing smiles. If I had to applaud your performance, I would clap," Shyra smirked.

"I have to give you credit for that. You brought out a side of me that I didn't even know existed. And I'm grateful for it," Rey chuckled. "You really are quite witty, as Rajiv told me."

"Well, I guess you guys had extensive chats about me."

"Mhm. He wanted to make sure that I didn't hurt you."

"I see. Well, we discuss you too. Not going to lie!"

"Really? What did you discuss?" Rey seemed nervous as he started to sweat.

"Your reputation with women. You are sweating; are you tired?" She inquired.

"Well, maybe we could sit down somewhere." Rey's throat had gone dry.

Shyra observed carefully and asked again, "Are you really that terrible?"

Rey was silent for a while, then he spoke as if he was trying to organise his thoughts to choose the best words: "To put it bluntly, yes. That is, until I met you."

Shyra looked into his eyes, full of affection. She averted her eyes and spoke, "You know, Rajiv seems to have this notion that I can fix you or something. I don't think so, Rey. You know someone quoted, and I am paraphrasing, you cannot save people-"

"You can only love them. It is Anais Nin's quote. And believe me, your next phrase is that one cannot fix people; one can only love them-" Rey replied, cutting Shyra off midway.

Shyra appeared to be really impressed. "I am not sure I am capable of love anymore!"

Her terrible words stunned Rey, not because she almost said she'd never love him, but because he realised how much she'd gone through to utter those words. Being loved by her would be his eternal paradise, but he wouldn't force it. He made no attempt to push her. He was pleased with only her company for the time being.

He knew that love was not something that could be forced or demanded, but rather something that grew naturally between two people who shared a deep connection. He hoped that one day Shyra would find it in her heart to love again, but until then, he would continue to support and cherish her!

In the rest area, they were both seated on benches next to each other. They continued to sit there in silence for a long time without exchanging any looks, taking in the beauty and the silent company of one another. They appeared to be restless after a long journey and were looking for solidarity in the woods, not so much alone with each other but with someone whose amity would not stress them out.

A while later, Rey broke the silence.

"You know, even though you did not ask, and not that I am trying to justify any of my actions here, I did not grow up in a place where they treated people as people. So that might have influenced how I behaved. But honestly, I am not trying to say-"

"I see. That's unfortunate, apologise." Shyra responded, cutting Rey off in the middle. "Don't worry, you don't have to justify any abuse or trauma you've experienced in the past. From what I've seen, life can be cruel and vicious. People say that there is always a balance of light and darkness in life and that everyone gets their fair share, but that doesn't make sense to me. It is inequitable that some people must endure more pain and suffering than others. But I do know that your past experiences do not define you, and you have the ability to shape your own future."

"Well, honestly, after hearing your past—" Rey stopped midway as Shyra raised her eyebrows. He realised the major mishap he had just caused. There was no way he could explain this. Both Rey and Rajiv violated her privacy and exploited her trust in Rajiv.

He knew that Shyra felt betrayed and hurt, and she couldn't believe that her friend would do something like this to her. He knew that it would take time to heal from this, but he also knew that she had the strength to overcome it and move forward.

"My past?" She asked in a low, deep voice.

Rey was dead silent. His throat went dry. He could not speak. He did not know what to say at this point. There was no way out of this situation. He did not understand why he felt so scared that he was rendered speechless.

"Rajiv?" She asked again in that same calm, deep voice.

Rey only nodded. He dared not look at her. He did not know what this 5'9" lean woman could possibly do, but he dared not move at all. His instincts told him not to do anything further to escalate the situation. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, and he knew that he needed to find a way to calm down before he did or said something that he would regret.

"Is he throwing that journal around like a frisbee or something?"

Rey did not speak. Shyra observed the man sitting beside him keenly and remarked, "I guess you found out the frightening part!" Her voice had returned to normal. It comforted Rey a bit. He nodded slowly, still trying to control his breathing. He knew that he needed to gather his thoughts and figure out the best way to handle the situation.

"I guess I did. You are frightening alright!" Rey replied, wiping off the sweat with his handkerchief.

"Rajiv is going to get it later. As for you, if you really wanted to know, I prefer you get it from me next time. Understood?"

Rey nodded.

"So you still find it attractive?"

"Very." Rey's heart skipped a beat at the response. He couldn't believe that he was so comfortable around her.

"What a masochist!" She chuckled. Rey laughed nervously, unsure of how to respond. He knew he had feelings for her, but he wasn't sure if she felt the same way.

"Well, not exactly. I did get scared of you. But I had this unbelievable trust in you that whatever may happen, you won't cause me any harm." He smiled.

"I won't," she smiled as she cupped his hand.

Hiding his blushing face, Rey looked down at their intertwined hands and felt a rush of warmth spread through his body. He knew then that he had to tell her how he felt. But he still didn't feel it was the right moment, so changing the subject quickly, he asked, "So you are a nature lover?"

"Yes, I wish I could stay here forever!"

"Me too," Rey replied, his eyes fixed on the stunning woman seated next to him. He wished he could imprint this moment in his memory. The trees were illuminated by a warm orange glow as the sun set behind them. Rey inhaled deeply and felt at ease because he knew he was exactly where he was supposed to be. Even though he knew the timing had to be just right, he couldn't help but feel a pang of regret for not telling her how he felt. Maybe he'll get the nerve to do it soon.

Rey could spend all of his time here, where it feels like an eternal spring, staring at her in this small, secure space that they had created together. Even though he was aware that they couldn't stay there indefinitely, he was determined to enjoy every second of their time together. Rey experienced a sense of peace as they sat in silence and admired their surroundings. He came to understand that sometimes the most meaningful moments could be the simplest ones.


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