
Karena Drakennier's Journal

The story of a young woman who is the descendant of a great warrior. with the battle against the Varenian Empire An empire that wants to take over the world with various enemies, whether Cannibals, monsters, demons, religious fanatics. These vampires, werewolves, zombies, other dimensional creatures. Mad scientists, monsters, giants, and her cruel destiny.

Nipitpon_Chuenchit · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

Episode 1 Training of Immortals Chapter 6 The Last Chapter Of Episode

2 years have passed

Demon-faced mercenary Johanner Krieger has completed his quest to fight the Gagarias to save the Knights Templar, and now he's riding his crimson dragon. with many cyber devices installed on the body

This dragon was the dragon and the only creature of Midgard to survive the war with the Varenian Empire. but in a near-death state Johanner, who came across it, helped it by installing the cyber-devices. to keep it alive

And Johanner gave it the name "Angeros".

Johanner finally rode his own dragon until he returned to his mansion.

He dismounted himself from the dragon's back and entered his own mansion.

After Johanner dismounted from the back of Angeros It flew away to rest its body somewhere. But with the cyber equipment Johanner bought from the planet Imagus. It allows him to contact him at any time.

He walked into the gates of his own huge mansion that anyone looking at its entirety would have thought that it might be a castle from heaven. The huge doors on either side of it automatically opened when the mansion's AI scanned it and realized it was Johanner.

He entered his mansion. and walk a few steps he met me

who was now holding a remnant of a robot whose strength was comparable to his own body. and threw it at him to see it on the ground to say Now I'm ready for his final exams.

"You finally learned our technique. And ready to take the final exam with me, Karena Drakennier, this will be the final exam of all the lessons I have given you."

In a large arena like the Colosseum

Johanner and I entered the ring and walked down the battlefield.

With Maiyarap and Hensard sitting in the seats of the middle-class audience watching this battle that would be my final training.

Before the fight began as soon as Henzard stood up and hit the bell he put down near himself.


I cast a magic spell to make myself as fast and as agile as an indeterminate river.


Johanner himself cast a spell as well. It was the first time I had seen him use such magic. Just like Maiyarap told me before, nothing wrong. And that spell turned his saber blade into fire.

Me and him got into a fight. Attack and defense

The two of us dodging and moving were like water.

My short blade collided with the saber blade ignited by his incantation, causing a loud noise to resonate throughout the battle arena.

I tried to avoid using my short sword against his flaming saber. Because otherwise my blade will either be broken or chipped.

And I know one truth A robot that is as strong as that Johanner. It was actually as strong as Johanner himself, but it was a strength that Johanner hadn't really taken to 100%. It was the general strength that he had always and always used at 80%. He's going 90% into fighting me.

It made me now suffer the hardest of battles and want to fix it in a simple way.

Maiyarap and Hensard who were watching my fight with Johanner, were discussing and analyzing my fight.

"That young lady really deserves to be a descendant of Raquiam. We are very good at applying our subjects. What about Hensard?"

"Not sure."

"Not sure? I'm not sure about anything."

"It's what you said. It's true that she's very good at applying our subjects. But you know that our skills are no match for Johanner. And the fact that the two of us became friends with that doctor because the mission that the Church likes to give to the three of us, the poor have to live with that person in their mansion. Have you forgotten? Plus, a robot as strong as Johanner was only as strong as the normal level Johanner used, like every other day we've seen. not like now Maybe she couldn't pass Johanner's final test."

"Ah, you're still you, Hensard. But even so, that young lady was already doing well. Plus it came out very well. Look at her fighting moves. Am I watching a dance or what?"

My fight with Johanner was as beautiful as a dance, just as Maiyarap said.

It was an eye-catching battle that could be seen until the last moment until he was able to sell his own soul to the devil to come and watch this battle.

But at this moment, I don't care what they think about this fight.

I only care about winning and passing his final exams.

I had to find a way to do something to defeat him.

must use the skills learned from him Maiyarap and Hensard with Mr Andrew

You need to come up with a plan to win.

Johanner's battles are like snakes and water versus wolves, capable of swift and deadly attacks on enemies in a single blow.

Therefore, his defense was very weak. In exchange for the side of his body that has become like that already.

Like those strong and big ones. which can run slower than those who are small but strong because of their size

Great, now I can fight him one-on-one.

Must be able to win for sure No, we don't rely on that. We are being careless If he was careless, he would lose and fail the final exam.

Think, analyze, distinguish, find a way to overcome yourself. Then we can think like that.

While I was thinking and struggling with changing my way of fighting to fit the situation,

Suddenly, in a fraction of a second, time was still unable to move. I remembered some memories. Why am I even thinking about this now?

So what is this all about? It's exactly where my memory is

No, no, this is not my memory.

Before, in that split second, I fell into another world. Where is this place? There were only farms and farm animals like cows and stuff like that.

before I glanced at a house near me There were two people in that house. that is one man with one woman

They don't seem to see me.

They talk about something I was skeptical so I went to listen. and hear what they say as they say

"I don't want my descendants to be warriors at all, Serian. Can you lie to them that I and the Drakennier Clan are just people and a normal clan?"

The man who looked knew that he must be the husband of the woman spoke to her.

"But you are already an immortal human. Your bloodline that was given to me will be passed down from generation to generation. Therefore your wish will never come true. I'm sorry I understand you well."

The wife and pregnant woman replied to her husband.

"Because of that So I want you to go somewhere far away. will be housed alone Or can stay in any village but must not let them fight."


"Just as I've told you. please sirian Please make my wish come true."

After the man's conversation ended Everything was mangled. Turned into a disgusting black liquid.

When everything has turned black I met that man that is now behind me

And now I know who he is. He is my ancestor Raquiam Drakenner. The strongest immortal human in the era in which he was alive.

"You are.. Raquiam."

I spoke up, that man. Raquiam didn't reply to me. before he spoke up with a smile.

"There's no way to make a descendant like you not a warrior at all. How cruel fate is to me, then I have only one request. Don't die like me."

before everything returns to reality

Johanner was now using his saber to attack me.

At that moment, I felt a change in my body. After I received the memories of Raquiam

When I focus on Johanner's movements It turned out that he was very slow. His movements were noticeably slower, but not crawling.

Only I can move normally. and very fast

Johanner, Maiyarap and Hensard were shocked by their slow expressions and looked at me with the same speed. Before I rushed forward, hoping to attack Johanner with the speed I gained.

This might be the result of me getting the memories of Raquiam. my ancestors

It had awakened the genes, cells, and immortal human bloodline of the Drakenier Clan from his body that had been unwittingly passed down from generation to generation.

I am now immortal.

But before that attack hit Johanner's body,

"Saxus (rock)!!"

Johanner increased his speed to catch up with me. Now, with 95% earnestness, he grasped my short sword that had now petrified his hand.

before he threw me sideways and hit the wall beneath the seat of the middle audience.

With the strength that if a normal human gets hit like this, they will only die. But for me it's not. I don't feel anything I felt like I was being pushed until I hit the wall. Though the wall behind me was shattered And the force that Johanner uses is enormous.

Johanner said to me,

"You are now an immortal human just like us. Your final exams have passed, Maiyarap Kaengpakarena. Drakennier, go belong to the White Lord Organization."

"Yay, good father."

Maiyarap replied to Johanner, still shocked. just like Hensard

before he walked over to me, who was now lying on the ground before reaching out to me and saying to me,

"Hey little girl. Congratulations, you're now an immortal like us. go prepare your things I'll take you to where the guy said. As for what it is, I'll tell you about it in the car. Hurry up and prepare your things."

After I stood up I followed what Maiyarap had told me. I showered, dressed, ate, and packed my things to the place where Johanner wanted Mairap to take me as a person of that place.

White Lord Organization? I know what kind of organization it is from the profession Johanner and two of his friends are doing.

But I don't know what's there. and how they work and many other things that must be answered after getting into the car of Maiyarap

The outfit I'm wearing is a light armor suited for a woman like me. that focuses on fighting lines such as fast attacks and moving around all the time My personal weapon short sword, small shield, two double guns that Hensard gave me for free as a result of my completion of his skills. and a pocket-sized war hammer If my sword is broken or chipped If the gun runs out of ammunition The Reaper must have sat waiting to pick me up.

After I had prepared and prepared everything. I went to find Maiyarap who was sitting in the car waiting for me.

I got into his car before his red car took off as soon as I sat in the chair of the car

While Maiyarap was driving me somewhere. He told me about the White Lord Organization.

"What White Lord Organization? It's an organization created by Planet Heron's Divine Sect. The job description is no different from an adventurer's guild that accepts jobs to help people from various threats that the government has no time to solve. But unlike that, we will also help adventurers who fall under attack by monsters or to torture or rape them in dungeons. And the main objective of this organization is to hunt down the Varenian Empire that it is now hiding in the worlds to plan to expand the colony after they can build their own empire. And on this planet Do you understand, little girl? No, now it has to be called a beautiful mother. He's already an immortal like us, isn't he?"

"Yes, I understand."

passed until sunset Maiyarap drove me to the middle of the desert where there was nothing but emptiness.

Maiyarap and I got out of the car. before Maiyarap stretched out his own sleeve Revealing some command-pressing equipment.

Maiyarap pressed some commands into that device. before a portal opened

Maiyarap called me into this portal, I obeyed, and the two of us entered a place called "White Lord Organization"

A large white organization full of counters and people of different nationalities and origins. who now stand in line to receive their own work with some people standing in line as a group

There was a training ground, there was a bar, there was a library, no, it had to be said that it had everything that would be possible for the people of this organization.

And at that moment Maiyarap put his hand on my head. It made me startled and red in the face. as well as turning to look at himself

"Application is at the far left counter. She is now an adult. Take care of yourself too."

Maiyarap smiled softly. I could feel his love and tenderness for me like never before.

Before Maiyarap opened the dimensional door and walked out. Let me apply to be a member of this organization.

Then I was as still as a stone statue. That feeling that I got It's a feeling I haven't had in a long time.

Yes, it was the love and tenderness he gave me just like my mother.

Memories of when I was young and living with my mother popped up in my head.

That was the only time I felt that way. Before everything changed when I and my family were killed by religious fanatics. and Johanner came to help me.

Ever since I entered his mansion I'll never get a chance to feel that way again.

until now

I got that knowledge again.

I cried and said to myself,


I was so glad I got that feeling again that I almost sat on the ground imprisoned.

And at that time

"Hey you."


A man wearing a red eye patch Half Face Red Oni Giant Mask long orange hair like me red jacket suit Black bra and pants Armed with a chainsaw of infinite energy that he slung on his back. With the diamond identity card hanging on his neck, one could immediately tell that he must be a high-ranking member of this organization. came to call my sanity and asked me

"Why are you crying? There is no identity card like this. Are you someone who will apply for a job as a member of this organization?"


At that moment, I caught a glimpse of his long, pointy ears. This man is an elf.

"You..you are.."

"An elf, and it's also a high-ranking member of this organization. So I walked in and asked. I don't know why I'm crying Even though I'm not human like you But this organization accepts all types of people."

"I.. It's nothing. When I arrived, too much dust got into my eyes, so I rubbed my eyes vigorously and cried."

"Well then, go ahead, good luck."

Twin chainsaw elves walked away from me to get his job. You can wear anything here.

And this is the first time I've talked to someone I don't know like this. It was my first experience talking to people I didn't know.

Before I walked to the counter on the far left, there were many people in line to work to work as a person of this organization. like me

Episode 1 Training of Immortals END.