
Karena Drakennier's Journal

The story of a young woman who is the descendant of a great warrior. with the battle against the Varenian Empire An empire that wants to take over the world with various enemies, whether Cannibals, monsters, demons, religious fanatics. These vampires, werewolves, zombies, other dimensional creatures. Mad scientists, monsters, giants, and her cruel destiny.

Nipitpon_Chuenchit · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

Episode 1 Training of Immortals Chapter 3

No one knows which family one of the ten surviving immortals, Johanner Krieger, was born into. He only knew that he was born in Yekaon and had that face from birth. Causing his parents, who saw their children as a curse and would cause social shunned, abandoned Johanner in a remote, poor border town in the country.

Johanner had to live like a bug, digging through the trash for things it could eat. Or go rob other people's food. Causing Johanner to be nearly trampled to death by several groups of people.

until one day

Johanner was kidnapped by a group of people to enslave him for physical, emotional and sexual labor and to be sold to slave traders. for them to sell Johanner's body to another country Johanner has been done like this countless times. Until he was bought again by the lord of the country he was living in to take him as a slave warrior.

It was there that he became acquainted with so-called "friends" and "friendships." Johanner's first friend was a young man like him named Andrew Marzon. With four of his friends Max, Ruiz and Sara, the four of them got to know and became close friends with Johanner.

Each day, these five and other slaves were forced to fight with monsters or foreign warriors that were inevitably larger in size and abilities than theirs. From the demands of the nobles who saw slaves as beings that they could do whatever they wanted. Killing is not a sin and does not feel guilty. Or being used to mine non-stop mining for gems until some people are exhausted to death. And those who are tired to death will become dog food. or is used to vent emotions and vent sexually And it is inevitable that someone will be caught slaughtering or cutting off any part of the body to be sold on the black market.

Every day was like this until one of the slaves, "Andrew Marzon", lost patience with the role they were given by the nobility and called a meeting of all slaves to plan a rebellion and escape from camp They had decided that even if they resisted or didn't resist, they would suffer anyway. The plan that Andrew has laid down is that they have to do it at night when many soldiers in the camp rest and some groups that act as duty. They would assassinate the guards quietly and quickly. Then they would steal weapons and armor from it and then shut down and burn the camp.

When the other slaves learned of the plan, they agreed to it and went to bed as soon as the meeting was over. Until tomorrow's night comes They assassinated the guards quietly and quickly with the techniques their instructor had taught them. Before stealing weapons and armor to put on and use before shutting down and burning this camp

The soldiers in the camp, who were sleeping for the next morning, realized they were trying to find water and an outlet. But unfortunately, they no longer exist in this camp. The soldiers in the camp were burned alive and screamed out in horror and pity. The inside was like hell. The slaves watched with satisfaction. and cursed all the soldiers in the camp to go to hell for all eternity.

before they set out to build their own camp and went to war with other nations to help slave groups who were subjected to cruel labor From a slave camp, it transformed into a great slave kingdom led by Andrew. Marzon with his friends All nations were defeated, and not one nation had defeated Andrew's army of slaves.

Every country faces a difficult crisis to find a solution to. Before everything changed when the alliance fighting slaves got to know the planet Imagus (our world) and became allies. Causing all the situations to turn into a disadvantage and began to lose their own land from the lead and biological weapons from the US soldiers and soldiers from various countries in the Emagus planets. Causing this war that the slaves were finally defeated

Andrew, Max, Ruiz, and Sara and other slave leaders were watched by U.S. soldiers and the soldiers of Heron, skinned alive except for their heads, and crucified to the birds. The crow and the vulture came and ate in agony. Only Johanner was not dead because of Andrew's help to escape to a distant place.

But he was heavily hunted by bounty hunters. Finally, he reached a dead end in a forest and was about to be killed by bounty hunters.

but suddenly

Dozens of arrows pierced the bodies of the bounty hunters, turning them into cactus-like corpses. The owner of these arrows and aids was an elf who was a servant of the Divine Sect.

He felt compelled in Johanner's struggle for survival, which was in their eyes the fascination and timeless identity of the human race. Therefore collected this young boy to raise and train him brutally and barbaric until he studied this elf's subject and grew up as an adult. Working as a knight serving the Divine Religion Church Along with supporting the party that freed slaves in the planet Herondu until this party won.

and many years later Johanner himself was selected to become immortal. And get to know an immortal named "Raquim Drakennier", the strongest immortal and has fighting skills comparable to Johanner. and was the only one who approached him and had a friendly conversation. different from immortal humans The Knights Templar, Priests, and others in the Church were fearful and unapproachable. He also thought that Johanner himself might be a demon hunting his own kind due to the cruelty and coldness he showed to all his enemies. Or is it a living being of a particular race?

Raquiam doesn't think so. He saw Johanner himself as the human race, just like them and everyone else. And see that the cruelty that Johanner has given to the enemy is something that the other party should receive and Johanner has thought well. Of course, Johanner was unaware of it.

Johanner who saw Raquiam in action Therefore opened his heart to talk to him and thought that sometimes being with this man is a new goal in his life after the worldless world Until finally the two became close friends ever since. This new bond is very reminiscent of Andrew. That was what Johanner thought. And that intimacy brought Johanner's human spirit back to life.

Until the war on planet Herondu, known as the "World War", also known as the "Varenian Empire War", took place less than five hundred years after Johanner became immortal. In a war full of madness The barbarity, violence, thirst for blood, and ruthlessness of the Varenian Empire made humanity immortal. Templar knights, dragon knights, mages holy warriors And many otherworldly allies were killed in this battle.

Even Raquiam was killed by one of the Varenian Empire's crazy bio-soldiers to protect Johanner. Before Raquiam died, he told Johanner one last time that "Help save this world. In this world, there are still people suffering like you and waiting for your help."

Raquiam knew Johanner from the start that he was one of the leading slaves in the slave wars, thanks to his magical reading of the past that made him perceived as himself. Eccentric and socially repulsed by his parents. Johanner is like a reflection of who he is. Be a super hero in his heart. before the strongest immortal mortal died in Johanner's embrace.

The moment Johanner's first tear fell from his eyes, The battlefield, which was like a feast for the Varenian Empire, was transformed into the killing ground of the evil-faced immortal Johanner Krieger. At Thepolos Gorge, they were all killed. Not a single person was left alive. It is one of the myths that happened in the Great War of the Varenian Empire, also known as the World War of Planet Heron, looks incredible and most horrific because the corpses of the Varenian Empire soldiers were all torn up and ripped up. The hand of a single immortal human could not remember its original appearance. With the war machines and battle robots shattered into scraps on the ground caused by that immortal human as well.

And after the World War of Planet Herondu or the Great War of the Varenian Empire had ended with a period of 100 years and the victory that had gained nothing and was unable to reclaim the occupied territories. Of the Resistance (the faction that is hostile to the Varenian Empire), Johanner has changed his career as a mercenary knight, accepting all missions to help people from all kinds of dangers and dangers that arise. where he continued to do service to the Church.

And this is the story and history of Johanner for four hours that Mirayop sat to tell me, who is now in a mummy from training with these three immortal humans in the nursing room. High tech, cool air, and a creepy elf nurse who still wore a spooky old green long dress that resembled her skin and blended in as if it were part of her body. But even if I say how scary it is, I can't help but deny that it's extremely beautiful. The elf race was indeed a race that was both terrifying and beautiful at the same time.

"Right, I heard that Johannerman was given a mission by the Church to rescue the Knights Templar from this *Gagarius*. That guy told me to train her with a robot that's as strong as it is because it'll be two years or longer before he gets back. And if it comes back, it will give you the final exam and it will be your last training, young lady, remember."

"Yes, Miss Maiyarap."

"Hehe, final exams, final training. Will the two of us meet again—"

"Shut up, mad elf."


A cannibal who has been surgically modified by modern technology. and high intellect and savagery