
Kantai Collection:The Greatest Fleet

When war broke in 2024 mankind finally met an enemy, ruthless and monstrous enough to end it. The Abyssals ravaged the oceans but their reason was not one of pillage and conquest, no, it was for blood and carnage. When they razed coastlines humanity knew they had to fight back and only then did the Ship Girls grace the earth. Where they have come from? What are they doing here? Why do they fight? These questions that resonate deep in the heart of all ship girls and the driving force for them to integrate into the fight against the Abyssals to finally bring peace again.

Akutan_Zero · Anime et bandes dessinées
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1 Chs

1. Our Enemy Is Forsaken By The Heaven And The Earth

Hast thou not felt ashamed of thy words and deeds?

Suddenly and without warning creatures appeared from the depths of the Ocean. Their mysterious and unworldly nature contributed to their violent disposition as they began attacking anything that sailed, regardless of it's nationality. Originally limited to just the central Pacific, the world's leaders vetoed any military action so as to preserve their false peace and hid the truth from the world's innocents.

Hast thou not gone against sincerity?

With warships and liners being lost to the monsters it was obvious to the world's population that something was in the Pacific, stealing lives of the serving and the innocent. Numerous battles and hundreds of lives had already been lost before humanity banded together on a tenuous alliance and declared war against those creatures. The stage was set for the greatest struggle the world had ever seen.

Hast thou not lacked vigour?

Possessing repulsive and beastly aquatic forms and in some cases, disturbingly human and female, the monsters had traits of warships past possessing both cannon and steam. All of the creatures, be they destroyers or super-dreadnoughts shared that colour, blacker than the moonless night and sleeker than polished obsidian. Resultantly these monsters who devoured everything and anything it came across received a name.

The Abyssals.

Hast thou exerted all possible efforts?

With the Abyssals having most of the Pacific in their possession, they moved on to more ambitions plans and began reducing major coastal cities to rubble. Thus, their true motive for existence come to light for humanity. The Abyssals were here to unilaterally and utterly annihilate mankind as a whole. A n ambitious goal in it's own right, but their thousands of warships meant they could easily overpower mankind's first line of defense. With the navies reeling from years of Abyssal warfare it seemed that humanity had indeed seen the last of their days.

Hast thou not become slothful?

As the Abyssals poised to deal the final death blow, they arrived on this Earth just as abruptly and just as unexpectedly as the monsters which plagued the ocean. Possessing the souls of enduring warships of the past, the girls and women were able to fight the Abyssals on equal and higher ground and most importantly defeat them. They fought for humanity, as it was humans who had built them, crewed them and died with them.

They are known as the Ship Girls.

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In 2026 very few people left in the world would look at the ocean and see it as they'd used to. It's allure stroke a chord within individuals that drove them to love it and it's sheer mass had still not been fully discovered. A treasure trove of secrets and history that encompassed 70% of our Blue Planet. The Abyssals are one of those secrets.

Haku Yamazaki could still see the ocean as such a beautiful and alluring place to be and loved it wholeheartedly even if the black creatures began their conquest from it roughly two years ago. The Japanese man stood at the window of his office, which face the expanse of water known as Tokyo Bay. Funny enough, the capital Tokyo was just a short drive from his base, yet Yokosuka was situated in a separate prefecture (county, province, state etc.) entirely.

Wondering why a young Japanese man is the CO of Yokosuka Naval Base, despite it being home to both the United States Pacific Command 7th Fleet and Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force's Escort Flotilla 1? Simple answer, everything went to hell all too quickly and vessels both large and small were tossed about and disorganized like toys.

The main enemy and mankind's natural predator of sorts had a small fleet at it's outset. When the first attacks began to hit hard and fast the Abyssals multiplied and began hitting even harder. Mankind slowly but surely mobilised together into a multinational armed intervention the world hadn't seen since, well since forever in fact.

With the vanguard of this intervention being the International Coalition Forces Armada a pivotal battle in early 2025 ensued and man's proud fleets were nearly decimated. Pyrrhic victory was what came out of the Battle for the Pacific and it managed to contain the Abyssals to just a single Ocean, which was a victory by default in the strategic sense.

That led us to this man, Haku, as he had intricate knowledge of the elusive Ship Girls who seemed to posses characteristics of their host nation. After some meaningless politics and bureaucracy, the significant heads of the JSDF gave the young man the shattered and barren Yokosuka plus a promotion to Rear Admiral believing in the potential of both him and the Ship Girls. The moves so bold the public eye briefly shifted completely from the Abyssals at their throats to this one man.

In the present day Haku held the rank of Admiral, the youngest application to this rank in history and his exploits spoke for themselves. As the world was in a state of war he was to wear military articles at all times and thus opted for his black pants and pressed white shirt, offset by the gold braiding on it's collars and shoulders as well as the multicolored ribbons attached to the right chest.

"I'm coming in.", said the voice from outside the door before it's source stepped inside.

Haku turned around and affixed his peaked navy cap atop his head and focused is attention on the Dreadnought Battleship Nagato. Accompanying her was the Light Cruiser Ōyodo as well, although she only greeted the Japanese man and added a nod before leaving the office itself.

Nagato and her sister ship Mutsu had been selected as the Fleet's Secretary Ship with their duties mainly being the organisation and upkeep of the Ship Girls as a whole whilst tasked with only modest paperwork. The battleships also served as capable fleet commanders and acted in such a role if Haku wasn't present. Their wealth of experience as a flagships clearly highlighted the effectiveness of their duties.

"Afternoon Nagato.", greeted Haku as he had to slightly incline his head to the Dreadnought's 6 foot scantily clad frame.

"Good afternoon, Admiral.", replied Nagato as she handed a folder to her CO who in turn leafed through it's contents.

"I'm guessing you've already read through this.", hinted Haku.

"Indeed I'm aware of it's contents due to being present when the information had been transmitted from Sasebo Naval Base Headquarters. Ōyodo had recorded it and I had read it thoroughly.", informed Nagato, who had most likely neatly filed it as well.

"Then that means you've already caught up. You're aware of what need's to be done?", asked the Japanese Admiral to which Nagato nodded.

"Your first fellow commander will be scheduled to arrive tomorrow aboard a JMSDF vessel. Congratulations, Admiral.", said Nagato with a rare smile.

"Indeed, it's been nearly two years since I've been appointed the overall commander of this fleet. Some extra officers to help will be tremendously thankful.", sighed Haku.

"This won't be the first person besides you to serve on this base, Admiral. Albeit the others aren't fleet commanders.", said Nagato, always as informative as her CO.

"Exactly, took us a good while to finally begin more Circle Programs.", ranted Haku. "Nagato, I'll need you to organize a flotilla for escorting my new Officer to Yokosuka safely. We'll never know what these Abyssals will do so it's best to be careful."

"Tread carefully on the mountain's path, lest you get bitten by the hidden snake.", mused Nagato before she saluted Haku and turned to exit the office. "Will do, Admiral."

"Thank you Nagato. I trust that you can.", said Haku.

Just those two words always reminded the battleship of how honourable Haku was. Despite the man's youth he had grown much older than his two years of command would indicate. Indeed, the Admiral had not only said those words for her task, but for the two years that she had remained loyal by his side, undaunted and dutiful.

Haku easily bonded with the Ship Girls as not only had they continuously mentored him to this day, he had also taught them the various valuable aspects of life and living. The bonds he shared with them was enough to even breed significant rivalry in Haku's not so secret lover on base. A particular Fast known simply as the Unbreakable Diamond.

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"Second Carrier Division, Sōryū, reporting.", said the green themed carrier as she sailed alongside her counterpart and the fleet which escorted them in the battlefields not too far from the Japanese coastlines. "Enemy fleet units located south south west of us at 50 kilometers and quickly closing the distance."

"Nature and type of fleet units?", came the ever-present calm voice of Ōyodo, hundreds of kilometres away in Yokosuka, with most likely either Nagato, Mutsu or Warspite by her side orchestrating each and every move the ship girls made in combat.

"A single Ru class battleship, four Ri class cruisers and a dozen destroyers. No aircraft carriers to be seen at present and they've definitely caught wind of us and are trying to intercept.", said Hiryū, her short hair fluttering wildly in the winds that have picked up and the 30 knot speed they've been hauling at away from the Abyssals.

"Littorio and Roma are patrolling to your southeast but won't make it in time. Otherwise your fleet doesn't have any battleships so avoid a surface action. Your orders are to inflict enough damage to cease their pursuit and return to Yokosuka at haste.", relayed Ōyodo after the few seconds someone had to formulate a battle plan for the Second Carrier Division.

"Accepted. We will execute with swift efficiency and see everyone soon.", replied Hiryū simply and ending her transmissions with the naval base.

"Then this is it then. The Ryukyu's are the location of that Princess. Why else would their be such a heavy surface unit patrolling this area.", said heavy cruiser Myōkō, the lead ship of her class. Her sentence came with vehemence usually unspoken due to her reserved behavior.

"And here I'd thought we could've had a good few hours of downtime from both the base and this war.", sighed Ashigara, the fourth and last of the Myōkō's, tightening the breeches that affixed her gun turrets and radar assemblies to her arms.

"It's not like you to be dissuaded from a battle, Ashigara.", said Haguro as she laughed softly, being the third in the class and thus older than the fiery Ashigara and yet more timid in nature.

"Regardless we have found the most likely main base of the Princess. Luck rests with us so I suggest we use it to it's fullest extent and dive into the battle.", said Nachi her bellicose nature sometimes straying far from fact. She was also the second of the class and oftentimes just as reserved as Myōkō, when not in battles that is.

"If you mean a battle utilising our planes from beyond visual range then sure. We've been ordered to stay at a distance. Besides they don't possess any air cover of any sort so they'll be easy to deal with.", said Sōryū confidently.

"That's why they're trying to close the distance so they can engage us with the Abyssal battleship. Our reconnaissance plane must've been spotted.", figured Hiryū as she turned to the rest of her escorts.

"Should we prepare for anti-surface action flagship?", requested Tatsuta, the light cruiser checking the sharp edge of her glaive. She was the second of the two members of the Tenryū class, known for their mêlée orientated combat and served mostly as the flagships of a destroyer divisions with Tatusta currently hauling along Tokitsukaze, Yukikaze, Amatsukaze and Shimakaze.

"No that won't be necessary since our range is our current advantage, but be prepared for anything nonetheless. Our surface and air radar suites aren't very effective so we'll be relying on you keep an eye out for everything since our planes will be occupied with those Abyssals.", said Hiryū. "Are you ready Sōryū?"

"Thought you'd never ask. There's a strong wind coming from the North, I suggest we turn into it.", chuckled the yellow themed carrier. "Who knows? Maybe we'll get Kai Ni after this."

The escorts widened the distance between one another and scanned both the horizon and the skies for anything suspicious whilst giving their flattops sufficient room to operate. The fleet as a whole also made an orchestrated hard turn to north, facing the wind which prompted the carriers to begin their launching sequence.

Sōryū readied her 6 foot bow, clutching it in her left hand and bringing her gloved right hand to the quiver of themed arrows strapped to her back, her flight deck being attached to her right arm didn't really prevent the limb's dexterity. Her choice of aircrafts were the white feathered arrows first, which she knocked into her drawn bow before releasing it into the sky.

It flew straight and true before lighting up with flames and flaring into a flight of six A6M2 Zero fighters, banking and circling the fleet. Hiryū too sent up her allotment of fighter escorts before the duo switched over to the green feathered arrows and launched them skyward. D3A2 Val as well as B5N2 Kate planes appeared from the magical arrows, with the former loaded with armor-piercing bombs and the latter with deadly underslung torpedoes.

The squadrons formed up alongside one another, Sōryū's planes being denoted by the yellow stripes on their tails, whilst Hiryū had the tails of her planes painted with white stripes. The roar of the warplanes resonated through the fleet as they rushed at full speed to their targets, the dreaded and hated Abyssals.

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Haku had received word from Mutsu of the Second Carrier Division's potential discovery in the Ryūkyūs and thus began sifting through the sheer piles of paperwork he had stored in the cupboard lining the left wall. Due to it's importance not many ship girls were allowed to access it's contents thus it was neatly organized, with the files being numbered and categorized via what said paperwork referred to.

"Earthquake, Olympic, Heaven Shaker, Sledgehammer....", said Haku, grinning at the discovery of the single file he clutched in his hand being the one the Japanese man had been looking for. "Operation Deluge."

The Admiral closed the cupboard and placed the retrieved file into a leather briefcase and gripped it in his left hand. Flinging his navy jacket over his back Haku exited his office and descended the stairs to the Ship Girl dormitories, which were on the third, second and first floors, with his office occupied the highest and fourth floor of the building. He quickly passed a Ship Girl, whom he barley had time to greet or converse with.

"I'll be back in a few hours, just inform Nagato that I'm at the Navy Headquarters!", said Haku, disappearing down another flight before even finishing half his sentence.

"Roger?", said the perplexed Aoba, the heavy cruiser who had been snooping around the dorms and had expected the Admiral to give a good wording for catching her in the act. Nonetheless Haku gave an instruction with Nagato's name in it so the importance of it was instantly skyrocketed and Aoba went about finding the dreadnought.

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The only air opposition the Abyssals possessed were catapult launched floatplane fighters, who were instantly torn to shreds by the hail of cannon and machine gun fire the escorting Zeroes produced. Flaming and exploding Abyssal planes fell to the sea before the enemy fleet as they quickly fired volley after volley of antiaircraft fire at the attacking Zeroes.

Said Japanese fighters simply and rapidly executed evasive maneuvers, using their extreme agility to bank and weave through the bursts of black flak and streams of red tracers fired at them. This distraction allowed the Vals to size up the enemy force and approach the Abyssal battleship at high altitude and roll over into their dives. One after another each rolling in succession, two dozen bombers total, dove onto the Ru, who was alerted at their presence and turned her guns skyward.

It was only seconds before the lead Val released it's armor-piercing bomb and pulled up above the Abyssal fleet. It fell fast and accurate, but the rapid maneuvers of the Ru only scored a miss. The rest of the Vals adjusted accordingly and in quick succession their bombs fell too with explosions and geysers erupting on and around the Ru, who promptly shrieked in pain.

The rest of the fleet intensified their fire and closed the proximity with their burning flagship, forcing the Vals to retreat and remain at a safe distance. However this brief lull was short-lived as the dive bombers run was over and their torpedo bomber counterparts rolled in. Approaching low over the water, the 40 Kates had to decrease their speeds to drop their assortment of fish. They didn't target single out the Ru like the Vals did, no they dropped their torpedoes at broader swathes to strike the majority of the Abyssal fleet.

With the fish running in and the Kates retreating at haste, most of the Abyssals took direct hits or struck each other attempting to dodge or even both. Explosions racked the fleet, with some Abyssal destroyers sinking as the torpedoes had smashed their hulls, and the cruisers so heavily damaged and on fire they'd die soon. The flagship too was expiring, as yellow flames now licked every part of her body, scorching her white as snow skin a charred black. Satisfied at their results the warplanes joined up with one another, and headed back to their home carriers.

"It is over.", said Hiryū void of emotion at the destruction of the enemy.

"Message to Yokosuka HQ, come in.", said Sōryū, her voice calm as she and her fellow carrier awaited the return of their fliers.

"Ōyodo here. What's the situation?", requested the light cruiser.

"We have dealt with the Abyssal patrol units and they won't be pursuing us any longer. Our fleet is currently retiring back to base.", stated Sōryū, virtually everything she said being translated to Morse code, which any ship girl could decipher in seconds.

"Great work, Second Carrier Division.", said the voice of Mutsu, the dreadnought most likely having joined Ōyodo in the mission room. "With your discovery being the plausible location of the Theater Abyssal Princess we'll execute a reconnaissance mission along the Ryūkyūs. But for now, just return home safely."

"Roger that.", was all Sōryū could offer before communications ceased and it was once again just her, Hiryū and the rest of the fleet making significant headway at top speed back to base.

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It was late afternoon by the time Haku had returned to Yokosuka, the radiating orange of the setting sun casting long shadows that bathed the ruined structures of the peninsula in darkness. Pulling into the large, bomb proof concrete hangar within the confines of the base's perimeter, yet just at the edge of it the Admiral gathered his things and exited his car.

The southeast section of Yokosuka Naval Base proper, which was closest to the sea, was where all the ship girls were concentrated, so there were a multitude of unused facilities and buildings on the way from the concrete hangar that served as the parking lot for all base vehicles, and the dorm buildings. One of which never escaped Haku's sight, not the hulking and squat warehouse could ever move, as it was the single most important structure on base.

Before the Japanese man knew it, he had made it to the dorms and resultantly was among the ship girls.

"Oh, Admiral! Good evening!", greeted heavy cruiser Tone, as she walked by with her only sister Chikuma the duo joyous in each other's company.

"Wonderful evening we're having.", said light carrier Shōhō as a means of greeting.

"When's the next mission, Admiral?", questioned the accompanying Zuihō, sister to Shōhō.

"Every day's a mission, Zuihō.", chuckled Haku.

"It's just like you to say something wise in order to dodge a question, Admiral.", said Shōhō, to which Zuihō only sighed.

"And it's also like me to preserve the safety of the ship girls under my command. Even if it means limiting your sorties.", said Haku, smiling. "Cheer up, the Abyssals have been quiet these days. Use this time to rest and relax."

"Or practice torpedo strikes and dogfights.", offered Zuihō, to which it was Shōhō's turn to sigh.

The carrier duo greeted Haku again before going on their way, which by his guess was either the Dining Hall or the more generic Carrier Range. The latter was common place as the Japanese carrier girls excelled at accurate air strikes, due to the countless of hours of practice and battle seasoned fairy pilots.

Nonetheless Haku had a destination in mind, which was his office as he needed to drop of his briefcase and change clothing for evening supper anyway. The Admiral hadn't had to worry about the base being in an uproar due to his absence, as the massage had been passed along to Nagato who was his acting vice commander of sorts.

"ADMIRAL!", yelled a certain individual.

In an instant Haku whipped his 5 foot 7 inch frame around as he registered the origin of the voice. With his mind calmed everything seemed to slow down for a brief few seconds allowing Haku to formulate a plan of action with the information his senses gathered.

There weren't any ship girls in the vicinity, which meant the individual had waited for this opportunity and would resultantly be more aggressive this time. However, this too meant Haku could be more rough in defending himself. He had to be quick because the Japanese woman was hurtling in at over 30 knots and what the hell didn't she care she might maim Haku at that speed.

With only 10 feet between the Admiral and the woman, the latter leapt skyward, arms open and eyes locked aiming straight at Haku. Said Admiral simply stepped aside, leading the woman to fall flat on her face on the concrete. Feeling guilty for the woman's apparent disgraceful action Haku helped her up, chuckling abit as she clutched her nose.

"Bad idea Kongō-san, you can't go in the air like that because it makes you slow enough for me to dodge.", he said.

"Well if I continued running I might've hurt you by crashing into a hug, Admiral.", said the fast battleship as she checked if any blood had trickled from her nose, to which there was none.

Patting down her clothes of any and all dust Kongō straightened her posture hands on her hips and chest out, a confident and broad smile on her face. "You may have escaped me this time, Admiral... BUT ONE DAY MY BURNING LOVE WILL REACH YOU!", she said, running off again at full speed.

"Okay...", was all the puzzled Admiral could say, considering how few words he ever had for the fast battleship and her sister's antics. Undeterred Haku resumed on his original goal of reaching his office, making it to the doors of the dormitory in seconds. He needed to hurry, dinner was in a few, and the fleet commander couldn't skip.

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"It's about time to go, Warspite. We can't miss dinnertime.", chuckled Ark Royal as she stood outside the room of said woman, waiting patiently for her.

The dreadnought only nodded before making a few seemingly shaky steps to presumably correct her balance. Sure of her posture, Warspite straightened her back, leveled her shoulders and raised her head high. At full stance she was only a few inches short of Nagato's 5 foot 10 inch frame, and although also being a dreadnought she was not as toned as the Japanese woman.

"Are you sure I do not have to retrieve your wheelchair?",  suggested Ark Royal, worrying the stability of Warspite's legs at walking so soon after being bound to sitting.

"That won't be necessary. I cannot always indulge in such luxuries for I am a dreadnought. A member of a class built to withstand trials and hardships.", stated Warspite with pride and indeed her legs stood firm below her.

"Indeed, I'm sure Lord Dreadnought would find it displeasing that one of her kin is a bone-idle battleship.", joked Ark Royal to which Warspite too laughed.

"Come now, we should make haste.", said the British woman as the two of them now stepped through the main hallway, bedrooms lining it's left and right.

"Dame Warspite!", came a yell from the end of the hallway, to the rear of the two Royal Navy women. "You can head on without me, I'll join the torpedo girls!"

The origin of the yell quickly darted away, her blonde hair flaying wildly with her movements as she presumably ran down the stairs. A few extra audible giggles indicated she wasn't alone, cementing her statement of joining the torpedo girls who were most likely those of the Japanese navy.

"That was Jervis just know, wasn't it?", asked Ark Royal, although her question was pretty rhetorical.

"It warms my heart knowing she has so easily integrated with the ship girls of a formerly enemy navy.", mused Warspite, knowing the same process for her has been difficult and required some time getting used to.

"We're British, Warspite. Grudges are irrelevant in our Royal Navy. Nay, the Queen's Navy.", boasted Ark Royal.

"Indeed, although it will take some time for me to adjust. My heart still tears when I remember Wales and Repulse.", said Warspite, quickly dispelling the solemnity those names made her feel. "I know it would be undesirable to them that I bear these reservations, and that is why I've decided to accepted those of the Japanese Navy, regardless of their past actions."

"Verdammit, diese Stukas werden mir kopfschmerzen bereiten.", groaned a woman, as she stumbled out of her room besides Warspite and Ark Royal. The tall and toned figure was clad in simple shorts and a tank top, her long blonde hair disheveled and her eyes just adjusting at who was before her.

"Good evening, Bismarck.", was all Ark Royal could offer as she looked up to the taller German woman who's eyes widened in response.

"Ark Royal!? Warspite!?", said Bismarck, stuttering the carrier's name and quickly stumbling back abit to increase her distance.

"Oh did we catch you at a bad time?", pondered Warspite blatantly unaware of the German woman's awkward handling of the situation due to Ark Royal's interference.

"Not at all, I just need to get changed!", said Bismarck quickly before disappearing back into her room and shutting the door. A loud knock was heard inside, promptly followed by the German battleship colourfully cursing in her native tongue.

"It seems she'll be a while, what you say we head on ahead?", offered Ark Royal.

"Indeed. I'm certain that Prinz Eugen will escort Bismarck in our steed.", said Warspite with utmost certainty.

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"We're finally back, poi!", exclaimed an ecstatic Yūdachi, as the fleet dismounted their rigging in the Launching Chamber and gathered atop at it's entrance.

Surrounding her were the Myōkō sisters as well as Sōryū and Hiryū, plus a gaggle of other destroyer ship girls. Among them were her newest and closest friends and comrades in this new life, who the Japanese girl had come to treasure just as much as her sister Shigure.

"So much to do, and it's already late night.", sighed Sōryū.

"Alright fleet, here's the plan. Everyone report to the Arsenal for any repairs and mandatory equipment checks. I'm sure everyone is starving so thereafter head to the Mess Hall. Sōryū, Myōkō and I will head straight to secretary ship Nagato and report our actions of the day. Dismissed.", said Hiryū, to which everyone simply replied with an enthusiastic yes or nod.

Despite seniority lying with her half sister, it was relativity common practice for two senior ship girls of a unit to issue orders on the basis that they'd both be in agreement and not conflict with one another. This is to allow greater tactical flexibility and easing the strain of command on the apparent flagship, something Sōryū must've been feeling after months of command.

"Let's go, Fubuki-chan, Yūdachi-chan, Yūgumo-chan.", ushered the softhearted Mutsuki as the four Torpedo Girls made a small jog from the Launching Chamber to the Arsenal.

"We're going to see Yūbari-senpai right? In that case I want to put in a request for a new model gun mount.", stated Yūgumo.

"You've already done so like a dozen times, poi.", chuckled Yūdachi. "Besides we're all Kai Ni now, and that's good enough."

"The Model D Kai 2 is the most updated gun mount for us destroyer girls anyway. And Kai Ni is the furthest modification a ship girl can have.", stated Fubuki, which sounded deliberately sarcastic as she brandished the advanced 10cm dual purpose gun only four other ship girls possesses. "If you want to go further and get even stronger, you'll need to participate in a crazy amount of battles."

"That's something the Admiral won't ever allow. Even in the most serious cases of emergency he's only allowed a maximum of ten sorties per ship girl per month. It's usually only half as much.", said Mutsuki. "Rest assured, you need to keep yourself safe as well, Yūgumo-chan, and recklessly diving into battles is the opposite of that."

"Mutsuki-chan is right, poi. You're not an American destroyer, Yūgumo-chan.", said Yūdachi to which the four ship girls laughed. They had by then made it to the doors of the Arsenal and entered inside the massive structure along with the Myōkō sisters whilst Soryū and Hiryū made their way up the stairs to the third floor of the dormitories intending to report their findings to their CO.

"Come in", was registered from inside the Admiral's office when Hiryū knocked, and this prompted the two ship girls to enter without haste.

Watching them enter were the two dreadnoughts, Nagato and Mutsu, along with aircraft carriers Akagi, Kaga, Shōkaku and Zuikaku, all seated on the coaches before the Admiral's table. Beside said furniture stood Ōyodo, who held a stack of papers to her chest and standing to her immediate right was none other than Haku, getting himself seated.

"Alright, let's begin. Tell me what you found."