
Kannoya Academy (remake) (Eng Ver)

In a country named Panja, there's a dangerous 15 years old girl who has such a huge magic that she couldn't control. A lot of people got injured or even died because of her magic. Unpurposely, she stabbed and slashed people arround her. Until one day she met a girl from an Academy that help her with her magic problems. She learned a lot of meaningful things from that girl. But the problem of her magic wasn't solved yet. Will she be able to control her magic forever, or will she be just the same like before and the theories and meaningful things she learned will be useless? Let's see! If I got so many grammatical mistakes, I'm so sorry since English wasn't my first language, and I hope by writting this book I'll be able to learn English more, thank you~

Mikhalexa123 · Fantaisie
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73 Chs


"So here's the result!

First match:

1. Kenichi Kitaro High School

2. Kannoya Academy High School

3. Alanis High School

4. Aldora Academy High School

5. Miyuki High School

Second match:

1. Alanis High School

2. Kenichi Kitaro High School

3. Aldora Academy High School

4. Kannoya Academy High School

5. Miyuki High School

Third match:

1. Kannoya Academy High School

2. Aldora Academy High School

3. Alanis High School

4. Kenichi Kitaro High School

5. Miyuki High School

Fourth match (last match):

1. Aldora Academy High School

2. Kannoya Academy High School

3. Miyuki High School

4. Alanis High School

5. Kenichi Kitaro High School

So we will count the point. 5 winner will have 1 point, 4 winner 2, 3 winner 3, 2 winner 4, and 1 winner 5."

"So the winner are:

1. Kannoya Academy High School with 15 points!

2. Aldora Academy High School with 14 points!

3. Alanis High School with 13 points!

4. Kenichi Kitaro High School with 12 points!

5. Miyuki High School with 6 points!

Everyone did a spectacular matches! I can't wait for next year!" The MC said.

"Wait? We won?" Kurosa asked.

"WE WON?" Denzel asked.

"Impossible....." Alvina said.

"I thought we lost...." Ermin said.

"Then it was a miracle lol." Asuka said.

"Then let's go home and eat!" Kurosa cheered.

"*sigh.... always foods." Asuka said.

The audience got shocked for the result, but then they cheered.

Yukina smiled.







"Told you." The cyan haired woman said.

"Aaaaarghhh..." the red haired girl complained.

"By the way, who do you bet?" The cyan haired woman asked.

"..... Alanis High School..... or Kenichi Kitaro High School...." the red haired girl said.

"But they did well too." The cyan haired woman said.

"Yah.... still lost tho." The red haired girl said.








"Finally ends.... finally ends...." Yuka said while exiting from the arena. But suddenly Yukina passed by. Yuka ran away from Yukina as soon as Yuka found out that was Yukina. Because Yuka was moving backward, accidentally she bumped on someone.

"Uh! Eh? S-Sorry!" Yuka said while turning arround to see who was she bumped into.

"H? H? N? No.... no problem." Robinson said with a red face.

Yukina stared at Yuka and Robinson. When Yuka found out that Yukina was staring at Yuka and Robinson, immediately Yuka hide behind Robinson.

"H? H? Eh?" Robinson asked.

"....." Yukina didn't say anything and keep walking away. But in her mind,

"..... cute couple."



Vise walked at the crowded, but no one know he was there and even if he bumped on someone, no one realized except for the one who got bumped, but they decided to ignore it.

"Owy!" Vise yelled. No one heard it, no one know that he yelled. But from 3 meters distance, Owy faced back.

"She realized me!" Vise thought in happiness.

"What's wrong?" Owy asked.

"You.... really realized me!" Vise said while running toward Owy.

"Hm? What do you mean?" Owy asked.

Then Vise hugged Owy tightly. Owy was in an awkward situation.

"Hoo!" Junior (her owl) said.

"Um.... I want to push him off but that's kinda rude." Owy thought.

Finally Vise released Owy and said,

"Um... sorry for making you confused but I'm so happy."

"Hm, that's fine." Owy answered with a cool smile.



"DENZEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLL~" Jewelia cheered from afar while running toward Denzel.

"HOLLLLLYYYYYY SYIIIIIIIIT!" Denzel screamed. Then Denzel ran away from Jewelia. Jewelia chased Denzel.

"Chk chk chk..... why don't he gave a hug back..." Leon complained from afar.

"You're weird, Leon." Odelia complained beside him.

Odelia walk away with Albern. Leon followed from behind.

"FOOOOOOOOOOOD!" Kurosa cheered when she found a little stand that sold some food.

"FOOOOOOOOOOOD!" Cose cheered when she found the same stand.

They both came and ate so many foods until the stand's stocks were empty.

"*sigh..... Cose, you better have your diet...." Stormy said.



"... I think they just found their otherselfs...." Stormy thought.



"Still forgot?" Osamu asked.

"..... no idea...." Ardolph answered.

"Maybe you'll remember if you're facing a dangerous situations." Osamu said.

"Aaaaah... noooo...." Ardolph cried.

"Or maybe we could ask that weaponly elemental boy from Miyuki High School." Osamu said.

".... maybe." Osamu answered.



"Hey.... you're Brenton, right?" Asuka asked while approaching Brenton.

"Um, yeah. What's up?" Brenton asked.

"I want to ask something but..... maybe some cup of tea won't hurt." Asuka said.

"Sure." Brenton answered.



"Nyaaaaaan..." Nyan complained.

"What's wrong, Nyan?" Katsumi asked.

"I'm tired, Nyaaaaaaaaannnn....." Nyan complained.

"Let's take a break at the nearest cafe and ordered some fish and chips?" Katsumi asked.

"Nyan! I can't wait! Nyuhuhuuuu!" Nyan cheered.

"Then let's go." Katsumi said.




"Hey, you're Anne right?" Gertrude said while approaching Anne.

"Um, yeah?" Anne answered.

"Are you Robinson's twin? Since I think you guys look a like?" Gertrude asked.

"No?" Anne answered.

"Oh.... I see.... my bad." Gertrude said.

"I think we don't look a like.... my hair are blonde, but the blonde is a little bit fair than Robinson's. We do have the same haircut but I have the different bangs. As you see I have curtain bang and he have triple bang." Anne answered.

"I see.... thank you for correcting my mistake." Gertrude said.

"And actually.... why did you ask for Robinson's twins? I might don't know but you could've know if Robinson have a twins and that's why you asked." Anne asked.

"Well, actually...." Gertrude said.

"..... no, I think you're just look a like." Gertrude said.

"I see...." Anne said.

"Nice to meet you, Gertrude. I think you're not like it's seem. I know this might be weird but, mind to go shopping for a while with me?" Anne said suddenly.

".... sure, why not?" Gertrude answered. Suddenly Gertrude coughed a bit.

"W-What's wrong?" Anne asked.

"... no, I'm fine. Let's go." Gertrude said.

Then they both go shopping.



"Asuka, how dare you ask someone for tea without me ₍ఠ ͜ఠ₎" Alicia thought from afar.

"Hey, Alicia....." Aira said.

"Oh, Aira?" Alicia asked.

"Yeah, that's right." Aira said.

"Oh, okay, and.... what do you want?" Alicia asked.

"Maybe..... m..... cup of tea?" Aira asked.

"Okay! Good idea! We will go to the same tea shop as Asuka's and Bread or whatever his name is!" Alicia said in fiery.

"Um.... okay." Aira said.



"Um...." Rheinalth mumbled.

"What's wrong, Rheinalth?" Ermin asked.

"..... tea?" Rheinalth asked in nervous. Ermin smiled,

"I love tea! Let's go!"



"Hey, Alvina!" Alfred said while approaching toward Alvina.

"Haaah? What?" Alvina asked wildly.

"Tea?" Alfred asked.

"Haaaaaah? What are you planning? Are you trying to poison me or something?" Alvina asked.


"Oh, I see..." Alvina said. Then she saw a dog with a collar that written as 'tea'.

"Here! Tea!" Alvina said while grabbing the dog and give it to Alfred. "Woof woof" the dog bark cutely.

"NOT THAT TEA!" Alfred complained.

"THEN WHAT DO YOU WANT?" Alvina yelled at Alfred.

Then they argued for a while and finally they went to a ramen resto and having a competition of eating spicy ramen as much as they could, the loser have to pay the bills.



"Aerum, Lucianna, Nera, let's go shopping!" Alexa said.

"Good idea!" Lucianna said calmly.

"I need more white clothes!" Aerum said.

"Aerum.... your clothes are all white...." Nera complained. Then they went to shopping.



Then Yukina arrived at the dorm and... no one was there.


"I am so lonely~ there are no body~"

Yukina sat on the confy couch while staring at the sky from the windows.




Suddenly Yukina stood up because she was shocked. Yukina touched her eyes.


"Don't worry.... after I'm able to control my power, I'll go home." Yukina said in her mind.

Hey, thank you again for reading this long (๑^ں^๑) since in this book there's a romance genre (which is at the before remake book there was some spice of romance) and I think in this book has lacked romance and since I couldn't erase the genre (idk why I couldn't) then I'll try to add some romance. I'm planning it on Jewelia and Denzel, Owy and Vise, and Robinson and Yuka (and of course for the others too). I hope it went well, but if it don't then sorry for disappoint you guys (╯•﹏•╰)

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