
Kannoya Academy (remake) (Eng Ver)

In a country named Panja, there's a dangerous 15 years old girl who has such a huge magic that she couldn't control. A lot of people got injured or even died because of her magic. Unpurposely, she stabbed and slashed people arround her. Until one day she met a girl from an Academy that help her with her magic problems. She learned a lot of meaningful things from that girl. But the problem of her magic wasn't solved yet. Will she be able to control her magic forever, or will she be just the same like before and the theories and meaningful things she learned will be useless? Let's see! If I got so many grammatical mistakes, I'm so sorry since English wasn't my first language, and I hope by writting this book I'll be able to learn English more, thank you~

Mikhalexa123 · Fantaisie
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73 Chs

Heroes and the boss

The rain got harder. The streets were wet and some water puddle appeared. That cyan haired woman finally met someone.

"Hm, who are you?" The woman asked.

"We should asked you the same." Dawn Fighter said while walking closer toward that woman. The woman smiled,

"Want to know me more?"

Dusk Knight started to prepare her magic. Dusk Knight pulled a handle sword without any blade in it. Dawn Fighter started to jump and jump from left to right.

"Beautiful sisters...." the woman said. The woman gathered her hands and an ice figure appeared from her hand and striked toward Dusk Knight and Dawn Fighter.

Dusk Knight spinned on the ground and swung her handle of sword that didn't have any blade in it. From the handle of the sword, a dark magic appeared and started to swing like Dusk Knight's movements. The dark magic covered that woman's eyes. The woman eyes started to glow in green. Dawn Fighter already been in front of that woman and managed to give a kick on that woman's face. The woman's face started to burn, but later on the woman's face turned into normal. Dusk Knight swung her sword handle toward the woman's body. The woman dodged, but then her body was still slashed.

"It seems soft, but actually sharper than any sword I've feel." The woman said in her thought while staring at Dusk Knight. That woman jumped backward. But Dawn Fighter was really fast and strong that she could chased the woman. Dawn Fighter managed to give that woman a few punches on her arms that crossed in front of that woman's body.

Dusk Knight swung her sword and suddenly pushed her right arm that was holding the sword handle toward that woman. Immediately Dawn Fighter jumped back. The dark magic got pulled in to the sword handle and then striked strongly and fastly toward that woman. Immediately that woman tried to cover her body with her hands from Dusk Knight's attack. When the woman covered her body with her hands, a light shield appeared. It managed to block Dusk Knight's attack, but the shield cracked hardly.

"Their power is above average I guess, even if their power seems like average or under...." the woman thought.

"Wait, what rank they're?" The woman asked in her mind.

"Dawn!" Dusk Knight said coldly. Dawn Fighter jumped toward that woman.


"So far...." the woman thought while seeing Dawn Fighter arrived at her with just one jump. Dawn Fighter's fists started to burst in great fire. That woman started to sweat.


That woman suddenly glowed in light blue. The woman's surroundings started to frozen slowly.

"It should be frozen immediately..... that heat was majestic...." the woman thought.

Dawn Fighter jumped highly to the sky. The moment she jumped to the sky, that woman's surroundings started to freeze immediately.


"I need more power for her alone." The woman thought while staring at Dawn Fighter in the air, striking toward the woman. The woman striked toward Dusk Knight.

That woman was right in front of her, throwing a super fast and strong punch toward Dusk Knight's head. But Dusk Knight moved her head faster than that woman like it was nothing. Dusk Knight swung her sword handle in front of that woman from above right to below left. Immediately that women dodged toward left.

"Her weakness is she was easy to read." The woman thought.

But suddenly the dark magic slashed her from above left to below right. The dark magic slashed that woman's right shoulder and covered her with the magic softly in the dull parts.

"Let's goooo!" Dawn Fighter cheered from the air, jumped toward that woman. On her hands,Dawn Fighter brought a great fire that burst really strong. The fire has yellow whitish colour. Dawn Fighter managed to punch that woman with her right fist. Dawn Fighter landed safely beside Dusk Knight.

"Yay, sister, we did it!" Dawn Fighter cheered.


"Not sure." Dusk Knight answered.

"What? How? She's sleeping for sure in there!" Dawn Fighter asked while walking on a spot in excitement. Dusk Knight hold her sword handle and stared at the woman.

"It will be crazy if she was this weak, trying to fight heroes and kill them. She must be hide her power for something." Dusk Knight answered while holding her sword handle next to her face, staring at the edge of the handle.

When Dusk Knight stared back at the woman, the woman was gone.


"I've knew it..." Dusk Knight answered. Dusk Knight closed her eyes.

From their back, that woman jumped with a great amount of ice magic and light magic.

Then Dusk Knight opened her eyes and immediately faced backward, where that woman was appeared. Dusk Knight touched Dawn Fighter's shoulder and immediately Dawn Fighter faced backward too like Dusk Knight.

"Don't worry, these time I've been powering my magic!" That woman yelled.

Dusk Knight and Dawn Fighter didn't yielded at all. Dusk Knight and Dawn Fighter ran toward that woman.

"Hm? Didn't dodged?" That woman doubt in her mind.

That woman threw the magics at them. The ice magic striked toward Dawn Fighter and the light magic striked toward Dusk Knight. Dawn Fighter's surroundings were frozen and some sharp mountains and ice thorns appeared toward Dawn Fighter. Dusk Knight's surroundings were full of light glowed through their eyes.

"There's nothing harder than fighting some weaknesses." The woman thought while landing on the ground safely.

But then Dawn Fighter ran toward that woman, passes through everything from the light magic stronger. And Dusk Knight ran toward that woman by passing through the ice magic and ice thorns. Those two ran toward that woman in the same time.


Dusk Knight swung her sword handle toward that woman and Dawn Fighter ran beside it with a great fire.

"Hm.... not bad. I'll got defeated right here." That woman said while swung her hair away from her shoulder. Then that woman suddenly dissapeared. Dawn Fighter and Dusk Knight stopped. Dawn Fighter seems pissed off,

"Uuuuuuuuuuh! Why did she escaped?!" Dawn Fighter cried. Dusk Knight touched Dawn Fighter's shoulders and said,

"Then that means that she'll be handled by someone else."

"But sis..... we couldn't just let her go." Dawn Fighter complained.

"..... I think she used teleportation magic. We don't know where did she teleported." Dusk Knight answered.

"Instead of crying, let's practices and work harder so that next time she couldn't ran away like this." Dusk Knight continued.

"O-Okay....." Dawn Fighter answered. No longer, Butterfly came and asked,

"Did you guys fought someone? I heard some destruction, but you seems all fine."

"Yes, we fought a woman with cyan hair." Dusk Knight answered to the point.

"Her magic was weird. She seems like she could casted any magic, not sure how tho." Dawn Fighter continued.

"But you guys seems okay. Did you win?" Butterfly asked. Dawn Fighter shook her head and said,

"No, she ran away in a blink. It pissed me off!" Dawn Fighter said while stepping on the ground with her left foot.

"Ara ara, Dawn really hate surrenders, yeah?" Butterfly asked.

"She is." Dusk Knight answered.

"Well then let's clean the mess. Find the peoples first. I'm sure there are so many dead bodies." Butterfly said while flying to the sky to observe.

"Okay." Dusk Knight answered coldly.

"Ohkaaay!" Dawn Fighter answered in excitement.

Then they both went to find the peoples.

Hello guys, thank you for reading this story, I hope you enjoyed it ♡⃛ヾ(๑❛ ▿ ◠๑ ) sorry for the short fight this time, I'm sure you like amazing fights right? Well, this is all I could do, not too amazing tho (∩︵∩) and I'm sure you don't like toooooo long arc so I'll try to finish this arc in 3 chapters (oh my, pray for me ∑(゚ロ゚〃)) okay, thank you for reading this author paragraph, have a great day! ♡⃛ヾ(๑❛ ▿ ◠๑ )

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