
Chapter 4

In the morning of August 5th, Jana is drinking coffee, while sitting in the living room.

Jana is wearing a green shirt and blue pants.

"I can't believe I barely got any sleep", said Jana.

The girls' door opens and reveals Meria wearing a pink shirt and white shorts as pjs.

"Hey mom, you are up early", said Meria.

"Yeah", said Jana.

Meria goes into the bathroom and closes the door.

Jana's phone rings.

Jana answers her phone and says "Hello, hey Cherryster, yeah it's true, she's fine but in a sleep state. Of course, we are going close to the afternoon, yeah I will call you when we will leave, no we don't have to hang up yet".

Jana and Cherryster continue talking.

Meria went back into her room, she looked at Kanisha's bed, and started crying a bit.

Meria tries to distract herself by watching YouTube videos on her tablet.

Meria's YouTube video is about Kanisha talking about why she hates Artemis Fowl, the movie made by Disney.

Den is still sleeping.

Jerry is actually looking at Kanisha's stories online.

The story he is reading is about a mutant that causes bad luck and finds it kind of interesting.

In the dreamland, Den is climbing up rocks and almost falls.

A hand helps Den up the mountain.

Once Den gets up the mountain and sees Wolfie.

"Wolfie, why are you in my dream aren't you Kanisha's imaginary friends?" Den asks Wolfie.

"Oh, I'm not the real Wolfie, I'm a clone, so what are we going to do now?" Wolfie answers Den's questions.

Den points to a cave.

Wolfie turns around and sees a bear holding a trophy.

"Do you need to get that?" Wolfie asks Den.

"Yup, but you must be careful if you touch it the bear will wake up", said Den.

Wolfie turns into a dragon and roars.

The bear wakes up, sees Wolfie, and runs away.

Wolfie has a dragon and chases the bear away.

Den grabs the trophy.

Wolfie leaves the dragon, grabs Den, and flies off.

Wolfie and Den land in the field.

"It worked, you are awesome", said Den.

"Thank you", said Wolfie.

Den and Wolfie high fives.

"So, what happens now?" Wolfie asks Den.

"Got time, I have a perfect idea", said Den.

"Okay", said Wolfie.

Wolfie and Den head to the woods.

Back at the hospital, Kanisha is still unconscious and her imaginary friends.

Max rubs Kanisha's head and says "You think we can enter her dream world".

"Let's check", said Sciencia.

"Everybody touch her head and say 'To the dreamworld' okay", said Kisa.

Everybody chants 'to the dreamworld' three times.

All of their eyes glow and then a bright light appears.

"Does that bright light normally appear?" Alex asked.

"I don't think so", said Wolfie.

All of them scream and disappear.

They reappear falling from the sky and still screaming.

"Wait, we are our imaginary friends", said Lukas, creates a ice trail and slides down.

Aki opens her umbrella and flies down.

Wolfie turns into a griffin and grabs Clay and Lily.

Kennedy reveals her wings.

Max gets out her wings.

Daisy is caught by Dandy who is on a flying motorcycle.

in a forest.

"Where are we?" Lukas asks everybody.

Wolfie sniffs the air and says "It's a forest, but it smells odd".

"What do you mean by odd?" Dandy asks Wolfie.

Daisy feels the tree, and says "He is right, the trees barely have any feelings".

"Is this Kanisha's dark place?" Betty asks everybody.

"No", everybody else toldBetty.

"Her dark place looks like a graveyard and a battlefield combined and there's no people or weapons", said Dumbra.

"Yup, that sounds like Kanisha", said Betty.

"Okay, then where exactly are we?" Lily wondered.

At that moment, mist comes out from the forest, and they hear mysterious voices.

"You all are hearing that, right?" Lily asks everybody else.

Everybody else nodded.

Wolfie sniffs the air.

"Wolfie and I don't sense anybody in this forest", Aki revealed.

Clay shows a whiteboard with the words 'Okay, this is freaking me out', while looking scared.

"Maybe we should leave", said Lukas.

"I agree", said Alyma.

Alex gets out her wand and waves it, but nothing happens.

"What happened?" Dumbra asks Alex.

"Ze zam ni", said Kisa.

"She's right, this place was made by Kanisha's imagination so of course we can't just zap out of here", said Sciencia.

"So, we must travel through this forest and find the exit", said Dumbra.

"Are sure that's wise?" Cherry asks Dumbra.

"Well, we can't stay here", said Dandy.

The mysterious voice starts chanting the friends' names.

"Oh, hell no, are they saying our names?" asked Kisa, looking scared.

"Yup, and seriously girl, we aren't supposed to be cursing", said Kennedy.

"Right, I'm sorry", Kisa apologizes.

"Now, let's get the H out of here", said Alyma.

Most of the friends get on Wolfie's back except Max and Kennedy who are flying.

The voices are getting loud.

"Okay, please tell me you see an exit near her Aki", Betty begged.

Aki uses her robotic eyes to scan the area and sees a red door behind a tree that is stuck to another tree looking like an X.

"I do see a door behind the trees that look like an X", said Aki.

"Perfect, heading for there now", said Wolfie, then runs faster.

They make it to the tree, but the door isn't there.

"Aki, where did the door go?" Wolfie asks Aki.

"My scanner tells me, it's…behind us?" Aki looked through her scanner.

Wolfie turns around, and sees the door for a second.

The door disappears.

Wolfie appears where the door disappears.

The door is on top of a tree.

Wolfie uses his tail and keeps the door in one place.

Alex zaps the door and the door opens.

After the door opens, all of the friends get stacked out of the dreamworld and lands on the floor in the hospital.

The friends are in the room with Kanisha who is still unconscious.

"Next time, we are going to scan Kanisha's brain", said Sciencia, with her eyes spinning. "Everybody agrees?"

"Aye!" Exclaimed everybody else.

The door opens.