
Kaniki in mha

Kyle_Herrington · Anime et bandes dessinées
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5 Chs

Hero Training Class

After the introduction to all might he explains that this is hero training and says that its going to be hero vs villain and then he chose the teams you all ready know how this happens so i will just put kanikis match the teams were drawn and his team was kaneki and todoroki vs mina and eijiro kaniki ask whats the strategy and todoroki said i will freeze the floor and if that doesn't work we will go in and disabled them kaniki said ok the match started and they won instantly because of his ice but then kaniki get a sudden lust for human flesh tho he manages to suppress it he will eat at home.

After class everyone went home but todoroki asked kaniki if he wanted to hang out and he said yes they went to the arcade and started talking about their live toroki explains his situation with his dad and kaniki talks about how his parents died and how he got over by having a friend they became good friends and todoroki asked if he wanted to hang out tomorrow to witch kaniki said sure they both went home. when kaniki got home he ran to the freige and emiddly got the substitute for human flesh and eat it.

The next day they are told they are going to U.S.J to train on how to protect against natural disaters. they get on the bus and start talking kaniki and todoroki started talking about quirks kaniki explains his and everyone is like cool but why cant you eat or drink normal food kaniki says he has to eat a human flest substitute or he will starve to death everyone says ok and they arrive at usj they get out and 13 explains that all might will join later and explains quirks can be deadly but can also save people but as she explains a dark mist appears and villains start running out of it asiwa starts ingoing and so dos kaneki and todoroki kaneki kills 20 villains before a guy covered in hands appears and thinks to himself we should recruit the kid that killed them but tells the villains to start killing them then the mist teleports they somewhere.