


Kanae_Senju · Fantaisie
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: Beginning of New Life

The story begins with a beautiful young girl heading to the Paradise Empire

There was great sadness on her face, and she was lost in thought, thinking about what she would do with her life, and she did not know anyone in the Empire of Paradise. She woke up from her distraction when the flight attendant spoke to her, saying to her:

Flight attendant : Miss....Miss!

The girl: Wh...what!

Flight attendant: I'm sorry for scaring you, miss, but I wanted to know if you needed anything.

Girl: No, thank you *she gave her a nice smile*

Flight attendant: Sorry, miss. I apologize for intruding, but are you okay? You look abnormal.

Girl: Don't worry, nothing important. It's my first time outside my country. So I'm a little nervous *she said with a cute smile*

Flight attendant: Well then, I wish you a happy trip, miss *she said with a smile*

Girl: Thank you very much *smiled*

●After 4 hours, the plane arrived in Paradise, specifically in Sakura Village, and the girl took her bags and left the airport, walking around looking for the house that she had bought two weeks before that day.

●She was lost and did not know the way

Meanwhile, she bumped into someone:

Man: I'm so sorry, miss, are you okay? (Speaking Japanese)

The girl: *Nervously, she responds in English; Because she didn't speak Japanese well* Y-Y-Yes, I'm fine, sorry about that

Man: Excuse me, miss. May I ask you a question? *asked in English*

Girl: Of course you do *smiled at him*

Man: You look nervous, are you lost? You look new to Sakura

Girl: That's right. Today I moved to the Paradise Empire, specifically to Sakura. I had previously bought a house, but I lost my way.

Man: Let me help, miss

The girl: Thank you very much, sir. *She took out a piece of paper from her bag with her home address written on it and gave it to the man*

Man: Don't worry, the house is near here. Let me carry your bags

Girl: Thank you, sir

Man: My name is Youka, by the way. What's your name?

Girl: My name is Kanae

Youka: It's a beautiful name

Kanae: Th-Thank you, Youka-san

Yuuka: Why are you afraid, is someone bothering you?

Kanae: No, it's my first day outside my country, and I don't speak Japanese well, and I don't know anyone here

Youka: Don't worry, you'll adjust quickly. The people of Paradise are nice and wonderful

Kanae: Thank you, Youka-san

Yuuka: You can just call me Youka, can we be friends? *He smiled sweetly and extended his hand to shake hers*

Kanae: *She teared up from happiness because she hadn't had friends for years, then extended her hand to shake his hand* I'm honored, Youka

Youka: *He smiled gently and said* Well, this is home, you must be exhausted from traveling, I will go now to let you relax, *He gave her a piece of paper*

Kanae: What is this?

Youka: It's my phone number, call me if you need anything *smiles gently*

Kanae: I will, thank you, my friend

Youka: You're welcome. Have a good day *waves at her meaningly, bye*

Kanae: Have a good day to you too *waved at him meaningly bye*

●She entered her house and she was very happy and arranged her things, then she sat thinking about Youka and she was very happy that God replaced her with a friend after she had lost her bad friends before. Then she remembered that he had given her his number, so she took out her phone and messaged him via the WhatsApp application.

⚜️ Via WhatsApp ⚜️

☆At 8:15 pm the same day

Kanae: Hi Youka, it's me, Kanae

Youka: Hello Kanae, what's up?

Kanai: I'm doing well, my friend. What about you? What's up?

Youka: I'm fine as long as you're fine too. May I ask you a question?

Kanae: Yes, of course

Youka: Why did you come to Paradise? Do you want to join the Ninja Academy?

Kanae: I have many reasons, but yes I want to join the Ninja Academy.

Yuuka: That's great, how old are you?

Kanae: I will turn eighteen two months from today, what about you?

Yuuka: I actually turned eighteen about a month ago

Kanae: Great, can I ask you a question?

Youka: Of course.  Ask whatever you want, my friend

Kanae: Can I join Sakura Academy if I already graduated from another academy in my country?

Yuuka: Of course you can. Do you want to get a graduate degree or something?

Kanae: Yes, I want to study the ninja arts here in Sakura and get a higher rank. I heard it's the best academy in the world, plus I want to go to university as well.

Youka: That's great. I'll join next year to get a higher rank as well. How about we join and study together?

Kanai: Great idea, this makes you happy, my friend

Yuuka: But I'm curious about what major you want to study at university. What is it?

Kanai: I would like to study astrophysics and quantum mechanics, what about you?

Youka: That's great. Then you will join the Faculty of Science. I will attend the same university, but I will study dentistry

Kanae: Really cool, you must have a very high grade

Youka: Yes, but what does a high GPA have to do with studying dentistry?

Kanae: Isn't it required that you get a very high grade to study medicine?

Youka: Where did you get this information? *puts a surprised face emoticon*

Kanae: This is how things work in my country. You have to get a high grade to get into a college to study engineering, medicine, and the like.

Youka: No. Things here in the Paradise Empire are completely different

Kanae: How?! *She asked, happy that Youka gave her hope to achieve her old dream*

Youka: In high school, you have to get an average of 70 percent, for example, to enter university, and then you take an aptitude test for the specialty you want, but the average varies every year.

Kanae: Great, because I got a low grade

Youka: Sorry to hear that, I hope you get lucky, but what is the average?

Kanai: Sixty-three percent

Youka: Oh my God, this is terrible

Kanae: Yes, but I'm glad I did my best. I don't care much about what happened

Youka: Never mind. Everything will be fine. Do you want to practice with me tomorrow and go to the library?

Kanae: Of course, let's meet at seven in front of Oishi Restaurant in front of my house

Youka: Okay then, see you tomorrow, bye

Kanae: Goodbye

● Kanae fell asleep after eating dinner, excited for her first training with her friend Youka

{end of chapter}