

Felix, a simple nurse from Earth was stuck in a landslide with his fellow passengers. During the event, he saved a child's life in exchange for his life. Drained of his blood, he fell into an eternal slumber, when suddenly he met a goddess. This goddess, impressed by his sacrifice, became his sponsor so that he can travel to another dimension and live freely. One day, he was reincarnated as a prince from Imperial Germany.... ----------------------------------- Hi! I am a newbie author so please forgive me for any mistakes hehe, also, no harem!!!!!!!!! Please checkout my original novel (Whale Fall) I promise you, it will definitely entertain you. I am also posting this on Sribblehub! 'Ey matey, wanna give me some coffeey? https://ko-fi.com/jimzzs

Income_Tax · Anime et bandes dessinées
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33 Chs


Hey Guys! 

I am sorry but I will be postponing my chapter for today....

Today is a very special day for our family. You see.... It is my mother's graduation! yehey!

This is a big celebration for us because in her advance age (60s) she still managed to study Law. Yes. LAW. 

She braved the rigorous program, despite her advanced age, in order to attain her dream, to be a lawyer. And I would skip my job and everything just to attend her graduation and clap like a mad man when it's her time to go to stage. 

So, I am sorry for I will not be posting today... But fret not! I will try to write 2-3 chapters by tomorrow or by early Monday. 

So.. yeah... Tanya lover out.

Also, gimme galstones hehehe