
Kaminari no Kaizoku - One Piece

In the harsh and unforgiving society of Birka, a child named Cain is born without wings, a rare and stigmatizing condition that immediately marks him as an outcast. His mother, Sora, dies shortly after giving birth, leaving Cain to face the cruel world alone. Despite his lack of wings, Cain grows up with a fierce determination to prove his worth and survive in a society that despises him.

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17 Chs

The Tempest

Gear and Isara surveyed Cain's work with a mix of awe and grim acceptance. The deck was littered with the bodies of defeated pirates, the aftermath of Cain's lightning infused onslaught evident in the charred and bloodied remains. The scent of singed flesh and the coppery tang of blood filled the air, a stark reminder of the violence that had just transpired.

Gear adjusted his goggles, a frown deepening as he surveyed the scene. "I was planning on testing this new dial out," he muttered, kicking a piece of debris in frustration.

Cain, wiping his blood streaked sword on a fallen pirate's coat, glanced over at Gear with a raised eyebrow. "There'll be plenty of chances for that," he replied curtly, his voice still edged with adrenaline.

Turning his attention to the remaining pirates huddled in fear, Cain's voice rang out with cold authority. "You lot, throw the bodies on the deck into the sea. Clean up this blood. Now."

The surviving pirates, too terrified to disobey, sprang into action. They moved with frantic urgency, heaving the bodies of their fallen comrades overboard and scrubbing the deck clean of bloodstains. The sound of splashing water mingled with the creaking of the ship as they worked, their faces etched with fear and desperation.

Isara watched them with a steely gaze, her earlier shock replaced by a hardened resolve. She stood beside Gear, her daggers still clutched tightly in her hands, ready for any sudden betrayal from the pirates. The scent of blood and salt filled the air, reminding her of the harsh reality they faced. Her knuckles were white from the tight grip, a silent testament to her determination to survive in this brutal world.

Once the deck was cleared and the blood washed away, Cain gave a nod of satisfaction. "Now, get into the rowboat," he ordered the remaining pirates.

The pirates, their spirits broken, complied without protest. One by one, they climbed into the rowboat, their eyes downcast and their movements slow. When the last pirate had boarded, Gear crossed his arms, still grumbling. "Make sure they're well away from the ship."

Cain cast a glance at the pirates huddled in the rowboat, then looked back at Gear with a nod. "They won't be coming back," he assured.

With a final push, the rowboat was cast adrift, and the pirates inside left to the mercy of the sea. As the small boat drifted away, Cain turned to his companions.

"Let's go take a look at our new ship," Cain said eagerly, his smile broadening as he led Gear and Isara toward the vessel.

The ship, a sleek and agile Brig, was a formidable sight even in its current state. Painted entirely in a deep, matte black by the former crew, it exuded an air of intimidation and stealth, blending into the night like a phantom. The Ship was designed for unparalleled speed, exceptional maneuverability, and efficient operation qualities that would serve them well in the treacherous waters of both combat and long voyages.

The main deck was an expanse of meticulously crafted planks, polished to a smooth finish, yet sturdy enough to withstand the harshest of battles. It featured an open foredeck, providing an unobstructed view of the horizon and easy access for the crew to perform their duties. Along each side of the ship were broadside cannons, four in total, their iron barrels gleaming ominously. These cannons would be crucial for engaging enemy vessels and defending the ship during combat, promising devastating firepower.

Centrally located on the main deck were well-worn stairs leading down to the lower deck. These stairs provided convenient access to the lower deck, facilitating smooth movement throughout the ship. Cain gestured toward them, his excitement evident in his animated movements. "This layout is going to be perfect for quick maneuvers," he said, his eyes sparkling with anticipation.

"Couldn't agree more," Gear responded, his voice tinged with admiration. "But we'll need to make some improvements, especially with those cannons. I can upgrade them to fire more efficiently."

They ascended the stairs to the quarterdeck, where the helm was situated atop the captain's quarters. This elevated position offered optimal visibility, allowing them to survey the seas with ease. Access to the helm was via two sets of narrow, winding stairs on either side of the captain's cabin, enabling quick and easy movement between the main deck and the helm. Cain's eyes gleamed as he took in the panoramic view. "We'll be able to navigate through anything from here," he declared, his voice filled with confidence.

Equipped with a menacing swivel gun, the quarterdeck provided additional firepower for close-range combat and defensive maneuvers, enhancing the ship's formidable combat capabilities. Gear inspected it with a critical eye, his fingers tracing the cold metal. "I can make this better. Much better," he muttered, already envisioning the modifications he could implement to maximize its efficiency.

The captain's cabin was located at the stern beneath the helm. Despite its compact size, it was a haven of functionality, featuring a sturdy desk, detailed navigation charts, and a few personal belongings of the former captain. It offered a space for planning and rest, essential for their journey ahead. Cain ran his fingers over the maps spread across the desk, his mind racing with possibilities and strategies for their future adventures.

Below deck, they discovered the crew quarters located at the front, featuring bunks and hammocks ingeniously arranged to maximize space. This area provided comfortable resting spaces for the crew. The galley, positioned in the middle of the lower deck, was equipped with basic but efficient cooking facilities and storage for food supplies. Adjacent to the galley was the fixed table, crafted from robust wood, where the crew could gather to eat their meals. The central location of the galley made it easily accessible for everyone on board, fostering a sense of camaraderie.

"I'll need to organize the kitchen a bit better," Isara remarked, inspecting the galley. "It's functional, but I can make it more efficient. We'll be able to prepare meals quickly, even in rough seas."

The storage cabin, situated below the captain's quarters at the rear of the lower deck, was used for holding supplies, ammunition, and loot.

Cain decided to clear up the storage cabin below deck for Isara. "Since you're the only girl in the crew, you need some privacy," he said.

Gear agreed and added, "You take the captain's quarters, and I'll make do for now in the crew quarters. I'll make some modifications to the bottom deck layout once we get into a port. We can also temporarily store the stuff from the storage cabin in the crew quarters area."

Isara felt a warmth in her chest at the thoughtfulness of Cain and Gear offering her a separate living space. Having just joined the crew, she hadn't expected such consideration.

"This is really kind of you two," she said, a genuine smile spreading across her face. "I can't believe you're doing all this for me."

Cain shrugged, grinning. "Well, we can't have our newest crew member sleeping on the deck, can we?"

Energized by the excitement of their new ship, Isara's eyes lit up with an idea. "We should make a pirate flag for the crew!"

"Great idea!" Cain exclaimed. Without a second thought, he zapped up to the mast and tore down the old pirate flag. "Out with the old, in with the new!"

Isara wasted no time, diving into the task of creating a new one. Her fingers worked swiftly and skillfully, transforming a plain piece of fabric into a symbol of their new identity.

While she worked, Cain and Gear cleared out the storage cabin, transforming it into a cozy, livable space. They repurposed materials found on board to craft a bunk bed and other small furnishings, creating a personal haven for Isara.

Gear wiped his brow, looking around the newly transformed cabin. "Not bad, if I do say so myself."

"How's it coming along, Isara?" Cain called out as they finished the renovations.

"Almost done!" she replied, her voice filled with pride. After a few more minutes, she held up her creation. The new flag was a masterpiece: black, featuring a grinning skull with lightning bolts for crossbones. "What do you think?" she asked, beaming.

"It's perfect," Gear said, his admiration evident. "Let's get it hoisted."

They hoisted it up, watching with satisfaction as it caught the wind and unfurled, proudly displaying their new emblem.

As Isara gazed at their new flag flying proudly, a smile spread across her face. "Now we finally feel like real pirates," she said, her heart swelling with a sense of pride and belonging.

Isara turned to Cain, curiosity in her eyes. "What are you going to name her?"

Cain looked puzzled for a moment. "Name her?" he repeated, tilting his head slightly.

"Yeah," Isara replied with a grin. "In the Blue Seas, it's customary to name the ship. It's seen as good luck."

Cain thought about it, his gaze drifting to the horizon. After a moment of contemplation, he turned back to his crew with a decisive nod. "Tempest. Let's call it the Tempest."


The Tempest 


The Tempest, a sleek and agile brig under Cain's command, is a formidable vessel designed for speed, maneuverability, and efficiency. Its black-painted hull looks menacing, having been seized from another pirate crew after a fierce battle. Crafted for both naval combat and long voyages, its streamlined build and strategic layout ensure that Cain and his crew can operate with precision and effectiveness in any maritime scenario.

Main Deck:

Open Foredeck:

The front of the ship is open and unobstructed, providing a clear view and easy access for the crew. This versatile area is used for lookout duties, handling the anchor, and various other activities essential for the ship's operations.

Broadside Cannons:

The Tempest is armed with four broadside cannons on the main deck, with two cannons on each side. These powerful weapons are crucial for engaging enemy vessels and defending the ship during combat.

Stairs to Below Deck:

Centrally located on the main deck, stairs lead down to the lower deck. Positioned between the galley and the fixed table, these stairs provide convenient access to the lower deck, facilitating smooth movement throughout the ship.



The helm is situated on top of the captain's quarters, providing the helmsman with an elevated position for optimal visibility. Access to the helm is via two sets of narrow, winding stairs on either side of the captain's cabin, allowing for quick and easy movement between the main deck and the helm.

Captain's Cabin:

Located at the stern beneath the helm, the captain's cabin serves as Cain's private quarters. Despite its compact size, it is functional and includes a desk, navigation charts, and personal belongings, offering a space for planning and rest.

Swivel Gun:

Equipped with a swivel gun, the quarterdeck provides additional firepower for close-range combat and defensive maneuvers, enhancing the ship's combat capabilities.

Below Deck:

Crew Quarters:

The crew quarters are located at the front of the lower deck and feature bunks and hammocks to maximize space. This area provides comfortable resting spaces for the crew, ensuring they are well-rested for their duties.


Positioned in the middle of the lower deck, the galley is equipped with basic cooking facilities and storage for food supplies. Adjacent to the galley is a fixed table where the crew can eat their meals. This central location makes the galley easily accessible for everyone on board.

Stairs from Main Deck:

The stairs from the main deck descend between the galley and the fixed table, providing convenient access to the lower deck.

Storage Cabin:

Situated below the captain's quarters at the rear of the lower deck, the storage cabin is used for holding supplies, ammunition, and loot. It has been renovated to serve as Isara's sleeping quarters, providing her with a private and secure space.

Mast and Rigging:

The Tempest features two main masts with a simplified rigging system. The main mast includes a crow's nest for observation, providing lookouts with a vantage point to spot distant ships or land.