
Chapter 1

In the middle of the forest, along the length of the dirt road.

Grr.... Grr...

'What is this situation I'm in?'

A young man can be seen to be surrounded by five wolves and he is trying to think while also finding a way to get out of this situation.

For a normal person like him to be encountering this type of situation can be said as a critical situation or in other words dire situations.

Then the man looks at his own waist while watching out for the wolf, he thinks that now is a good time as any to equip the Decadriver if he did not mistake the name.

Yeah like you thought. It is the Decadriver.

How did he get it?

It is the perk of being sent into another world.

He then takes the card from the Ride Booker.

The card shows a rider namely Decade. Taking the card, he put it into the middle of Decadriver.

[Kamen Ride]

Seeing that the prey seems to be doing something, the mouth watering wolf enter an alert state. Seeing that the prey seem to be resisting, they then begin to jump toward Nasrul.

He then pushed the side of the Decadriver at this moment. All five of the wolf lunge at him at the same time when he did this.

[De... De... Decade]

Alas he manages to activate the card at that critical moment causing the wolf to be pushed back as the image of the card explodes around him before it moves toward him and forms the rider armor.

Seeing that he transforms and becomes Kamen Rider Decade, he feels a little happy. But. He felt a pain on the right side of his shoulder.

Even though he felt it, the pain seemed to be insignificant as the feeling of the pain being numb at that wound.

This means that the wound was not that bad, that it can interrupt his movement.

He then looked at the wolf around him by moving his head slowly. The animal cannot distinguish his expression as he is wearing a Decade helmet.

One Infront. Two beside. Two at the back.


One of the wolf howls and begins to attack him. It crawls and jumps quite a speed.

Seeing the action of the wolf, he does not know what he should do. What step does he need to take.

Then his body takes a step back and clutches the hand tightly, before it shoots out toward the front. Specifically toward the sole wolf that is attacking him.

It hit the head of the wolf making the animal stride toward the back from the wolf position originally.

Seeing his own action just now he gets it. His own body is moving by itself to show him how to use this power. It's like some kind of tutorial.

When it moves just now it sends a signal and instructions on how to use it.

Looking at its own companion was launched back, all the other wolves ready to attack.

The wolf then jumps towards him, one by one. Some were using the claw and some tried to bite him.

But the movement of this armor can be said to be as smooth as the water. Using minimal movement it dodge the claw attack and backhand the wolf. The other that tries to bite him, the one that targets the below waist area gets kicked out and the upper part gets punched.

Dodge, kick. Bam.

Dodge, punch. Bam.

Even though the wolf gets beaten up, it still stands and continues the assault.

This exchange continues for some time.

His body moved to capture one of the wolves from the neck and throw it toward the other.

His hand then moved toward the rider boker. Seeing this his mind began to send an alarm as the next information entered.

The body wants to kill the wolf.


As a modern human, he knows about killing.

There is always news about it on tv. But killing can also be said to be his own everyday lives. Human kill animal to get food and human torture plant to satisfies their craving and get proper nutrient.

The plant is still alive and can still feel pain. It just does not have a mouth to say it.

So he can accept the need to kill.

Regardless of his own thought the body began to unbuckle the Ride Booker to form a sword.

It does not mean he wants to kill.

Now he does not want to kill. He has the ability to make that decision.

He wants to stop the body from doing it, he resists as much as he can while thought it hard.

Alas, no matter how much tried it and how hard he tried to stop the body, the body moved as it intended to be.

Slipping his own left hand toward the blade, he moves the body of the blade along the palm seemingly like it wants to trace the blade.

Brandishing it forward, his body moves and aims at the wolves in front.

Seeing that the prey move toward him, the leader of the wolf howls loudly and lunges forward.


The other wolf heard the command from their leader and moved in tandem with fang and claw ready.

Decade body reacts to the howl by running toward the leader of the wolves.

The wolves lunge toward him and he ducks below the wolves while holding the sword with both hands. When it saw the belly of the wolve in sight, he struck hardly toward the wolve.


Like the cannon the wolves fly toward the bush at its back before the plunge further away out of sight.

Seeing this, the other two wolves take this chance to attack him and lunge forward.

He saw it, the times seemingly slow to a crawl. It's not that his body moves faster but it is like his own thoughts that became fast.

Then he saw it, the body released the sword while taking a step back and this put him between the two wolves. The body then punches upward toward the two wolves.

One hand for one head of wolves. With two hands he punches each head of the wolves from below.

This punch hit the jaw before it closed the mouth of the wolves and the wolves were sent flying backward.