
Kamado Renjiro- Demon Slayer

We traverse the realm of demon slaying from the perspective of Renjiro Kamado, the resolute older brother of Tanjiro. Renjiro's journey begins amidst the tranquil backdrop of their mountain village, shattered by the harrowing attack that decimates his family and leaves him grappling with loss and determination. With a sword forged from resolve and a heart burdened by responsibility, Renjiro embarks on a quest to avenge his kin and protect the remnants of his shattered family. Through the trials of training and the crucible of combat, Renjiro hones his skills alongside allies both human and demonic, each encounter shaping him into a formidable warrior and unwavering protector. Yet, as he delves deeper into the mysteries of his lineage and the origins of the demonic scourge, Renjiro unearths unsettling truths that challenge his convictions and force him to confront the shadows lurking within himself. With every swing of his blade, Renjiro draws closer to the heart of darkness, guided by the enduring bond with his brother and fueled by the flickering hope of redemption in a world consumed by chaos.

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14 Chs

Chapter 10- Tamayo-San

Instinctively I unsheathed my scythe and had it aimed at this Tamayo woman's neck, the boy behind him charged me but was too slow, I kicked out pinning him to the floor and using the other scythes to keep him there. "Surrender or be killed!" I said. 

"Kamado-kun, you must listen to what we have to say, it may regard what is in your box!" 

My hold on Youshirou loosened and I sheathed my scythes, and waited in front of Tamayo, "Well what do you have to say?" Tamayo shook her head and spoke, "This is not the place, follow us." 

I was still wary of Tamayo, and her femboy friend, they were demons and I killed demons for a living. Inosuke at my side as usual was bouncing, he didn't say much though usually he would say something like "Their demons let's slay them!" However, Inosuke's not that stupid, he could smell that Tamayo and the femboy, didn't mean harm, he could also tell that they were demons, if I can't trust my companion then who can I trust? 

"Tamayo-san, if this is a trap, then the two of you will fall prey to my weapons, is that very clear to you?" 

"Yes, although there would be no need for that," said Tamayo, a ghost of a smile on her face.

We walked in silence for a while, and Inosuke and I walked behind the two, in case they turned, then it would be better to not have our rears exposed. The femboy, Yushirou, haha, turned around a few times, sending me stink eyes and staring at me with hate-filled eyes, he whispered something to Tamayo. 

<femb- *cough* Youshirou POV> 

Huh? Who are these arseholes? They probably think they can steal my lady Tamayo-chan from me, no she is so beautiful, only for me, ONLY FOR ME!!!! 

And that stupid boar-headed bastard, who is he calling a femboy!? You know what, let's see how that maggot looks without that boar head. I turned and ran as fast as I could to the two following me, the boy with the scythes instantly stood in front of me but I weaved past, and as his scythes drew lines into my back, I pulled off the boar mask. 

"And YOU called ME a FUCKING FEMBOY!" 

<Renjiro POV>

What in the fuck! OH so he wasn't attacking, wait- Inosuke, is a girl? I'm so confused, wait but what about all them muscles, and he doesn't even wear a haori or uniform, Inosuke just looks so feminine! 

He had long blue hair, that fell down to his shoulders, and thick eyebrows, they looked like bushes over his blue eyes. He looked like he could be a super-model if he tried, I mean what in the fuck?! I began to laugh uncontrollably and this pissed off Inosuke, "Kamaboko stop laughing or I'll demote you from Vice-Captaincy!" 

I looked at Youshirou now, with some seriousness in my eyes, "As funny as that was, try shit like that again, and it won't be just your back, it'll be your head, and trust me, it won't grow back!" 

That sobered him right up, and I snatched the Boar head mask from the stupid demon and plopped it back on Inosuke's head, "Don't let demons talk down to you, only I'm allowed to do that!Hahahaha!" 

"Hahaha, Kamaboko, I am not fazed, I am the King of the mountains, the mountain God!" 

I facepalmed at Inosuke's words and looked at Tamayo, "Control your pet, or you die with it." 

We continued on our way, following the two demons, eventually, we all fell into step, and Tamayo began explaining, "Years ago, Muzan turned me into a demon, I ate human blood, I killed my own family, but eventually after I had regained my self, I searched far and wide for cures, nothing, except some that can keep me sated without blood for time." 

We followed in silence, "Youshirou and I, tend to helpless demons, turned by Muzan or other demons, we nurture them, keep them sated without spilling demons, and every minute is spent waiting for a cure, and that's why the thing in your box is important!"

I nodded in acknowledgment of what Tamayo said and beckoned her to carry on, why is Tanjiro so important? "I know what you're thinking Renjiro-kun, but your brother is it? I can smell your bond and I can also smell that your brother has never consumed a human, which makes him all the more interesting, how does he get his energy?"

"Tanjiro eh? He gets his energy from his sleep, he sleeps for long periods, months, even a whole year!"

Tamayo nodded as we turned into an alleyway, this was weird, it was a dead end. There was no passageway or mechanism, just a brick wall. Tamayo pointed her hand forward and Youshirou stepped through the wall, Tamayo and Inosuke followed, I turned one last time, will this be a mistake?

The view on the outside was a sort of ground, and in the center stood what looked like a large traditional Japanese home, emphasizing the word LARGE. Tamayo led us through the place, showing us the demons who were turned yet were being cared for, a lab full of chemicals blood samples, and vials of blood, labeled human and demon.

I looked around the lab and for the first time, I could see clearly, with Tam- no Tamayo-san's help we could turn Tanjiro back, we could change him, he could be a human again, grow up like a normal person. There was hope for the first time and I clutched at it, hope.....