
Kaja and Agro Secrets

Everything started with a man named Kaja, a village youth who lived a simple life. Until his house was invaded by members of Aflif and his grandfather disappeared. Kaja, must find his true self, find her grandfather, his parents whom he never saw. Agro's secret had been his grandfather's last message. Kaja, adventure and make friends be a part of Aflif's army. and Kaja, will save Rakuta and all of humanity. A passion to protect and a destiny to fulfill. The struggle to reach the pinnacle of martial arts with the power of the divine being, Rakuta.

Ideabadar · Fantaisie
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34 Chs


In a small town located far from the Central Capital of the Samosir Continent. There is one place that is arguably still far from the crowds, a small town surrounded by forests and rivers. A city that can be said is also still a village because of its small area.

The Dragon Heart Aflif team came to the small town. Their arrival is because there is a special mission for them. Namely, eliminating the Marauders operating around the small town.

The small town called Aurora, next to 3 other small towns, is often called the Twin Cities because the trade routes between the four cities are very well known. They brought merchandise from the residents and exchanged, the four cities were bordered by waterways and forests.

However, in recent years pirates have often carried out their actions. In fact, they did not hesitate to kill the merchants. Their group is often called the Black Wolves.

Five members of Heart Dragon Aflif met with Mayor Aurora, they were well received because that was the request of the Mayor and the merchants who reported it to Aflif. Aflif's team then took a short break and resumed their investigation. They are also sweeping to the place where the robbers were in action. There were many paths connecting the four small towns, plus a wide forest and river, they had to disguise or even gather information from anyone well.

At one end of the city, the end of the city and close to the water. A young man about 17 years old was sitting on a rock his hands were holding a silver cane and there was a majestic carving on it. The stock soared into the sky and the young man was still sitting, drenched in sweat from having just finished practicing martial arts.

"Older brother! You have eaten?" Reza sat next to his brother, his name was Bagas. His brother is always practicing, every day. Relentless, he said he wanted to protect himself. But, Reza has also gotten stronger. Bagas himself cannot forget the incident 10 years ago, where Rakuta the Borkoat Bear who had 5 golden horns killed his parents.

Both Bagas and Reza's parents were the protectors of Aurora City, in the beginning, they both fought to protect society and their two children. In that fierce battle, Bagas's father fished out Borkoat, his wife used all her strength to imprison Borkoat. They both sacrificed themselves in that fight.

And, the five horns of Borkoat were offered to Bagas. The five horns were shaped by a blacksmith in the city into a stick that Bagas is now holding.

Reza is sure that his brother has a great destiny because he never gets tired of practicing. His brother's life was only used to train to forge his physique and energy.

"The Black Wolf is getting more and more rampant, Will Big Brother not act?"

"Has the mayor asked Aflif for help?"

"That's right, they have come," Reza replied.

As if he was silent, his parents were members of Aflif and they sacrificed their lives to protect the city. Unfortunately, they seem to be forgotten. In fact, he was not asked for help to eradicate the robbers. Perhaps, they are considered non-existent, or even they do not believe in the abilities of Bagas and Reza.

Reza smiled for a moment, "Let's practice the match, Sis."

Bagas smiled, his brother is also getting stronger. They also practiced sparring together. Even though it was just practice, they never played around and did everything they could. Reza always loses to his brother who is a maniac practicing all the time. And, Reza admits it. Reza also trains several children in Aurora City, they really like Reza for being patient in training them.


Bagas and Reza were surprised because suddenly from a distance the sound of battle. There was explosion after explosion of energy and the aura spread out. They sensed that there was a big battle going on.

Reza immediately signaled his brother to see what was going on. The two of them immediately went in the direction of the voice.


At a border, a battle broke out. Dragon Heart Aflif is fighting it out against the Black Wolf raiders. Dragon Heart Aflif was confined, they had already stalked the movement of the Marauders and entered the merchant group, and got into one of the carriages. Sure enough, they were intercepted by robbers. Opportunity to complete missions.

Unfortunately, their plan was leaked. The Black Wolf Raiders weren't just any ordinary robber, they had many divisions. They have links to the world robbery organization. Their division also has great strength, they have gathered from all the divisions in the four lanes. Dozens of people and of course their strength is not an ordinary ability, there are many martial ranks among these dozens of people.

The merchants in the group were forced to retreat to the other side and they were frightened. They also have guards who have also joined the Dragon Heart Aflif. The fight continues, and Team Aflif is overwhelmed.

The Aflif were able to knock out some of the pirates but the four robber divisions stormed them.

Aflif Heart of the Dragon did not expect that the robbers had such great power. They thought it was just a small group of rioters, in fact, they had high aura energy. In fact, some of the robbers were of the same rank as the Dragon Heart Aflif group.

If so, why should only their team take on this mission? Shouldn't they have sent an Aflif Team that is more senior than them? Danu, who is the team leader, regrets taking this dangerous mission. He had brought his team into great calamity. He was very sorry.

"I'm sorry guys, I didn't expect this mission to be too difficult." No wonder the pay is big but Aflif doesn't give an idea that the robber has this much power. If so, they are the same as giving up their lives without adequate preparation.

Aflif's team went all out, they were getting more desperate even though dozens of robbers had also fallen. Nani who is a Mage and always provides support is getting tired, she is starting to run out of energy. An attack aimed at Nani, Danu immediately saw it and tried to fend off the sword slash from the robber.


"Be careful Nani!" The team gathered, Togar who had the strongest physique was also getting tired, and the other two Andre and Raga also seemed to be breathing hard. They were all starting to run out of energy.

From a distance in the thick of tall grass. Reza was about to move, but Bagas pressed his brother's shoulder and shook his head.

"But…, they will die Brother."

"Do you want to die too? We can't beat them all, there are too many!"

"Since when did you become a coward?"

Bagas was silent for a moment, he wanted to protect his younger brother.

"At the very least, wait a moment we have to observe the situation first."

The battle between Dragon Heart Aflif and the robbers continues. The troops from the merchant group have also been completely paralyzed, the robbers are getting more and more violent. They were getting fiercer because there were dozens of their members who had also fallen, they saw the Aflif Team was also tired. In numbers, the robbers will win of course.


Weapons clash with each other.

Andre was almost hit by a sword but Togar pushed him, the slash hit Togar's arm and was slightly scratched. Togas' energy began to weaken so his defensive energy also decreased. On the other hand, Raga was blown away by the kick of one of the robber Division leaders seeing an opening. Physical Weakness.

There are 4 division heads who cooperate with each other and target each of the Aflif teams.

Nani immediately helps Raga up and helps him get up. Before she could fully wake up, one of the heads of the robber division pushed forward, Danu saw that but was helpless because he himself was being overwhelmed by the other robber divisions. No time.


All eyes were shocked because the robber's weapon which almost hit Nani and Raga suddenly bounced. Who did it?