
Kaiser The Monkey king

Kaiser is in a world of interstellar advancements, this world is filled with wonders and many species, with abilities that stand above the rest. "Kaiser, you shit head, you actually think you would gain an ability." Kaiser - " why don't you say that now. Extend!!!"

Master_Atlest · Urbain
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1 Chs

I'm Running Late!!!!

Chapter 1:

"THE HEAVENS CAN NOT HOLD ME!!!!" shouted a person clothed in Armor, gold in colour, exceedingly shiny, and magnificent in appearance.

"How come we can't get a hold of that pesky monkey...Sigh." A spectator sits in a contemplative pose atop a cloud.

Everything was in disarray, the heavens were turned upside down, and in the midst of it all, there is a half-monkey half-man swinging a tower-sized staff. Although it is claimed to be swinging, it was actually done in a very profound manner, it was swift, smooth, and hazardous.

"Enough Wukong!!" screamed the Deity, and with his simple words, waves of energy radiating the colour gold burst out, erasing all sounds from the words and rendering everything silent.

Wukong, the half-monkey man, came to a halt and turned to the figure, saying, "If you want me to stop, give me what is mine."

"Fine, I'll give you what is yours, but the price is great, extremely expensive!" replied the god, who we can presume is Buddha.

"I, Sun Wukong, am fearless; I will reclaim what is mine at whatever cost!"

"As you desire!" the god said as he teleported to Wukong and just tapped his brow.


Somewhere on planet Pluto, in a room, slept a lad, he was not the most attractive or ugliest person, he was simply average, a simple height of 5ft 11 and simple black hair, it is evident he does not excise, he was just an average guy.


"Ha....Ha...Haaaaa!" This is Kaiser, breathing in and out, perspiration streaming from every inch of his body; he may be average in our eyes, but in his world, well, we'll see later.

"That dream again!" he said, frustrated.

He got out of bed and walked towards the restroom, realising there was no use in sobbing over it.

Kaiser isn't a morning person, but he needs to get ready for school.

Kaiser strolled into the bathroom, went to the sink, took up his toothbrush, and glanced up at the mirror to clean his teeth. "WHAAAAT!!!!!!" he yelled so loudly that the mirror broke slightly.

He stopped shouting because he was afraid his neighbours would kick him in the shins.

He leaned up close to the mirror to check his new features, and a handsome face peered back from him.

"What is your name?" The mirror moved with him when he moved his lips.

"That can't possibly be me...red hair? how? My iris is crimson, and so are my pupils." he was still not certain that the reflection was himself.

'What is going on with me?' Is this a wake-up call?' While scrutinising himself, he felt something move behind him. Finding the scenario strange, he turned around and discovered....a Tail.

"A TAILLLL!!!" he shouted again, and this time the mirror actually broke.

'Calm down, calm down, there's no need to worry, it's just a tail...hahaha a tail!' SINCE WHEN DID I EVER HAVE ONE!!!' He finally gave up and sat down to ponder about his current condition after racing up and down hoping the tail would fall off or stop following him, which it did not.

This does remind me of my fantasies, did I become the monkey man?' But why am I not hairy?' He wondered as his body quickly acquired a lot of hair, leaving only the frontal area exposed.

'What do you know, I'm now hairier hahaha HAHA MY ASS NO HAIR I DON'T WANT TO BE HAIRY ANYMORE!!!' Grasping his head and pleading with the heavens to fulfil his desire, they shockingly granted it, and his hairy body returned to being hairless.

'Oh, that's fantastic, I can control whether I'm hairy or not...what sort of crappy ability is this?' While he complained, his tail was plainly delighted with the prospect.

'Does that mean I'm now the monkey guy from my dreams?' He rose up and moved his tail, which was as long as he was.

'It's strange, I don't feel strange having a tail, in fact, it seems natural.' He began to move his tail left and right, getting accustomed to the notion that he now has a tail; the tail, like his hair, was also red in colour, both blood red.

'SHIT! What am I doing? If I don't speed up, I'll miss the teleporter timetable!'

He rushed to clean his teeth and get into the shower, not even seeing how he was adjusting the showerhead on himself with his tail.

He got out of the water, brushed himself off, and grabbed his school uniform shirt, which he put on.

Then his trousers appeared.

'Wait, how am I supposed to WEAR THIS?' He forced it on since he didn't have time to explore, and it was really painful because his tail didn't have enough room and it was constricted, but he had no other choice and simply left it like it was, plus he doesn't want others knowing he now had a tail.

So, with everything in order, he left the home and began sprinting in the direction of the school teleporter; after all, his school was on Mars, and the only way to get there was via the teleporter.

When Kaiser was running, he realised that he wasn't fatigued, and because he was jogging towards his objective, it made no sense that everything was sluggish, and with the amount of wind striking his face, isn't this what you'd receive if you run at full pace or more? He was doubting it.

But before he could think about it, he had arrived at his destination, and without hesitation, he strolled up to the security guard, displayed his ID by tapping the back of his head three times, and walked inside the portal or teleporter as instructed.


It barely took him five seconds to get to his goal. Looking up ahead, he could see a massive building, almost like a castle, but Kaiser never paid attention to it because he'd already been here and seen everything. In front of him was a massive school gate filled with a bunch of students walking up and down and going about their day; he was obviously running late, so he had to rush past the students to get to his class.

"Who is he?" - Student 1 at random

"Y'all!! He's so attractive that I'm wondering, whether I can acquire his ID number!"

"Good luck, gorgeous people like him certainly have a lot of girlfriends," says random student 2.

"When did such a person arrive at our school?" asks random student number three.

"Has he always been here?" asks random student number four.

He was hurrying to his class at the time. A swarm of kids surrounded him, wondering who he was and when such a lovely man had arrived at their school, but Kaiser didn't have time for it, so he ignored them and continued on his way.

Kaiser halted as he approached the entrance of his classroom.

'Now that I've awoken, there's no need for me to bend my head again!' he declared emphatically.

*through* He stepped through the door, as it was merely a plasma forcefield that prevented non-students from entering any classroom.

---Meanwhile in the classroom----

Everyone appears to have their circles, their buddies with whom they discuss topics.

One appears to be holding a flame in his palm and throwing it up and down.

Another may be seen hovering above a table, conversing to several pals; everyone has their own powers that they specialise in, and their abilities fit into various categories.

"Looks like the loser will be late again," said a girl with shoulder-length brown straight hair.

"So? why should we care?" said another man with blond hair who was soaring overhead.

"I'm still perplexed as to how they permitted a non-awakening into this school?" a baffled expression could be observed on another blond girl's face.

"Haha, if this school won't admit him, what school will?" said the blond-haired male.


Everyone in the room heard the noise and turned to face the door.


The classroom pupils' expressions when they saw who stepped in were varied: astonished, perplexed, and definitely envious.

Another student said, "Who is that?"

"How am I meant to know?" another student next to him said.

While the kids were stunned, Kaiser strolled past them to his seat in the rear.

When he sat down, he touched a button on his desk, and a clear blue bubble wrapped around him and his desk, preventing sound from leaving and entering. It also stops anyone from entering the bubble unless they have been granted permission to do so.

Once inside the bubble, he activated his Chip hologram and began searching the interplanetary web for half-monkey man. What he found was a slew of articles about mutant monkey abilities or rare monkey monsters that provide magical ore that can be utilised to boost one's ability.

While he was immersed in his quest, others were wondering why he was sitting in the loser's seat; some concluded that he was the loser, while others concluded that the new kid didn't know; nevertheless, none of this mattered since the lesson was about to begin; how could they tell? That's because their whole classroom has suddenly been transformed into an outside field, and this was plainly reality being enhanced in their eyes owing to their chip, which is given to everyone when they are born.

The instructor went in and used her chip to assess the kids in her classroom, scrolling through all of them to ensure that they had all attended her lesson; she is old school like that.

'mm...who is this student?' - she twisted her head, perplexed, for the AI said it was Kaiser, but she suspected it was an error, because Kaiser didn't seem this attractive, and he was just an average student.

"Crimson red, who are you? And why are you enrolled in my class? Are you new here?" She ultimately determined to tackle the issue and resolve it.

Except for the teachers, all noises are prohibited from entering or exiting the bubble.

He rose up and spoke to the teacher, glancing up from his chip frame.

"It's me, Kaiser," says Kaiser. Then he sat down again to resume his quest, leaving the teacher perplexed.

"What happened to you, Mr Kaiser? Why do you appear so different now than you did before? Have you awoken?"

"I have awoken, Teacher." Standing back up to answer the teacher's question, he believes he has had an awakening.

"All right, you may return to your seat," the teacher replies.

Although the Teacher didn't seem to mind, the pupils were all taken aback by the alteration of his development.

"Perhaps it's the capability to be gorgeous, hahaha," the envious said.

"What good is that type of ability?"

"Perhaps he'd sell nicely as a slave to a noblewoman."

They all laughed and mocked him, but the joke was on them. Kaiser didn't hear a single word, and if he did, he would ignore it.


"Let us now concentrate on the world we live in." - Teacher

"Charles, what are the many types of abilities?" - Teacher - Lecturer

"Oh, that's simple, the types of powers are mostly concentrated on, Psychic, Elemental, physical, and one-of-a-kind. Those are the categories in which talents fall." Charles -

"Five points for good work." - Lecturer

"What???? Even I could have said-, you fortunate bastard." - Student: "Hate the game, not the player." - Charles grinned

"Enough!" - Teacher

"Now, who can tell me about the strength of each category?" - Teacher Several pupils gave her pings on her chip, indicating their readiness to respond to her query.

"Sidney!" - Teacher

"Thank you, teacher, physics-based skills are mental traits, they are incredibly uncommon and strong, the most well-known being Telepathy, teleportation, and Psychokinesis, but there are many more."

The elemental category is as mentioned, they are elemental based powers such as fire, water, wind, earth, and they are further categorised inside elemental as from fire you may obtain lightning, lava, even blue fire, dragon fire, hellfire, and so on.

It's the same with water; you may obtain ice, snow, blood, and healing, among other things.

Then there's wind, which can be cloud, gale, air, hot wind, cold wind, storm, and a variety of other things.

Then there's earth, which may be metal, sand, magma, wood, crystal, and many other things.

Elementals are not weak; in fact, they are quite powerful; the only difference is that they begin considerably slower but quickly become extremely powerful some can even use dual elements or even all elements.

The physical category is quite common because it is based on strengthening the physical aspect of the life form, they also have self-healing a punch can even shatter mountains, they are limitless in the physical aspect, another physical attribute is metamorphosis which allows them to transform into a species and use their ability as your own, the most well-known being the dragon household, which all within the primal household can use the extremely powerful abilities of a dragon.

Now for the most unknown category, the unique category, they have abilities beyond our imagination, sometimes useless and weak, other times earth-shattering, we know of one such ability held by the second primal family, the Sun Gods ability which truly makes them akin to a God, they absorb the sun's solar energy to control their bioelectricity, and enhance their body, their potential is limitless they can live forever and they can fly, they can blast lasers from their eyes, freeze objects with their breath, break mountains or planets with their punches, and some can even employ physic or elemental skills, similar to metamorphosis but always active. They have completely transformed into a new race that is powerful while also gaining extra benefits; I wish I was a part of their race." Sidney's

"We all do, but we can only endeavour to improve our talents to the greatest extent possible; thank you for your explanation, Sidney; you will earn 50 points." - Lecturer


To avoid confusion, Kaiser can hear when a student responds to a question posed by the teacher; after all, when he was helpless, he spent his time researching and gathering as much knowledge as he could.

"Can someone explain to me why we want to get stronger?" - Professor *ping* *ping*

As several pings filled her chip screen, she chose a pupil at random.

"Kaiser!" - Lecturer

'What? 'Why me, I didn't even ping her,' Kaiser grumbled.

"Yes, Professor." He extinguished the bubble, got up, cleared his throat, and responded.

"Our goal is to become stronger so that we can compete with other universes for the resources needed for our universe's development."

It all began when humanity left their universe and discovered another, but due to their weakness, they were wiped out, leaving only one human to return to our universe to spread the news, luckily the galaxies and universes aren't lawless and gave the rule of the multiverse, stating that all disputes must be settled through competitions in which the winner gains while the loser loses, with this intel humanity, began to look for ways to empower themselves, but couldn't find it, However, it appears that the multiverse's ruler, a system-like entity, dispersed some type of energy into our reality. Monsters appeared in our universe as a result of the energy, and the monsters became nothing more than a resource for humans to empower themselves. We have won many fights and lost some, but mankind is still standing strong, which is why we strive to get stronger, and there are cosmic interplanetary schools created to prepare students for universal conflicts for resources, which is the purpose of every student here to get into those school." - Kaiser

"With your flawless answer, you have earned 70 points." - Teacher

"Was he always so smart?" Student -

"Perhaps his ability improves his intelligence?" - student

"whatever." - student

Kaiser has already sat down again, this time with bubble wrap surrounding him and his desk.

Chapter 1 end

A/N: HELLO MY READERS<<<<read this>>>>>

I have been gone for far too long right?

I KNOW I know, you miss me.

now I have made too much work for myself and I need your help!!!



My life in HighSchool DXD!

My hero academia with Naruto verse at my back

Finally! I'm having FUN!!

Grim Reaper in OPM




you have 3 days to decide! meanwhile, enjoy this new story I made.

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