
Kaiser of the New World

After the alarms, sirens and nuclear warnings, Kai wakes up in an empty white room. With no idea what to do, he just waits for anything to happen...hoping something will happen. Only when the voice of...something... breaks him out of the monotonous life of the white room, he realises the problems he will have to face just to survive. Note - First few chapters are slow, monotonous and downright terrible, I mean, just going back and looking at chapter three has me cringing. My writing gets better as the story goes on, but it still has a few info dumps. The first few chapter are the shortest by far, like chapter 30 is the same length as 1, 2 and part of ch 3 combined. Honestly, you can just skim the first five and then maybe read it a little more in depth. Thanks, and please, go easy on the first chapters, I already hate them. Schedule is new chapter every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Kerplunkered · Fantaisie
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158 Chs

Soul Sight

Even though Kai just accomplished an incredible feat, his bloodline and his innate ability did not react. The only thing which did react was his mind, which was currently on the verge of collapsing.

Trapped inside the brain of an abomination in the depths of a lake was not where Kai wanted to be, especially when he was about to die in a few moments.

His vision started to cloud as his thoughts slowed. The thought of just giving up was very appealing to Kai right now, but Nonchalance made sure it remained just that, a thought.

There was only one way Kai could survive, but it all relied on luck. Since his Luck stat was way above average it should work.


Dismissing the Lycan form of his innate ability, Kai said a quick prayer as he activated his innate ability again. Only this time, he didn't use Umbra as the base.

Wraith mode activated


"Ah... ahaha... ahahahaha!"

Kai couldn't hold back his laughter, and his tears, as he breathed in the sweet taste of absolutely nothing.

Having no body meant Kai didn't have to breathe, and not having to breathe meant Kai was no longer drowning.

"I'm alive!"

Screaming at the top of his non-existent lungs, not caring if there was another primordial horror sleeping at the bottom of the lake, Kai celebrated like there was no tomorrow.

Because there almost was.

Still, even though he was alive for now, Kai had little Mana left, meaning he couldn't sustain this form for long.

Quickly willing himself to move upwards, his ethereal body obeyed as the water started to get lighter and brighter.

Just the fact the water got lighter was enough to calm Kai a little, although he was still trembling after that near-death experience.

Rising to the top of the water, Kai took a massive breath, even though he didn't need to, and looked towards Wa'rak.

The wolf seemed to be in a state of confusion as to why all the tentacles stopped attacking him, it seems that he didn't even notice Kai was not beside him.

Just as Kai was about to attempt to activate the telepathic link, Wa'rak turned his head and-

His eyes filled with abject horror.

Though as quick as the look appeared, it was gone. The arrogant wolf shivered slightly as he trotted behind one of the gargantuan trees.

Kai panicked and thought there was another terrible enemy behind him, but when he turned to look he was alone in the lake.

What's his problem?

Ignoring the wolf's attitude for now, Kai flew over towards the lakeside. Sadly, his Mana ran out before he reached it, meaning he had to swim the last bit in the cold water.

Pulling himself onto dry... semi-dry land, Kai collapsed onto his chest as he caught his breath. His tunic and bodysuit clung tightly to him, the tunic offering a little solace to the cold. Kai had long dismissed his Pretty Good Shoes as he learned that they didn't fit on his Lycan form.

Wa'rak slowly trotted over, the wolf's shiny and slightly damp body standing right over Kai.

Answering the unsaid command, Kai activated the telepathic link and let the wolf speak first while he caught his breath.

"What happened?"

Kai grinned proudly as he looked up at the confused wolf. He didn't even cry this time. Well, he kind of did, but this time he only did that when he knew no one would see him.

"I killed it."

Wa'rak blinked.

"Killed what?"

Now it was Kai's turn to blink.

"I... don't really know, the notification said it was a Depth Dweller, also that it was an evolved quarter moon abomination. What does it mean it's evolved?"

Wa'rak remained silent. Even looking at the wolf's face Kai couldn't discern what he was possibly thinking of.

"I'll let The Elder answer that, I just don't want to. Now, let's return. We both need our rest."

Wanting to refute, but also just wanting to sleep, Kai pushed himself up and started following Wa'rak back to the Dome.

There was one reason Kai was so willingly letting the subject drop though, and it was a pretty good reason. It was his main goal for hunting all the abominations after all.

Other than helping the war efforts, of course.

Level 15 reached

Skill selection obtained

Honestly, if he hadn't reached level fifteen after all that just happened, Kai would have been more than a little upset. It's also a shame he didn't get an item, who knows what an evolved abomination could drop?

Probably Aldred or Failure. They know everything about this place.

While they continued to walk back to The Dome was probably the perfect time to pick the skill, giving him time to get used to it when they finally made it back to base.

Throwing Wa'rak a quick glance, Kai confirmed the wolf was fine before opening his status screen.

Please select one of the three following skills

Damn... Only three this time.

A little disheartened by the fact he had fewer options this time when compared to level ten, Kai sighed and looked at the first skill he was offered.

[Glistening Eyes (common)]

A common skill used by a variety of weaker creatures. Allows the user to appeal to the kindness of others by shedding a tear, lowering the target's will to attack the user. Only works if the target the skill is used on had any kindness to begin with.

Absolutely terrible. What am I? A Pokemon? Is it calling me a crybaby?

Scowling, Kai looked down at option two.

[Peerless Sight (rare)]

That which is hidden cannot be seen, yet that that can be seen can be hidden. Allows the user to temper their eyesight, allowing them to peer into the true essence of all.

That's... a little creepy.

More than a little creepy, actually. The skill made it sound as if Kai would be looking into the depths of the being of everything. He didn't want that. If he had seen the horror that laid at the bottom of the lake he probably would have died of fright, in a way, the shadows that he was so scared of are the reason he survived the whole ordeal.

Did I get offered that skill because I wanted to see in the lake? A bit late...

Still, even if late, the skill had potential, though it also could have major backlash if Kai didn't use it properly.

With one more skill to go, Kai looked down and inwardly cursed at the last skill.

[Soul Sight (uncommon)]

A soul is one's being, peering at one's soul could almost be called perverted. This is a passive type skill. Allows the user to perceive the souls of sentient beings. The difficulty of viewing the soul is based on the user current Mana pool.

Is this not just... what Master was trying to get me to do? Peering into souls?

Honestly, it seemed pretty obvious which skill Kai would pick, but there was one thing throwing him off though.

Are these skills not all related to things that happened to me?

Glistening eyes represented all the times he's cried so far, Peerless Sight represented what just happened, the heavy darkness of the bottom of the lake. It could also reference when he was in the ground in Wraith mode.

Soul Sight represented him being given Soulcery by The Ever-changing, and it seems like the best choice to make. Still, Peerless Sight also looked really useful, especially after what he just went through.

That was just... terrifying.

Weighing the pros and cons in his head while simultaneously trying not to trip on any tree roots lying about, Kai sighed and selected Soul Sight.

It did hurt to give up Peerless eyes, but the idea of gazing upon something that should never be seen really creeped Kai out, he was someone who would much rather remain oblivious to any unseen dangers.

Since the Mana potion Kai took while running back to help Wa'rak was the last one before his daily limit, that meant he had to let his Mana replenish naturally, meaning no more ambushes today.

After walking in silence for a while, the wolf and boy duo finally reached the entrance of The Dome.

Passing the murals without giving them too much thought, they were soon embraced by the artificial sun.

Looking around, countless moon beasts were working tirelessly to repair the damage caused by the abominations. The boars were working to fix the earth and the monkeys were working tirelessly on new trap prototypes. The fact that the abominations managed to avoid every single trap that was laid made them work even harder.

Still, even though they were all working tirelessly, the losses weighed heavy on their conscience. If the abominations could get in so easily, what's to stop them doing it again?

Turning around to face Wa'rak, Kai said his goodbyes and rushed off, seeing if he could reach a breakthrough in Soulcery.

While Kai rushed off to train, someone else moved a little slower than usual.

Wa'rak made his way to the agreed meeting point, a small burrow near the edge of The Dome.

Once inside the dirty hollow, Wa'rak spotted what he came here for.

"So, how did it go?"

Aldred emerged from the shadows, his gray fur pristine as ever and his voice gruff as always.

"The brat has potential. He managed to learn partial transformation in the time it took me to retrieve the Mana Potions yesterday. It's not the quickest ever, but still above average."

Aldred snorted and nodded his furry head, seemingly contemplating.

"And another thing," Wa'rak through the telepathic link again. "The ambush today went wrong. We managed to kill the ape abomination, but as soon as we did we were attacked by something in the lake."

Aldred's eyes narrowed, a serious look in the depths of his yellow pupils.

"Go on."

"It took all I had just to avoid the tentacles, but the brat. I don't know if it was on purpose or not, but he followed one of the tentacles back into the lake and killed the beast. I thought it would be over at that, maybe a gibbous moon abomination killed. But...

It was evolved."

Aldred's eyes widened in shock. A slight grin grew on the wolf's face, which if anyone saw they would have been terrified. Wa'rak remained calm about it though.

Maybe we won't have to resort to plan B...

"Anything else to report?"

Wa'rak remained silent for a few moments, as if thinking if he should share this snippet of information. Still, The Elder was The Elder for a reason, so Wa'rak decided to share.

"Not so much to report, but, when the brat came out of the water, I saw him."

Aldred tilted his head slightly, wondering where this was going.


After a few more moments of silence, Wa'rak finished speaking.

"He was a Wraith."

Aldred froze, then a look of pity appeared in the wolf's dangerous eyes.

"You never know for sure, maybe since he's alive again it won't come true."

"You should know than anyone that I don't believe in that superstition bullshit, but Wraiths..."

Aldred wanted to comfort the younger wolf, but Wa'rak wasn't that type of beast. Comforting never really was his style, the arrogant wolf's style was more aggression less anything else.

"Still, you never know. The circumstances are different this time."

A look of something appeared in Wa'rak's eyes, but Aldred didn't get to see it before it was gone.

"I guess... Elder, I want to be alone for a while."

Aldred remained silent, only giving Wa'rak a small nod before leaving the burrow.

Left alone, Wa'rak thought about... everything.

He didn't like it.

Leaving the burrow a few minutes after the elder, Wa'rak didn't know what to do. He couldn't reinforce the defensive formations nor offer healing to the injured. He was a fighter-

"Hey, wolf, wanna duel?"

The other brat which Wa'rak hadn't seen in a while called out to him. Noelle looked the same as ever, no trace of any worry on her beautiful face.

Wa'rak only threw a glance at Noelle before shaking his head and walking away, leaving Noelle stunned.

"What's up with him?" She mumbled, before walking away to continue her training by herself.

I can't think of something interesting to say for this chapter.

Kerplunkeredcreators' thoughts