
Kaiser of the New World

After the alarms, sirens and nuclear warnings, Kai wakes up in an empty white room. With no idea what to do, he just waits for anything to happen...hoping something will happen. Only when the voice of...something... breaks him out of the monotonous life of the white room, he realises the problems he will have to face just to survive. Note - First few chapters are slow, monotonous and downright terrible, I mean, just going back and looking at chapter three has me cringing. My writing gets better as the story goes on, but it still has a few info dumps. The first few chapter are the shortest by far, like chapter 30 is the same length as 1, 2 and part of ch 3 combined. Honestly, you can just skim the first five and then maybe read it a little more in depth. Thanks, and please, go easy on the first chapters, I already hate them. Schedule is new chapter every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Kerplunkered · Fantaisie
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158 Chs

Monkey business

Realistically, Kai could have dragged out this for much longer, getting much more out of the arrogant wolf. But it's not like Kai was the only one from Earth, tactics used in wars on his home planet could have already been shared between the moon beasts. So Kai gave in and shared his spectacular plan before anyone else could have spoiled it.

"Guerrilla warfare" Kai began. "It was used quite a bit back where I'm from, the basic concept is swift and precise attacks made by small groups on unsuspecting targets. The best part about this whole thing is that you don't need many attackers for it to work properly."

Grinning, Kai nods his head at the wolf, ignoring the look of realisation dawning in Wa'raks yellow eyes.

"You and me, that's all we need."

Wa'rak's eyes narrowed, as if contemplating to just give up on the red-haired boy before him.

"I'm sure I can do fine by myself-"

"Nope, I'm going with you."

Firmly stating his plan, Kai watched as the black wolf get agitated. But Kai wasn't going to back down. To get stronger in a world like this, one had to fight. Sadly, fighting wasn't something he was very good at so teaming up with one of the strongest moon beasts in the Dome along with performing quick attacks on the abominations should make up for his lack of... everything.

Seeing that the boy wasn't going to back down anytime soon, Wa'rak relented, letting out a tired huff and stating:

"Fine, but if you die it's your fault."


Deep within the shadows of the forest, a group of abominations were patrolling the area a fair distance away from the cavern entrance. One of the abominations, the quarter moon one, resembled an oversized ant while the others resembled smaller versions of the tentacles blob which attacked Kai.

The abominations didn't move much, only occasionally moving around a few meters every once in a while as to not get givin out to by that pesky human which their Lord had favoured.

The ant abomination, which had a bit too much personality to be called a crazed fanatic of the moon, watched its bloby siblings follow it around. The sight of the fleshy monsters honestly didn't appeal to the big ant, mostly because the ant wasn't really a normal abominatiom.

One of the humans in the cavern had the ability to increase the Will of beasts. A pretty useless ability, except it worked a little to well on a certain ant abomination.

The ant couldn't help but feel disgusted by the sight of its siblings. They had no free will, fated to blindly follow the Lord and those above him.

Sadly, those horrid siblings would be the last thing the ant would ever see.

Something launched down from one of the trees above, moving too quickly for the ant to track. It was only as the quarter moon abominations head started to sag that it realised it was too late.

Whatever attacked the ant abomination disappeared back into the shadows just as its head fell to the ground, gore spilling out its fleshy body.

The second attack though, was much more sloppy. Another figure pounced down from the trees above, landing on one of the crescent moon abominations, promptly crushing it under its weight as it drew the attention of the other abominations.

The figure was near eight feet in height, hair covering its massive body and had a gray bodysuit tightly wrapped around its mass. The unsightly thing had sharp claws extending from its hands as it snarled and made a dash for the next abomination.

Happy with how it was going so far, Kai swung at the closest of the blobs, quickly severing the majority of its tentacles as Wa'rak emerged from the shadows to engage the other abominations.

The fight was intense, but was finished as quick as it started. Standing in the middle of all the abomination corpses, Kai's monstrous body began to shrink as he returned to normal, Umbra appearing beside him as well.

Petting the wolf softly on her head, Kai turned to Wa'rak, who seemed to be in a slightly confused state after watching the sight before him.

Activating the telepathic connection once more, Kai smiled and spoke through it.

"See, we really do make a great team."

Snapping back to reality, Wa'rak let out a grunt before turning away from Kai.

"No, you are still sloppy. If those abominations were even slightly smarter you would have been slaughtered as soon as you killed the first one. Now, come, we have one more target to deal with."

Inwardly sighing, Kai took out a Mana potion from the satchel, which he left conveniently lying about a minute away before engaging in the fight.

It's been over a day since Kai learned his partial transformation and shared the tactic of Guerilla warfare with Wa'rak. So far they had wiped out five patrols of abominations, also reaching level 14 in the middle. Even though he obtained an extra 21 unnasigned stat points, bringing his total to 84, the wins were bittersweet as they weren't thinning the abominations numbers by much.

So far, Kai and Wa'rak had mainly been going for crescent and the weaker quarter moon abominations, but that was all going to change. Planning for the war had finally reached its first proper stage and priority targets were assigned to different abominations. The one that Kai and Wa'rak were about to go hunt down was one of the higher priority quarter moon ones.

While walking away from the remnants of the massacre that took place, Kai decides to take a peek into his status. Doing this, he realised he must've missed a notification during one of the fights because there was a new item sitting down at the very bottom.

At least I got another, it would have been pretty unlucky to go through all these fights and getting none.

[Life Eater (uncommon)]

After only just gaining sentience, an unnamed abomination was struck down before it could even form an idea of its own. A blade forged by the flesh of an abomination. The blade is able to grow stronger by absorbing the life of those it fells. Provides +7 Strength as well as enhancing Mana circulation in the wielders body.

Huh, that's pretty good. It would be kind of funny to give to Sofia to further reinforce the fact she's a Vampire, but I've learned my lesson about that.

Kai had not spoken to Sofia or Noelle since the bombing, but he wasn't exactly in a rush to see the. either. Even John hadn't paid him a visit, but Kai was sure the big guy meant no harm, he did catch him glancing guiltily at him during the meeting after all.

Summoning the Life Eater as they continued to walk, Kai ignored Wa'rak's strange glance as he admired the blade.

The blade of the weapon was a dark crimson and had a slightly fleshy look to it, meanwhile the hilt was an ashy gray colour. The hilt also had an intricate pattern engraved on its body, quite a beautiful pattern actually.

Giving it a few test swings, Kai can't help but smile. The blade was about the same length as his shoulder to his wrist, and it was also light enough for him to wield it properly.

This also meant he had a way to defend himself when he doesn't have enough Mana to sustain his transformation. Just the fact he wouldn't be defenseless anymore meant the weapon was worth its weight in gold.

After trekking through the dark forest for a while longer, Kai and Wa'rak reached their target destination.

A deep lake laid in the centre of a large group of trees. What should have been a beautiful, blue body of water was more of a dark violet because of all the shadows. Honestly, the sight was quite eerie. The way the lake looked seemed as if it would swallow Kai up if he got too close.

Luckily, Kai did not have to go into the lake, or even go near it in fact. No, Wa'rak and Kai had some time to kill before their target would arrive, meaning they had time to set up some traps borrowed from the moon monkeys.

After going around the creepy lake, all the pre-prepared traps were successfully set up. All Kai and Wa'rak had to do was lie in wait for their final target.

About an hour passed before the sound of branches cracking brought Kai out of his slumber. Wa'rak had been taking watch, and the wolf hadn't warned him of anything yet so all was fine.

Slowly and carefully crawling along the tree branch he was lying on, Kai spots the thing creating the ruckus as it approached the lake.

A monstrous looking gorilla made out of the same flesh as every other abomination makes its way over to the still body of water, the ground trembling under every step of its ginormous body.

Sitting in its the only eye visible on its body was a quarter moon, though even if it was only a quater moon, Wa'rak had sternly warned Kai not to underestimate it.

The gorillas arms were nearly as thick as the trunk of the tree Kai was hiding on, and it's fists looked like they could smash through anything, absolutely crushing Kai with no effort if he recklessly got too close.

Sadly, that was the plan.

A dark figure pounced down from the tree across from Kai, the figure of a wolf falling down, slowly gaining momentum.

With not enough time to react properly to the ambush, the gorilla abomination let out a grunt and lifted its arm. Wa'rak snarled and slashed at the fleshy limb, his claws connecting with the arm and shimmering slightly. The attack cut deep, but failed to sever the limb.

Even though Wa'rak failed to sever it, it would be much harder for the abomination to use. Half of its arm was cut, the other half hanging on by the severed flesh.

Letting out a roar, the gorilla followed behind Wa'rak, who was currently running towards one of the trees.

There were two stages to the plan. Stage one, Wa'rak tries to limit the gorillas options of attacking, and stage two...

Currently steeling his nerves while looking down from the ginormous tree, unaware he's already done this before, Kai gets ready to jump down and to hopefully land on the abomination.

Ah shit, what do I got to lose?

Probably a lot, but Nonchalance made sure he didn't remember anything. Deciding if he were to die he would like to go out in style, Kai stands straight and let's his body fall backwards, the feeling of the wind wrapping around his body.

Since he's falling on his own accord this time, it's much less scary when compared to the time he nearly died falling from the tree that time.

After he'd fallen fallen about halfway from the branch he was perched on, Kai finally activated his innate ability. With his body growing even larger, gravity continued its assault as Kai picked up even more momentum.

With only a few more moments before impact, the transformation finished as Kai held his claws in front of him, getting ready to brace.

Wa'rak had done a perfect job in luring the abomination, the fleshy gorilla positioned just under Kai as he was about to reach the ground.

Unaware of what was about to happen, the large abomination made a lunge for Wa'rak, only to be pummeled into the ground by the body of a falling Lycanthrope.

The ground cracked and caved in under the abomination, creating a crater. Letting out a mad roar, the gorilla rushed to get back on its feet, only to feel its arm get completely severed.

Wa'rak, who took advantage of the confusion and dust to finish what he failed to do, retreated so he wouldn't get caught in the mad beasts frenzy.

Kai, was not so lucky though.

The best attack strategy is always plummet onto them from a tall tree.

Kerplunkeredcreators' thoughts