
Chapter 4

Kaima is rocking her babies to sleep in her arms, when she sees Mina at the door.

Kaima opens the door with her tail.

"How are they?" asked Mina in a whisper.

"Surprisingly calm", Kaima whispers back.

"Can I put on their pajamas?" asked Mina, in a whisper.

"Sure, you take Myleka, I'll take Myaleka", Kaima whispered.

Kaima and Mina take the twins into their cradles.

Mina takes Kaima into the living room.

"Kaima, I must warn you that something is going to happen that will put me in charge of babysitting your children", Mina warns Kaima.

"I would never leave my children not until I feel like their ready", said Kaima.

"When will their powers show?" asked Mina.

"About when they get into school", said Kaima.

"I'm glad", said Mina.

The phone starts ringing and Kaima answers it.

"Hello this is she. What? Hold it, I can't… but…" answered Kaima.

"Well", said Mina, with her arms crossed.

"The leaders around the world have declared they want to make a truce with Mars", said Kaima.

"But, that's not so bad", Mina replied. "Wait, we don't have technology to go to other planets yet".

"That's why I need to go in defense of them", said Kaima.

"But, how long will you be gone?" asked Mina.

"I don't know", said Kaima, with a sad look on her face.

"Then, don't go, your children can't grow up without their mother", said Mina, sounding sad.

"Actually the time protector needs Ben", said Kaima. "And if I don't go the gods said they will destroy our town and they got more advanced technology".

"But, we can't lose you again", said Mina, trying to hold back her tears. "Or Ben".

"Mina, I don't have a choice, my children won't have a future if I don't", said Kaima.

"But, they'll think you abandoned them", Mina told Kaima.

Kaima shakes her head and says "You will be there along with everybody else, you stuck with them and they will always know I love them with my heart".

Mina hugs Kaima, then a portal appears.

"This will take me to the portal doors that the protector of time showed me", said Kaima.

Kaima with tearful eyes says "Look over my babies for me".

"I will, I promise, take care of yourself", said Mina.

Kaima waves goodbye and the portal takes her away.

Mina hears a knock on the door, behind it she sees Annabelle, Marvin, Kina, and Jasmine.

"Wow! Mina, what's with the tears?" asked Kina.

"Where's Kaima?" asked Jasmine, worried.

"She went to space journey", said Mina.

Marvin dropped his flowers.

"Hold it explain what happened", said Annabelle.

Mina tells them what Kaima to her.

"We have to raise children", said Kina.

"Not only that, but Kaima's children", said Marvin.

"But, as long as we are together, we will be able to do it", said Jasmine.

"Right", said Mina. "Mom's going to lose it".

"Definitely", said the others.

"Then, we tell when she is at Madagascar", said Marvin.

"Brilliant", said Kina.

"Do you hear crying?" asked Annabelle.

"The babies", said Mina, then runs into the room.

Kaima's friends follow Mina.

Annabelle sing a calming Lullaby to the babies.

"What a beautiful voice", Marvin whispers.

Kina puts the babies back in their cradles.

"I guess, this is our new life", said Jasmine in a whisper.

"We will make it work", Mina whispered.

The others hug Mina.