
Spy Force Kaijin

"Okay, so there appears to be three different taverns sharing the exact same plaza...do any of them speak to y'all on a spiritual level?," Zhen Liu asked his cousins.


There is this weird phenomenon that occurs when a large enough group of people get together known as "diffusion of responsibility".

Basically, as more and more people form a group, each individual feels less inclined to take responsibility of any given situation.

Which is why Zhen Liu was making his cousins choose where they were going to go next as opposed to picking himself, because he had morally questionable things to do and needed his family distracted.

"Whelp, I'll let you guys decide where we can talk in public privacy. Looks like you have choice between...the Hammered Hammerhead, the Intoxicated Sea Dragon and the Drunken Prawn...have fun, I need to go find a restroom."