
Just to calm his rut

Jiang Qingyuan, CEO of Jiang Entertainment. Everyone who works in the company is aware of his nervous and fierce nature. The chief's secretary, Sui Ming, did not understand why this man might be nervous and moody, with a pale face as if he had not slept at night. Despite his twisted personality, she can't help but fall in love with him all the time. Perhaps her feelings for him in high school became stronger when she met him again. A few months later, I discovered that Jiang Qingyuan had hypersexuality. Sui Ming ended up being his bed partner with a contract and the consent of both parties. Ming Ming thought she could make him look at her. Maybe he loves her as well as she loves him. But from start to finish she was just as much a woman as any other woman throwing herself at him in bars. When he touched her in bed, he did not have any emotions, as if he was looking at a doll. Until the end..... She wasn't special in his heart.

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The desk fell into silence and Jiang Qingyuan's fingertips gripping his penis trembled.

An indescribable rage festered in his chest, making the hazel eyes flash with a fierce, terrifying luster. He grinded his fangs and his eyebrows frowned deeply with a strong sense of hostility.

His orders were clear that no one should enter his office. He didn't expect that the cowardly mouse that trembled every time he saw him would dare to enter.

The corners of his lips trembled in disbelief and he felt his mind wandering and his cock pulsing unbearably hot.

He swallowed wet his dry throat and leaned his back slightly forward, suppressing the tremors of his body as he moved his hand up and down.


The pleasure that pounded his veins made him pant and sweat his forehead. His black hair hung in the air and his locks were slightly damp.

His thick eyebrows were distorted with a heavy frown as if to prevent his frantic heat, and the fingers of his hand gripped the chair tightly.

He couldn't stop his hand from moving quickly, he felt the heat of the friction, and a surreal pleasure surged like a tide engulfing the cells of his body.

Feeling a familiar tingle from the end of his spine, he opened his eyes and grabbed several tissue paper from the box above the desk, before covering the tip of his cock and rubbing it with his other hand hastily.

At that moment, he held his breath and raised his head high before his penis exploded and ejected all its contents.


His voice sounded very hard as he felt his cock jerking repeatedly and the tissue paper was filled with his hot semen.

When his climax was over, he parted his lips, panting, and lowered his head with furrowed brows that exuded ferocity.

The bottom of his eyes darkened and he stared briefly at his cock, which had become slack but soon became bloodshot and stood as hard as a rock.

Jiang Qingyuan grinded his teeth to the point where vessels protruded in his jaw and he could no longer bear it. Reaching the climax just now wasn't satisfactory.

He needed a woman's body to swallow his hot beast inside.

Although he erected again and made his mind hurt and angry, he threw the handkerchief aside and his cock was stuffed into his underpants before he pulled up his pants and tidied his clothes.

Ignoring his bad mood, he raised his hand before his slender fingers grabbed the landline phone.

The surface of the hand was full of vessels giving off a pale green colour.

Sui Ming sat on the chair in front of the desk with an empty mind and a numb scalp.

Her amber eyes were wide, unblinking, and her pink lips were opened with a small slit.

The scene just couldn't comprehend for her. Well, she's already an adult and knows what Jiang Qingyuan is doing inside. But why would he do something like this in the office?

As she slowly absorbed the scene, the red in her white skin spread like a tide, and her amber eyes narrowed shyly.

She shrugged her slender shoulders and lowered her head, not knowing what to do.

I feel my entire body being melted and my ears whistling. How does a boss do something like this in a company? .

I bit my lower lip and suddenly the sound of the landline phone made me panic and I quickly stood up.

Without realizing it, I extended my hand because of my habit of taking it quickly and my voice faltered.


"Come here"

The other party's voice was stagnant and sent out a kind of chill. He did not wait for a response and closed immediately after he finished.

I became more confused and my eyes blurred. And my heart beats like an airplane engine.

I'm not ready to look at him. what will I say?

I bit my lower lip and amber eyes shyly flashed.

I want to turn into an ostrich.

Despite these thoughts and my hesitation a bit, I couldn't leave the CEO waiting and moved my jelly feet to his office.

I knocked on the door and without waiting for a response I took a stumbling breath and entered.

At such a time, the sun was shining brightly, piercing through the glass of the office window and falling, staining half of Jiang Qingyuan's face with golden color.

His eyebrows are knotted giving the impression of natural hostility and the lips are straight and serious. The black bottom of his eyes gave an even more frightening aura to his ferocious temper, and the atmosphere in the office suddenly seemed stifling and unbearable.

When Sui Ming entered, she didn't dare to raise her eyes and moved with small steps before standing in front of him with her hands clasped in front of her.

Her amber eyes are downward and her head is buried in her collar bone so much that he can see nothing but the top of her yellow brown hair.

His eyelashes fell over half of his eyes and he tapped his index finger on the desktop monotonously.

The slow clicking sound in this silence made it psychologically terrifying and it seemed that Sui Ming's mind would collapse.

She is afraid of being scolded for entering the office, and more than that, she is afraid of being fired.

Far from saying that money is important but she doesn't want to be away from Jiang Qingyuan. She loves him so much that she wants to watch him all the time.

To be near him like this seemed like a sweet dream. You don't want to be kicked out..

Because of the long silence my trembling eyes were raised and suddenly choked by a pair of hazel eyes that stagnated and gave a fierce and terrifying flash.

Like a lion lurking for its prey behind the tall grass. For a moment I felt as if I was a deer about to be pounced on and the lion digging its fangs deep into my neck and letting me twist and twitch to death.

The thought made my body hair stand up and my lips pursed tightly. His black hair falls over his forehead and covers his eyebrows as he touches his eyelashes.

His jaw seemed to move and I could tell he was grinding his teeth angrily.

I swallowed and parted my lips in a weak, hesitant voice.

"Chief jiang. I'm apologizing. I entered despite your assurance that no one would enter. I… There was a meeting with the shining star company and I thought I should ask you first before I cancel the meeting with them… So…"

The sound was so thin and small that if you weren't careful you wouldn't hear it. As if he would break in the silence.

Her faint whisper made his brow throb with infernal rage, and his body twitched before his hand hit the desktop and he roared with terrifying hazel eyes.

"What the fuck are you talking about, I told you to cancel all meetings, don't come to ask about anything."

His sudden shout made her shoulders tremble and she lowered her head as her hands nervously clasped.

Watching her lower her head in panic made him even more angry and his foot hit his desk chair so much that it flew and hit the wall.


His body pressed against him with unbearable heat and he gasped with sweat as green vessels bulged out in his white forearms and neck.

His libido and lack of sleep made his chest hotter and his mind seemed about to explode. He can't stand anything and wants to break and break until he calms down.

He bit his lower lip and stood in the sunshine as he lifted his hair from his forehead and closed his eyes, suppressing all these emotions.

She saw it and it's over so he just has to make sure that scene doesn't come out of her mouth.

After breathing for a while he calmed down a bit and opened his eyes. Under the influence of the sun, she only looked golden, like a wild lion craving raw meat.

His black eyelashes covered half of his eyes and his steps moved towards her.

Hearing the sound of footsteps heading towards her, she raised her head and shrugged her shoulders anxiously.

He stood in front of her and the sunlight was blocked and her entire body fell under his shadow.

It was so much longer than her that it only reached his stomach. When she saw his eyes flashing from below, cold sweat ran down her back and pursed her lips tightly.

The amber eyes looked filled with panic and anxiety and her eyes followed his lips concentrating on what he was going to say.

She doesn't want to be fired...

Not yet, she didn't even have the chance to make him fall in love with her.

His eyebrows stood still and the hazel eyes gave a stagnant look accompanied by an imperceptible shiver.

The air seemed to erode and parted his lips as his Adam's apple rolled up and down.

"If someone hears whatever happened here, forget your home in this city, forget your entire reputation, and prepare yourself to leave."

My throat suddenly dried up and I felt a pain in my lower abdomen due to the tension, I know his threat is no joke.

If I get fired with a no recommendation report, no company will accept me anymore. Also, he can spread any kind of rumors that will spoil my reputation and I may be number one in the hot search and no one will want to deal with me.

I don't know what kind of news he would spread about me but it sure is dirty that would make anyone want to stay away. Otherwise I won't find where to put my face and I will definitely leave for a rural area.

Anyway, I'm not that kind of person, and I love him, and I'll never talk about what I saw, so he won't do anything.

I nodded and parted my lips in a slightly more confident voice.

"I am your chief secretary, of course anything that happens to you will be kept confidential."

In response, one of his eyebrows raised and his lip retracted in a sideways smile full of derision.

He threatened her that she definitely wouldn't say anything not like she was someone keeping a secret. His eyes shrank and he should have been careful she would come back and threaten him for sure.

He gave her a look of clear disdain and turned back to his office.

"Go back to work."

"Uh, uh yeah"