
Just Like Flowers

A studxstud book

Itsbribri_okay · Autres
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6 Chs

Chapter 1

Mingxoai POV

"Ming!! Get up or you're gonna be late!!" Mom yells

I groan stirring in my sleep not wanting to get up from the comfortable spot in my bed

But sadly mom wins I get up and walk into my own private bathroom I look myself in the mirror with my pjs still

I look a complete mess

My hair was all over the place eye boogers in the corner of my eyes and some even on my eyelashes

I tie my hair into a messy bun putting a shower cap over it cutting on the shower

Today was Monday, March 15, 2018

I hate Monday's with a passion I wish everyday could be Sunday or Saturday

I break free of my thoughts as I carefully step into the shower the luke warm water accepting me in its arms as it cascades down my skin soothing and ridding my body of any tension

I become lost in my thoughts again...

Soon it will be my birthday and its getting closer and closer to graduation I still haven't applied to any colleges and I still haven't decided if I even wanted to go

But knowing my parents if they find out they'll take over a pick a college for me to go to

"Huh." I groan washing my body cleansing myself as I try not to think to much about it

I wash up rather quickly then I brush my teeth

I dry off and pick out something to wear all my clothes consist of bright or pastel colors my mom never lets me get dark color clothes when we shop together

I hate them

They don't fit my style at all I just want to knock all of them off the hangers and throw them out the window

While I glare hatefully at the clothes I decided on a pastel blue shirt with a pink pixel broken heart on the front and a pair of ripped baby pink jeans

I put on my pink and white checkered vans and grab my light blue backpack

I stood in front of my full body mirror and frowned...

I look like I'm dressing up for kindergarten all over again

I huff in frustration and I grab my comb going through my jet black flat ironed hair putting it into a high ponytail

I go downstairs not wanting to get in trouble and see my older brothers Shawn and Corey along with my big sister Eziyah at the table

I frown seeing my sister was dressed completely different from me

A hot pink crop top with black ripped shorts and black pumas to go with the out fit

She was dress maturely mean while mom and dad are still dressing me and treating me as a child

"Good morning." I say brandly not really wanting to speak, but I'm force to speak to them when I come downstairs

Nobody said anything back and I was becoming furious

"Well good morning Ming!" Mom chirps and I just straight face her and her smile falters

You see I'm interracial or mixed whatever you want to call it my mom is African American and my dad is Hispanic

Although my dad is three years older than my mom

I fix me a quick breakfast which includes cheese eggs, cheese grits, patty sausage, and three cinnamon buns

I grab the syrup and quietly began eating

"Don't you think that enough sweets for you?" My father asks

I straight up ignore him continuing to eat

I'm talking to you Mingxoai." His voice booms and I look up at him my face void of emotion if he sees he got to me he'll never leave me alone I realize that when I was seven years old

"Damontez!!" My mom says warningly telling him to stop

Its always been that way he always treated me like this I never understood why and I gave up trying to understand

"What? I'm just saying she eats too much." Dad says earning laughs from my siblings

I got up quietly from the table I did my dishes and headed out the door

I always enjoy walking to school, plus my "father" refuses to buy me a car

"What a great start." I say sarcastically to myself putting in my headphones putting my ipod on shuffle letting Bless the Broken Road by Rascal Flatts serenade me as I venture to school