


Staring at black slime across the grassy plain, Shin stared at the small monster.

"....So, this happened how?"

—–— —–— —–—

"Yo, Shin!"

Walking down the street was Yuki, A charismatic orange haired Asian dude as Shin would describe him (replace charismatic with 'likes to harass girls type').


Continuing to walk down the road until he met his fellow 26-year-old, Shin and Yuki continued down the street until they were met in front of a massively tall building.

"So...This IS your second week right?"

"No... It's my first day."

"Well great, cuz for some strange reason I wasn't sent an email with a map of the place."

Continuing inside the gargantuan building, they eventually came across one of their superiors : 'Lord of edge Lords' Sen.

"Oh you guys I'm looking for where you're supposed to go?"


"No... He is. I don't know why I'm still following him—

"I'll go tell Hirosaki, you guys wait here."

The dude who looked like he would be in some sort of H-manga as the protagonist quickly disappeared into his superiors office.

"...So, I take it I can leave. You know what I'm just going to do that."

Shin stood up before quickly disappearing to where he was supposed to be.


Waving goodbye to his 'Besto-Friendo', Yuki Sat down, waiting for Sen to come back : Hirosaki (Da boss) would be even better, females especially welcomed.


—–Tippy Tapy, Tapy Tippy!—

All possible builds up stress over the morning, Shin typed away at his keyboard, wielding some experience from his previous jobs.

"Hey, Mr. Shin?"

Another random individual appeared inside of his sight.

"I'm new here, mind telling me what to do—

"I quite literally started today...(What is with people thinking I'm more experienced than them)."

Quickly shut the female noobie up as they went to some other place asking for guidance.

The only real thing Shin was actually doing was completing the code of some other co-workers that they had just dumped onto some random newbies work schedule.

—Tipidy Tap, Tapidy Tip—

As the countless sound of multiple phone calls and typing entered the room continuously, Shin heard a fight between two individuals, although it definitely wasn't related to him.


"Sorry dude but I had a lot of work as well, and plus, from the recent events inside of this workplace being honest that work isn't even mine either."

Being unbothered by the current discussion, Shin typed away and called random individuals for his job — helping with divorce.

A couple years ago the methods had been completely changed, instead of riding it out in a piece of paper they would instead have to call someone and name the specific date along with their ex partner on one they would be officially divorced by law — That would also be the very same date that said person would also have a court trial if needed, all the typing is scheduling first said court trials and official divorces.

'Man.... I wish I could eat some sweet chicken soup filled to the bits with a large amount of tofu — seasoned to absolute perfection and then mixed with a large amount of vegetables to even out the flavors...'

And after a while, Shin thought about food for a couple of seconds.

'To bad...Gotta make That when I get home—




"Who da hail?"

The voice was heard by everyone in the office, and before anyone could continue to make weird reactions :


A massive flame making weird cryptic sounds erupted from the floor of the building, the fire is color was a mixture of red, blue, and purple.

'I just wanted...SOME F****INK FOOD!!'








—–— —–— —–—

Seeing the mysterious yet non-threatening beast before him, Shin questioned the very aspects of reality in that moment...

[First time doing this but okay...Hello host As I must congratulate you for becoming the first vessel of the food stall system, may I also congratulate you for the new abilities that you have been gifted!]

The black slime shifted and contorted to make those sounds, matching the words showed on a black/gold panel.


[If you somehow do not understand me, don't worry, you will unlock for voice modification sooner or later]


[Do I need to spell it out for you!?

Y o u h a v e b e e n c h o s e n f o r . . . .

r e i n c a r n a t I o n]

"I get that... Getting cleansed by mystical flames at your workplace is still pretty hard to understand, actually the normal person would assume that they're dead and I am too... What form of heaven is this? I never knew reincarnation actually meant that a person would simply be transported into heaven."

[...You're not in any Aetherverse, or as you Yggdrasilians would call heaven. Instead you're in a place where both magic demons and of course humans exist, But of course humans and demons are in a war. Also you never even died in the first place, neither did any of your co-workers]

"That's reassuring to know, anyways what type of system are you?"

Pointing his finger at the black slime, It reacted.

[I and the food stall system, The main focus of the system itself is to create a food stall and make sure it becomes famous but of course it also helps you grow in strength. Matter of fact, let me give you the starter pack!]

[Y o u h a v e o b t a I n e d :


L 'Blessing of Blank Dawn'


L 'Food-Stall Worker class'


L 'Food-stall skill tree' ]

Shin felt some 'mysterious forces' enter his body.

[Anyways, before you just question would I just did, let me just....]

[. .]

| Y o u

| H a v e

| A q u e s t


[. .]