
Just cultivate

Just cultivate

Phenix_Rox · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
6 Chs

Chapter 1

Yue Ling took a deep breath as she stood at the entrance to the Ancient Immortal Sect, clutching her acceptance letter. After years of diligent cultivation on her family's small farm, she had finally reached the Foundation Establishment stage and qualified to enter one of the most prestigious cultivation sects in the realm.

Today was the day the new disciples would arrive. Looking around, Yue Ling saw young men and women around her age chatting excitedly in groups as they waited for orientation to begin. Though many came from prominent sects and clans, an evaluation based solely on talent and hard work meant even a common girl like her had a chance.

A loud gong rang out, signifying the start of orientation. As the new disciples quieted, two elders stepped up to address the crowd.

"Welcome, new disciples, to the Ancient Immortal Sect," the woman greeted. "I am Elder Rong and this is Elder Wei."

Yue Ling felt her breath catch as Elder Wei scanned the crowd with bright, piercing eyes that seemed to look into her very soul. Despite his age, his tall figure emanated vitality and vigor. As one of five esteemed Sword Immortals of the Ancient Immortal Sect, his strength and talents were legendary.

Yue Ling quickly lowered her eyes. She must have been mistaken about Elder Wei looking directly at her. A great cultivator like him had no reason to notice an ordinary disciple like her on the first day.

After the two elders finished explaining the rules and expectations of the sect, the disciples dispersed. Yue Ling followed the detailed map she had been given to the Simple Abode quarters where the Foundation Establishment disciples resided. She had been assigned to room 305.

Upon entering her new room, Yue Ling saw two other girls around her age unpacking and decorating their space. The petite girl with flowing black hair was called Li Ying. Though clearly of noble birth based on her jade hairpin and luxurious silk outfit, her friendly smile and open demeanor immediately put Yue Ling at ease.

The other girl had light brown hair tied loosely over one shoulder and introduced herself as Ning Xia. Her robes and jade bracelet indicated a merchant family background. Though Ning Xia was perfectly polite, Yue Ling thought she saw a hint of scorn flash in Ning Xia's eyes as she noted Yue Ling's plain linen robes.

Nonetheless, Li Ying warmly welcomed Yue Ling, insisting on taking her that very afternoon to select spiritual plants for their shared garden. Yue Ling smiled back gratefully, heart swelling with hope that this marked the beginning not just of her cultivation journey, but also the first friendships that didn't revolve around plowing fields or tending chickens. She couldn't wait to see what the next year would bring.

The first three months passed swiftly, each day filled to the brim with cultivation practice, lessons on spirit herbs and magical tools, and lectures on immortal history and techniques. Yue Ling soaked up everything she could, spending long hours in the library and cultivation rooms to make up for her rudimentary initial training.

True to first impressions, Li Ying became a steadfast friend while Ning Xia kept a polite but cool distance. Brother Qiang, a loud and mischievous boy from another simple abode unit, often stopped by to visit. Yue Ling enjoyed their antics, even if she herself remained a quiet and diligent student. The only frustration was little progress in her actual cultivation base, still stuck at the early Foundation Establishment level.

One morning, Elder Rong, the female elder who had first welcomed them, stopped by to lecture about spirit stones and arrays. Yue Ling listened attentively, jotting down notes. Afterwards, Elder Rong smiled and encouraged the disciples to demonstrate their comprehension.

Ning Xia immediately raised her hand before launching into an eloquent analysis of high-level spirit stone refinement, four new arrays with advanced power, and their relevance for cultivation bases above Core Formation. A smug aura surrounded her as the other disciples gasped and muttered, awed by her deep insight and knowledge beyond the typical requirements for new Foundation Establishment disciples.

Yue Ling stayed silent, feeling entirely out of her depth. But apparently her lack of reaction only spurred Ning Xia to continue highlighting her advantage in cultivation resources and connections.

By the end, Yue Ling was holding back tears of frustration and embarrassment. She knew with her family's meager background, she couldn't compare to someone like Ning Xia. All her efforts might still not be enough...

How she managed to sit through the rest of the day's lectures, Yue Ling wasn't sure. By the time classes ended her head swam with formulas and descriptions that blurred together meaninglessly. All she wanted was to be alone and so she wandered into the small bamboo forest behind the Simple Abode residences.

Finding a quiet spot, Yue Ling finally let her tears fall. She was startled when a deep voice asked gently behind her, "Why is such a lovely girl crying by herself?"

Yue Ling whirled around to see Elder Wei standing a few feet away, concern in his sharp eyes. Abruptly remembering herself, she bowed and stammered, "Elder Wei! What are you doing here?"

His lips quirked up at her alarm and obvious attempt to hide the evidence of her tears. "I often walk through this bamboo forest to reflect. The tranquility here clears my mind. But I don't usually come upon young disciples in distress."

Embarrassed he had witnessed her weakness, Yue Ling found herself admitting haltingly, "I just...find the lectures and lessons difficult to comprehend sometimes. My family could not afford resources before, so I lack the foundation."

Elder Wei nodded slowly. "Cultivation depends not on material advantages but your own perception and effort. Do not doubt your potential simply because your start differed from others. I myself came from humble origins." Though his tone stayed mild, his words lifted her mood like sunlight breaking through clouds.

From that day onward, Yue Ling often saw Elder Wei while wandering the bamboo forest during free hours. At first they merely exchanged respectful greetings. But Elder Wei would gently draw her into conversation little by a little, until discussions and even debates grew long and stimulating.

With Elder Wei's guidance, Yue Ling's understanding blossomed. Her cultivation advanced in leaps as well, reaching the mid Foundation Establishment level faster than expected. On her birthday, Elder Wei even presented her with a rare manual on sword techniques unlike any in the sect libraries. Her joy and gratitude were beyond description.

Though Li Ying teased her for disappearing off alone so frequently, Yue Ling felt unaccountably reluctant to reveal her encounters with Elder Wei to anyone else. The bamboo forest like a secret world belonged only to the two of them, where titles and positions fell away and they spoke freely as friends.

At the end of the first year, the annual examinations arrived. Yue Ling felt calm and prepared, ready to show the fruits of her effort. After using a soundwave technique to strengthen a copper bell and successfully identifying nine of ten obscure spirit herbs, she emerged from the written exam confident she would pass.

Other disciples gathered in little groups afterwards, gossiping and comparing results. Yue Ling spotted Elder Wei watching unobtrusively from under a willow tree, accompanied by a striking woman she recognized as Elder Ling. Both were esteemed elders and Immortal Realm swords masters. What could they be discussing so intently? As if sensing her gaze, Elder Wei suddenly met her eyes and smiled slightly before returning to his conversation.

Blushing, Yue Ling had no time to wonder further as Li Ying rushed over excitedly. "Yue Ling, you'll never believe who asked about you just now! Huo Lei, the top disciple from Blue Cloud Peak!"

Though one year senior, Huo Lei's outstanding talents and rare fire spirit root meant special treatment as an elite disciple. He had spoken only twice to Yue Ling, both times to dismissively criticise some perceived fault like lazy posture or weak array setup. News he inquired after her was completely unexpected. Why her?

The next day, notices with the top twenty scores were posted. Yue Ling scanned anxiously until she saw her name ranked thirteenth, just below Ning Xia. After the initial elation receded, she wondered again about Huo Lei's sudden interest in her. She resolved to focus solely on continuing to improve herself through harder work.

However over subsequent days, rumors spread that Huo Lei planned to gift Yue Ling an expensive cultivation treasure. Female disciples tittered behind their sleeves about capturing his attention while male disciples shot her suspicious looks. Even Li Ying watched her differently, as if reassessing whether she deserved friendship with an elite disciple.

Unease descended on Yue Ling. She had done nothing to encourage Huo Lei, indeed uttering barely a sentence to him total! Once again she escaped to solitude among the bamboo stalks, hoping to clear worries from her mind through quiet meditation.

Why did rewards and prizes feel so empty, when acceptance from her peers turned so fickle? At times she wished nothing more than to return to plowing fields with her family under open skies. No whisperings or sideways glances followed her there...