
Just Breathing

Gemma Carter wasn't sure why she took the job offered to her in Sausalito, but she was always up for an adventure... Book 2 of the Beach Wolves

Skiripper · Fantaisie
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16 Chs

Chapter 14: Two

Nothing exciting happened at work and I got off a little earlier then expected. I pulled into the driveway at Oliver's and stuffed the test into my jacket. I didn't want others to see if he had some pack members over. I opened the door to hear two people in the kitchen, and no one upstairs. "Hello." I said as I closed the door. "We're in here." Oliver's voice sounded as I walked into the kitchen. Oliver sat on oneside and Bri on the other. They seemed tense. "I'll just wait upstairs so you guys can talk."

Bri stood up and pulled the arm of my jacket. "No um I was talking to Ollie about the baby and I decided to give it to you guys under a few conditions." I nodded and walked to the counter. "I want to name the baby boy or girl, and to be able to see him or her casually. They are never to know who I am, you will be his or her Mom and Oliver his or her Dad." I nodded expecting there to be more. "Okay what else?" She shook her head. "Nothing else."

Bri slid a paper over to me and I read it over. Simple paperwork with her outlining our arrangement and two signatures signed, it only had one blank left for me to sign. Oliver handed me a pen and I signed my name sealing the deal. "If you two decide not to take him or her, I'm giving the baby up for adoption." She stated as she picked the papers up off the counter. "We will take the baby and raise it as our own." She nodded and patted my shoulder. "You're going to be a great Mom."

She left without another word and Oliver let out a deep breath. "I brought the test, but I'm a little freaked out." Oliver came up behind me and hugged me. "We will be fine baby and baby." He patted my stomach." He walked with me to the bathroom and sat on the counter as I walked to the toilet. "I can't go with you stairing at me." I yelled as he laughed and turned his head.

I peed on the stick and capped it. I placed it on the side and took care of myself before moving it to the counter and washing my hands. "Five minutes!" Oliver read from the box and I shook my head. "With all the technical advances in this world and we have to wait." He shook his head. "Well I could go give blood, but I'm not sure if a needle would break our skin like a normal person." He shrugged, and took a sewing needle from a drawer and stabbed himself. The needle did pierce his skin, but it also shot it out after a minute. "Okay good thought, that would be odd."

I glanced down to see two distinct lines and I gasped. Oliver looked as well and kissed my cheek. "We are gonna be double parents he cheered as he ran into the room across from his. "We are going to have to move stuff around, and get cribs, and seats and oh gosh is a jeep safe for kids?" I laughed as he ran around the room measuring. "Well I'm going to go cook and then go to bed." I said as I left him to his craziness.

The meat smelled so bad it made me gag as it cooked and I vomited into the sink. "Aw baby go outside and get some fresh air, I'll finish." Oliver said as he walked into the kitchen seeing my head in the sink. I went outside to see Zane walking down the beach. "You okay?" I sent down the mind link. Zane didn't answer as he walked to the porch. "Leah is moody and I just needed to get out." He said as he shook his head. "I don't know what her deal is. I thought she might be pregnant, but the likely hood is less then one percent. Maybe five since she is my mate." He shook his head and his dreds knocked together.

"Why don't you stay for dinner and even the night if you want. I'm sure Oliver won't mind, and he's probably going to need help." He looked at me as I heard Oliver talking to Valor, and the twins on the phone. The boy was so excited and I knew everyone would know sooner then I had anticipated. "Congratulations." Zane said as he smirked. "Guess I am going to be an Uncle." I nodded and he smiled sitting back into a wooden lawn chair. Oliver came out with a chicken salad and offered Zane a bowel going back for his.

"We have more news. Besides Gemma being pregnant so is Bri, and we decided to take in that baby as well." Oliver said as Zane looked st us. "You know that the baby probably isn't yours brother. Oliver nodded and looked at me. "Maybe, maybe not, but either way the baby deserves a good home." Zane nodded and stuck a fork into his salad.

As we ate he opened up more about how he was frustrated with his mate. He had asked many times for her to make the change and she refused. So he stopped asking and now she was pitching a fit that I had done it and so had Valor. "Maybe she should go talk to Paco, or I could talk to her." I offered, but he shook his head. "Inasked her to talk with Valor, and she won't. She's to scared, and Paco freaks her out. I am going crazy."

"Maybe stay here for a while. You can stay in Valors old room and help me make the other room into a nursery." Figured I'd leave Valor's until their older, and they want to separate. Then the other room upstairs can be a guest room." I shook my head as Oliver pulled up pictures of things he wanted to do. "When did you have time to do all this?" I asked as I took another bite. "When I got home from work and waited for you to come home. He smiled and I couldn't help but smile back.

Zane decided to walk home after dinner, but said he would absolutely help us with the room and had extra wood in his garage we could use. He was sure Mike and Mark would like to put their woodworking skills to use. As he left I got a bad feeling about him and Leah, but I didn't voice it.

As we climbed the stairs a knock sounded st the door, and there stood Zane. "Come on in." I said as he trudged in from the rain. I grabbed him a towel and he dried off before stepping insode with a bag. "I got kicked out for voicing my opinion and she didn't take it well. "I'm sorry Zane." He nodded and after he settled we decided to watch a movie to help get his mind off of Leah.