
Just Another Sybby Adventure

Ah, yes. Sybby, it is I. The author of the 'Just Another' fanfics. The ''ROB'' that helped the 'Marauders.' Well, funny enough? I got fucking reincarnated. This is purely for my own enjoyment, and how I would interact in a situation that most MC's find themselves in.

SyberisLevoca · Anime et bandes dessinées
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8 Chs

I watched your mom cross the street.

(Still sitting at the light to this day, waiting.)

Once he woke up in the real world, he felt great as if he was well rested, perfect sleep. But checking the time no time at all had passed, so he decided you know what? Let's work out, clean the house, get everything in order.

Which he did, he kept the house he lived in clean, to an extent, not caring for smaller things like cobwebs or even dust really, he did dust the main rooms he used, but rooms he didn't use were left. But this time he decided to deep clean the whole house, even clean up outside, mow the lawn and such.

Just with the thought that whenever he wanted to, he could go into a real life fantasy 'Dream' and live out his wildest dreams while doing so, and simply enjoying himself left him with so much weight off his chest, a place he could go to let it all out.

It was around night time once he finished and he once again tried to do something, this time however he simply sat down into his recliner and closed his eyes. The moment he decided to go, he was waking back up in the inn.

It was early, early morning. Sun hadn't even risen yet but there were still people moving about, getting ready for work, a great smell in the air as people cooked as they began to open up theirs stalls and shops.

He got dressed with a thought, making his way back down into the guild hall he seen a guild worker already behind the counter, allthough the guy looked tired. Instead of going to the guy he instead went to the large notice board were all the requests were put up.

He found some simple ones, gathering herbs. Slaying a few wolves, and helping a farmer clean up some webbing from spiders , as it was the season they would begin coating the fields. Simple enough quests and with that he tore them off. He didn't need to worry about going to the counter to let them know he took them, his guild card would update them itself once he tore a paper off the board.

As he began to walk outside of town he first decided to handle the wolves.

After asking around a bit he got the location down and he moved towards it. At first there was no interaction with any creatures but he soon found a pack of three, when he looked at the request again it simple stated that all he had to bring in was their fangs for proof of kill, then however many he had would depend on his pay.

Simply enough, and as he folded the parchment and stored it into his inventory he noticed the wolves began to sniff at the air before whipping around to look at him. Sniffing at himself a bit in confusion.

''I smell fine?''

/You do, but I'd recommend you looking for a way to make sure your clean for the future.\

"Morning to you to Nova." He readied his shield and sword. Watching them as they began to dash towards him. Keeping them all in his sight as one attempted to leap towards him.

He flexed his stance, from his legs, to his core, to his shoulders before he slammed the shield forward into a hard hit as he pushed the wolf out of the air with the force and down to the ground. In a single move he pushed the tip of his blade down and peirced the skull.

With the easy dispatch of one the other two snarled loudly, one going around to his right as the other snarled at him from afar. Their not working together?

He shifted a bit and while still keeping the two of them in his site the one that attempted to branch off suddenly dashed forward, attempting to bite at his ankle. He lowed his stance a bit before he simple slammed the corner of his shield down and into the wolf's head, it was stunned for a moment but it still attempted to snap at him only to be met with a devastating kick to the ribs as Seth kicked it away from him just to turn around as the other wolf was on him. His teeth snapping near his face.

He could feel the vibrations of the wolf scratching at his shield, attempting to use it to get over it and bite his face or neck. Seth tilted the shield back then slammed it forward. Pinning the wolf against the tree he stabbed it's throat and in a sharp tug cut a large portion of it's neck out as it suddenly went limp, falling to the ground as he let it.

Turning around he quickly killed the other wolf as well. Now that all three were death he took the fangs but store the bodies into his inventory with ease, amused to see that even whole bodies fit into one slot.

He did feel a slight strain through, his head aching very softly as he did.

'Inventory is connected to my mind, meaning for bigger things, I'll need to either train it, or grow my mind and wisdom?'

For now he continued to hunt, able to get another 7 wolves before what he assumed was 8 ish in the morning by how the sun in the sky was. As he hunted he also looked for the herbs, which was actually not that hard. IT seemed Nova could help him spot things, while also warning him of things behind him. Good for combat.

Heading to the fields outlining the town he finally found the house he was looking for. As he walked towards it he took note of the field, covered in what looked to be a blanket of white. But he could tell that it wasn't snow, looked to be webbing of some sort?

Taking some of it onto the tip of his sword he used spark to lit the web he got, and just like in his own life it was quick and near instant as it went away. Taking a look at the field it covered, he noticed it was very green.

''Best case, it works like how it does usually."

/Worst case?\

'I set fire to a field and might need to kill a few people.'

/Ah yes, worst case.\

Knocking on the door, it took a bit but soon a older man opened the door, seeing Seth he looked up to him. ''You're a biggin', where's your party?"


''Well, yeah? Think you'll be able to clear this whole field by yourself youngin'?"

"About that, let me show you something." He lead the man outside and towards the field. Leaning down he casted spark towards the web, the moment he did he sat up as he watched it all burn up. The farmer watched, his mouth a gape.

[Due to your actions, your Mind and Wisdom raise by 1.]

Mind: 11

Wisdom: 11

That's good, seems by using his mind he could raise them, this should be the same for his physical traits as well.

(I know it's intelligence. Mind just sounds better for the feel I want for this book.)


"Well, sir. Your field is fine, and I just showed that you no longer need to put a request in with the guild, all you need to do is use some flame and it should get rid of it for you, worst case? You'll just need to walk around through the field a bit. Check if there is any that didn't get burned up."

The old man seemed to huff and puff for a bit before he began to catch himself, taking a deep breath before he nodded. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a small what looked to be copper plate. Thin piece of metal.

''Well, I can't be mad, here's your proof of completion.''

"Thank you, you have a good day sir."

/Best case this time it looks.\

'Best case.'

With that he took the metal and headed back to the guild, turning in the fangs, the proof of completion to the quest and the herbs. The guild was far more lively then before, with three fresh faced members behind the counter to serve the adventures.

"A proof of completion? Good! Let me just run this through the system real quick to get the appropriate reward!'' The man he was talking to had that customer service smile and voice. He set the thin piece down and his eyes seemed to flash, confusion showing a bit.

''The field of silk quest, already? You must've had a large party help you."

"No, I used a small bit of flame magic."

The receptionist seemed to be confused a bit, muttering to himself. ''There is no sign of the piece being stolen, so it must mean the old man is fine with what he did? I'll need to go check up on him.''

The only reason why Seth could hear this was because of his great senses. The smile coming back quickly.

''For 10 pairs of fangs, and the completion of the herb quest and request from Jared, it comes to a total of 35 copper, and 4 silver!"

With that he pulled the coins towards them, causing them to vanish.

Seeing the displace of 'Space' magic, the receptionist seemed to relax a bit, if this guy knew space magic, maybe what he said was true?

With that, Seth left the guild hall to head towards the small book store he was told about, also a place he was told could enchant gear if someone had the coin.