
Just Another Op Mc With a System (Dropped)

Evan was just an average gamer reading a web novel as he was walking and got hit by the infamous Truck~kun

lSpacel · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Time to get some Exp

It then occured to Asura that he is still level one and only trained his skills through non intensive or random ways.

Asura was glancing over past events and remembered a certain detail from 'The Gamer' webtoon and thought about the famous Instant Dungeon. Asura was thinking anout how to use it then raised his palm to the sky and forced mana, or in this case primordial energy and created a Protected space

[Skill created through repeated action]

I.D. Use (active) lvl 1 xp 0%

Used to create intstant dungeons

can be used to leave instant dungeons

Stronger instant dungeon can be created at higher levels

- Empty I.D.

Asura was there spamming Id create for quite a while leading to him creating quite the list due to being in 2 worlds so far

Level 8

- Empty I.D.

- Ghouls: Much like zombies but are souless wanderers

- Skeletons: Like ghouls but all flesh has rotted away and being tempered in the heat of the underworld

- Danger Beasts: Akame ga kill beasts in which can on a varying level of diffuculty

- Academy Students: Golemns due to CPS (Child protective services) that have the same skill and chakra as a academy student

- Genin: Stronger than academy students but still Prepubescent teens


-Time dialated space 1:5 ratio

and Asura got to work straight away grinding away in a 1:5 ratio protected space with ghouls and they were nothing to Asura and he even leveled up a few times and then Asura was exhausted after a long day of killing and finally reached level 10 gaining 50 skill points to allocate however he wants then he summoned the boss of the ghoul dungeon leading to the boss which was a ghoul the same size but way stronger than the other Grayskin the Ragewalker. Asura was scared for some reason but, 'if this is based off of The Gamer then this should be easy... right' Asura thought

Asura just needed to level up martial arts as much as he could. Asura was fast so he was flying around Greyskin at high speeds... for the braindead zombie at least. Punching it over and over again as well as throwing the ghoul around until the dumbest thing happened. The ghoul became impervious to all attacks while it was entering a rage state.

'Oh I played quite a few MMO's in my day and this is nothing compared to Dark Souls' Asura thought 'Speed may be increased but with a garuntee that all strategy goes out the window'

Asura was right with the ghoul sprinting right past him directly into the wall at high speeds. Asura used this strategy to dodge and hit the Ghoul over and over again until it died raising his martial arts level while the boss dropped 10,000 Ryo and a skill book called [Drain] and Asura wasted no time and learned it

[Drain (Passive) Lvl 1/100]

Drain opponets permanently of their stat points after you have beaten them. Gain more at higher levels

Choose one attribute then gain 50% of that stat target only loses 10% of the stat permanently]

[Host, passive abilities gained via The Gamer DLC are based off of The Gamer universe meaning if host manages to get 1,000 points in a stat it may say god but that is based off of that universe]

'I was wondering that' Asura thought 'man I would be really strong in The Gamer wouldn't I'

Asura then went back to do the same thing the next day but this time he went straight into the skeleton dungeon because fighting normal people is boring and there were a few types of enemies in this dungeon Skeleton Soldiers, Archers, Mages and an unknown final boss.

Asura was having a great time killing skeletons with his martial arts then using drain on them taking strength from warriors agility from archers and intelligence from Mages gaining quite a few stats in the process as well as leveling up both martial arts and [Drain] quite a bit getting it to level 10 and getting All for One to level 4 off of the mages gaining more overall Mana and two new skills [Fire affinity] and [Water Affinity]

[Water Affinity (Passive) Lvl 1/100]

Water or ice based attacks do 10% more damage

[Fire Affinity (Passive) Lvl 1/100]

Fire based attacks do 10% more damage


Level: 14

Strength: 110

Intelligence: 269

Dexterity: 100

Agility: 110

Charisma: 25

Luck: Infinite

This was after killing countless enemies then all of the mobs in the dungeon. Asura still has 12 hours before joining his genin squad as he was tested and that was when the boss of the skeleton dungeon spawned. Right after this happened all of the skeletons from before were gone. Then the boss finished spawning, Wyrmtounge the Bonelich