
Just Another Multiverse FanFiction

You know, I wanted to try this at least once. Note to anyone who actually got to this thing: I decided to write this thing after thinking about it for like 10 minutes. I wrote this just to try and it is a very rough draft. I literally wrote the first ten chapters today (well, the day I uploaded them). Anyway, guy dies, gets a wish, gets reincarnated in the Destiny (the game, you know, Bungie and all that stuff) universe, travels to other fictional universes. I wish I owned any of the stuff I am writing about. But I don't. So don't sue me. Please. I own only my OC.

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Ep. 16 - Space Date, White Fang, Adam

After one last look over the set up, I decided that it was as safe as safe can be: physical restraints, two layers of shields, Arc bullets to stun Salem, and Devourer bullets as a final line of defense. If this does not at least weaken her to human levels for a thousand years, I doubt anything actually can.

I trasmated back to the ship, a little distance from Weiss so as to not spook her. I changed my armor to under-armor and went towards her.

"Weiss, would you like to go on a date with me around the solar system? We could fit in the cockpit if we squeeze in." I asked her. I wanted to spend some time just chilling. The pilot seat can also move a little backwards, so there will be enough space, if she sits on my lap. No need to fuss over the details!

We've been training or studying most of the time in Beacon. Some time to relax is important and being in space, us two alone is a great excuse.

"A-a date?! Uhm, s-sure let's go!" she said. 'She's embarrassed. Adorable.'

With that said, I took her in a princess carry and trasmated to the cockpit. The pilot seat automatically adapted and made space, so just sat down with Weiss. To not put her on the spot, I decided to ignore her blushing face. I operated the ship's controls and started zooming towards the fourth planet in Remnant's solar system. I found out that these planets are much more unique compared to the Destiny universe planets, at least from before the arrival of all the alien species.

Their first planet is like Mercury. Too close to the star to have something interesting on it. Their second planet was mainly liquid. I haven't checked it out, but I thinks that it's some kind of Dust-like material in liquid form. That would be revolutionary to Remnant's technology. The third planet is Remnant. Like Earth, it's in that sweet zone where life is possible. Now, from the fourth one on, interesting things appear.

The fourth planet is covered by crystallized vegetation. The land is mainly purple, red, and blue, making for a jaw dropping sight from space. It looks like a giant jewel just thrown out in space. 'Maybe it's one of those two Gods' jewel. Cracked maybe? Dunno.'

The fifth planet is also interesting. It's basically a planet-sized resort. There is a single continent and it's massive. It's probably some kind of mountain coming from the depths of its ocean, though I didn't investigate. The whole coast is a sandy beach with colors varying from pure white to light pink. As you go inland, the altitude rises. From gentle hills, you go to a snowy mountain. I plan on taking the gang there during the break before the second semester starts. 'Should I warn them about the marine wildlife? Nah, it should be just some fish. Giant fish but fish nonetheless. Ah… Just a couple of weeks.'

The sixth and last planet is covered in ice, permanently. The cool thing is that there are natural cave systems and basically natural roller coaster rides. 'I am so taking my sparrow there. It will be a blast!'

Oh, yeah, forgot to mention… The cockpit is made of a special type of material that works like a one-way mirror. With some tinkering, it shows the outside perfectly while regulating the lighting and displaying useful information.

Anyway, back to the 'Space Date'. I operated the controls of the ship, just because it's fun. Weiss on the other hand was intermittently looking between me and the outside scenery. She had wrapped her arms around my neck, which made me really happy for literally no reason. The ship moved fast towards the fourth planet. Once we got there, Weiss had stars in her eyes. 'They are beautiful. Both the planet and her.'

I decided to give her a tour of the fossilized forest, so I used the scanners to create a 3D map. Wouldn't want to lose my way inside. I started a slow descent towards a clearing between the giant trees. 'Those things must be a few kilometers high. And that trunk. Massive!'

I took it real slow and started going around the planet, taking in the stunning colors. I decided to dub the planet as 'Crystal'. Not very original but it gets the job done.

"Forever Fall and the other forests in Remnant are nothing compared to this. Thank you, for bringing me here." Weiss said, and hugged me tight.

I just whispered in her ear: "Anything for you. And… This place is nothing compared to you."

She overheated at that point. 'Man, though she is my girlfriend it's fun messing with her.'

After a few hours, Weiss started getting hungry, so I zipped back to Remnant, right back to Vale. I stopped the ship right above the best restaurant in the city. We ate there, while people stared at my hovering spaceship. I didn't care. If someone did try something… Well, let's just say that the ship has some automated defenses and is constantly linked to a pissed MoonRay. Not a good idea.

After our scrumptious meal, I told MoonRay to return the ship to space, while me and Weiss walked through the city. We were between the upper-class district and the commercial district, so we were passing through many different shops. I was taking note of anything that Weiss showed an interest to. It was actually the first time she went shopping since the start of Beacon. I did get a little too happy when I saw her look at a bridal dress. 'It's way too early. Maybe a ceremony on the moon? That would be nice, overlooking the planet while getting married… I must do it.'

I think I had a goofy smile on my face and Weiss noticed. She quickly pulled me away from that particular shop.

'I really like this feeling. I did have a girlfriend in my past life, though we broke up pretty soon. This is probably the first time I am feeling this happy just by walking with someone.'

After a walk through the commercial district, we arrived on a hill overlooking Forever Fall. Now that we've been on planet Crystal, the view is less stunning, but still very nice.

"Weiss, close your eyes for a moment." I said. She probably knew what I wanted to do, so she closed her eyes. I took that 'Shattered Moon' pendant (as it was dubbed in my interface) and gently put it on her. "You can open them."

When she saw the pendant, she had a smile on her face. 'Lately, I have seen her smile a lot. It's always stunning.'

She looked at me and gave me a quick kiss while wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Thank you. It was the best first date I could ask for." she said. 'I was worried it would be too plain, but I guess going on a different planet makes up for it.'

"Thank you for coming with me. This will be the first of many more dates. I need to work hard to keep the quality constant, otherwise you might get bored!" I joked around. 'It won't be easy to have original date ideas every time, but I'll do my best.'

"I would never get bored of a date. At least, not with you." she said, whispering the last part.

After she separated from me, we stayed there for a while, just enjoying each other's company.

After our date, we returned to our team's room, where we were greeted by a studious Ruby, a reading Blake, and a curious Yang.

"So… How was your first date? He did something stupidly incredible right?" she asked Weiss.

"You bet he did! First stop the moon, then a crystal planet. It was awesome!"

Yang stared at me.

"What? I have a spaceship, the least I can do is use it!" I said, defending myself. She, on the other hand, started laughing her ass off.

"I think not many people would use a spaceship for a date on another planet. I dunno though, never been on a date." she said, with a hint of sadness and longing at the end.

'I should revise my house's blueprint. I'll make it larger.'

That night, the White Fang would assault a Dust shipment. I wanted to get the evidence that the Faunus were working with Torchwick. Maybe I could get him to slip up and reveal something 'for the cameras'. Either way, I will get rid of him. Without this shipment of Dust, Cinder, Mercury, and Emerald will not have enough for their plan. I will throw a wrench in their plans, maybe they will continue with what they already have.

I decided not to tell the team. I could see they were quite tired. 'Yesterday probably took a toll on their mental health. Though they accepted both me and Blake, it was still quite shocking, no matter what.'

I was currently in my cloaked ship, hovering above the cargo ship. I will wait until they arrive, then do my part. I already had my gear on. This time I will use a 'Vex Mythoclast'. The thing shoots plasma, basically, so it will be extremely effective against people and Bullheads alike.

I didn't wait long until Roman arrived with his gang of cannon fodder. 'Can't he get some decent helpers? Where's Neo in all this?'

I started a recording and trasmated to the surface. I had cloaked myself with the personal stealth drive I assimilated back in the Destiny Universe. I was quite far, so I observed the crooks through my scope. When they started loading up the containers, I trasmated behind Roman and held him by the neck. I also pointed my weapon at his back.

"Hello there, Roman Torchwick. Remember me? I floored one of your Bullheads a few months ago…" I said, hitting a sore spot.

"So it's you, huh. What do you want this time, you uncoordinated mess?"

"Did you just make fun of my attire? I admit it's not exactly the best mish-mash of gear, but it's useful at least. I'm digressing.

I want to know what the members of the White Fang are doing with a human. In particular, why are you guys hoarding all this Dust."

"Kid, we're business partners. They work for me. This bunch of animals makes for an excellent workforce. As for the Dust… I dunno, you tell me."

"Come on, Roman. If you tell me I might be able to help you. You don't strike me as an unreasonable guy. You are hoarding this Dust for someone. After all, who would need this much Dust?" I said. With the previous conversation, I had enough evidence to prove that White Fang was actually participating in the heists and that Torchwick is the one actually commanding them in this 'business operation'. Now, I wanted him to admit that there is someone else ordering him. He won't be spared by my purge, but criminals also deserve justice. A confession would prove that he was not the mind of the whole thing.

"Look, kid. You have no idea who you're messing with. This isn't about me and you. Those guys are crazy. They hoarded entire buildings full of Dust, but I don't know why. Now, kid. Get off me!" he said, before firing his 'Melodic Cudgel' at my feet.

I didn't even flinch and fired at him, straight in his spine. Due to the heat, there isn't much bleeding, though he won't be walking out of her anytime soon. He won't be walking anywhere anytime soon, to be precise.

"Argh! Fuck! Get him! What are you waiting for?!" he shouted. I need to give it to the man. If it was the human me, I would no doubt pass out from the pain.

The White Fang cannon fodder had already surrounded me. When they heard Roman's shout, those with guns started firing at me.

I blinked a safe distance away, breaking free from the encirclement. Those idiots ended up shooting their own people. Two guys with guns were down, while the last had some kind of staff. I took aim and shot the rest down. One shot to the head. They should have died a painless death. They were unlucky to have sided with Torchwick. More like, with Cinder. Details, details.

The reinforcements had arrived, and another group had arrived. I wanted some captives so that the authorities could interrogate them, therefore I moved behind the tense Faunus.

I knocked out the one closest to me by hitting his head. I then moved to the group's right while firing at their knees. I downed three more before stopping. One had a gun, so I shot his hands as well. Brutal, but effective.

There were five more enemies who took cover behind the containers. On my HUD, I pulled up the footage from the ship, something I discovered I could do this evening. I used a different perspective to shoot through the containers.

I didn't consider the Dust inside, but luckily I didn't hit any of the sealed vials.

After taking one down, his mates were scared out of their wits. Cover wouldn't save them, I could teleport behind them if I wanted, my weapon completely bypassed aura… They realised they fucked up. One of the remaining four criminals threw his weapon away and surrendered. I 'accepted' and knocked him out. I think I heard a *crack* from his neck. Weak fucker.

When I took aim again, the three remaining guys looked at each other and threw their weapons away. I moved to knock them down as well. One of the idiots thought it would be smart to stab me with a hidden blade.

Short story long, the blade hit my side, bending at the tip, before finally snapping. Since the blade snapped, I looked at the guy. I then used the hidden blades I had installed in my wrists to stab him in the gut, before cutting his tendons. I'm petty, sue me.

All the while this was happening, I was recording and the bullheads continued loading crate after crate, as if I would let them take the Dust.

I started shooting the vehicles, more specifically the wings. They weren't too high up in the air, so I hoped they wouldn't explode just by falling.

And they didn't, so good for me and the Schnee Dust Company. The CEO is a prick who I will have to 'talk' to, but the company itself has no faults. It's always the people. It's like people with guns: people kill other people with guns; guns don't just start running and shooting people. In this case, the CEO is a person and the company is a gun. That was a shitty comparison, but it's true.

All that was left, was the Bullhead that Roman used to come here. They have a navigation system and I have a certain scrap ball who is very good at hacking stuff.

I called out MoonRay and had her enter into the vehicle's systems, tracing its route back to the starting point. I didn't expect Torchwick and Cinder to be fools, so I looked at frequent 'relay' points. Those were the most likely Dust hideouts.

I asked MoonRay to compile the data she retrieved, then send it along with the recordings to the authorities. It's quite different from my original plan, but it should work even better. Without their Dust, or a meager amount of it, Cinder will use more direct methods to plunge the city into chaos. This should give me more opportunities to get rid of her and her friends. 'All things considered, she should still move during the tournament. No matter how desperate, she is still pretty damn intelligent. An international gathering of students is the best cover.'

With that out of the way, I decided to wait for the police to arrive. Apparently, something which I did not expect, Ozzy has a backdoor to the police department. I got a communication on my scroll saying to 'get out of there and let the competent authorities deal with this mess.' I happily obliged. I wanted to stay only to help with handling the White Fang cannon fodder, but since he insists.

I sent a short reply: "OK." Nothing fancy.

Since I was in the groove tonight, I trasmated back to the ship, before using the scanners to search for Adam. I can get rid of him easily. 'Maybe make it appear like a Dust explosion? Oh, that sounds good!'

I located several people that matched his description, but I narrowed it down by selecting only remote locations. Lo and behold, he was having a Poker match with his colleagues. 'Can they be called colleagues? Eh, don't care they are already dead, they just don't know yet.'

I reached the location pretty quickly. With a 3D rendering of the base, I found a Dust storage. I decided to break in my sniper rifle, so I trasmated on my ship's wing. On my HUD, I was cross-referencing what I was seeing with the rendering. I took out a 'Whisper of the Worm' simply because it's a heavy sniper rifle and will penetrate any obstacle between me and the Dust. I crouched, took aim, and opened fire.

Let me tell you: I love fireworks, in particular when they are so colorful! 'Uh, yuck! Pieces of bodies flying everywhere. They must have been farther from the explosion. I kinda wanna start blasting 'It's raining men'. Seems fitting.'

I am sure there were some Faunus just tasked with the security of the building, but they chose the wrong time period to be members of the White Fang. That or they were unlucky to be assigned under Adam.

With several of my goals accomplished and a song stuck in my head, I cleaned my gear from the bits and pieces, then trasmated back to my room. There, I snuggled in bed with the sleeping Weiss. Nothing inappropriate, mind you.