
Just another dungeon explorer.

Our God has not been kind to us, he sprung upon us a disaster like mankind has never seen before, D-Day killed millions of innocent civilians and threatens to wipe us out. I will do everything within my power to clear every level thrown at us. I refuse to let it claim the lives of my friends and family. One day, I will wipe that pathetic God off the face of the universe. Follow me on my journey, fellow adventurer.

The_Lord_Tachanka · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

The slums

"Oi, brat, how much did you extort from those rich cunts today eh?" A man asked, laughing at the poor beaten kid in his grasp.

Oliver looked down at his feet, quivering, "I couldn't get any sir... the guards... they threw me out of the city walls... they beat me till I couldn't walk anymore... please forgive me, I'll do anything!"

The boy looked up at the man with pleading eyes - he knew his life depended upon it. He was used by the Viper gang to beg for money from the rich within the city... when the monsters descended they weren't so kind to many people causing millions of people to lose their homes, forcing them to live in the slums, hoping for the protection of the city. The gangs within the slums were viscous, it was a dog eat dog world with almost no policing, no-one would look twice at an orphan gone 'missing'.

"You had one fucking job to do, and you screwed it up so royally you got beat by the guards as well? Kid its a wonder how you're even still alive nowadays." The man spat on him, kicking him in the stomach.

"Get out of my goddamn sight, fucking pathetic scum of the earth... if you cant even earn money from those rich cunts what use are you alive? Agh, you're lucky I'm feeling generous today kid."

The man kicked Oliver out of the door, he simply sat on the floor, one tear threatened to slip down his face. 'Mum what did I do to deserve this, why did I lose you, and where is my dad.. Why did he never come back for me?'

Unsure of what to do Oliver simply wandered the streets in silence, spotting a notice board out of the corner of his eye he walked over. Perhaps out of simple boredom he started to read the notices, 'Kids aged 12-18 - Are you living in the slums, running out of money and don't know what to do? If so we have the perfect opportunity for you, come to the City academy of explorers, we will teach you how to become strong, stronger than anyone in the world.'

Oliver was lucky, his mum had taught him how to read before she passed away... a luxury most kids in the slums don't have. His 12th birthday was in 2 weeks, he would finally gain access to his system, he would finally be able to fight back against the cruelty of this world.

'I should check this out, it looks too good to be true so we're probably just going to be some rich snobs cannon fodder but if it'll get me a meal it's worth it.'

He walked to the city gates, taking an hour long detour in order to avoid the Vipers territory, although his handler was lenient many within were not. They would not hesitate to take his head for his mistakes.

Luckily, none of the guards on duty had seen Oliver being thrown out like a dog earlier on in the day. However, he was a kid from the slums, dressed in rags, they were still cautious about the boy as he could be a potential drug runner from one of the gangs. The drug epidemic was ravaging throughout England causing the death of hundreds of thousands each year, but nothing the government could do would stop it. The market was simply too ludicrous.

After thoroughly searching Oliver, he was finally allowed through. He ran, his curly blonde hair dancing on the wind, his rags blowing past him. His first step to freedom lay within this academy. He didn't care if he had to grovel at the feet of the nobles, as long as he could become strong enough to escape the Viper gang and avenge his mothers death, he would do anything.

"This is it.. those gates.. I will become strong, but.. I can't focus my entire life on becoming strong, being strong without anything you need to protect is a worthless life, for now, I shall focus on avenging my mother, past then... who knows."

As he walked up to the gates the two guards started walking towards him, "Kid, what's your purpose of coming to MK System Academy?"

"I want to learn, I want to become strong, I.. I need a meaning to my life. I will do anything, I need to be accepted here sir."

"Woah, calm down kid. Little enthusiastic to throw yourself into the flames of hell aren't you? Alright come with me, I'll bring you to headmaster."

There's a reason the MK system academy was one of the best in the country, not that the boy knows that of course, it was because the headmaster personally vets every student that enters the doors. It doesn't matter how rich or poor you are, as long as you have the will and perseverance to grow, they will welcome you with open arms.

"Kid, wait here the headmaster will call for you when he's done with his work."

"Yes, Sir." Honestly, he had no idea what to think, Oliver was nervous as hell. His entire future depended on what would happen in the next 10 minutes.

"Come in boy," a powerful voice rang out from within the headmasters office, the aura of his voice alone could subdue even the most powerful among the city.

Oliver slowly got his feet under him, pushing through the sheer pressure the headmaster was emitting. It was getting heavier with each and ever step, however, Oliver had to do this or he would lose his chance for revenge. 'If I can't even make it into that chair I simply don't deserve to be at this academy.'

He edged forwards step by step, he was barely a meter away from the chair, with his body strength he could no longer stand up. Falling to his knees he continued to crawl and pull himself along to the chair, once he grabbed held of the chair leg the pressure disappeared in an instant.

"Huh, well done kid, not many people without systems would've been able to do that, heck even the adults that haven't trained their system wouldn't have been able too. The moment, you crossed that door into this office was the moment you were allowed into the academy, you made it all the way to the chair. What's your name kid?"

"Its Oliver, sir," the headmaster was a gold talent body cultivator that had opened almost 17 veins, the pressure he could enact on a normal person was immense.

"Well, Oliver, I have half a brain to put you into the tier 1 class. If you get a silver mage or body talent in two weeks, I'll let you into the T1 class. You'll get the most resources of the first year, of course, you'll have to fight to continuously fight for your place there. The nobles will also discriminate against you, since you're not even worthy of being a peasant in their eyes, coming from the slums. Oliver, are you up for it?"

"Yes sir, I swear on my mothers grave, I will become one of the best students inside this school!"

Determined to do a good job he sat firm, looking the headmaster straight in his eyes. He had never stood down from a challenge in his life and if this challenge allowed him to escape the horrors of his earlier life, he would take it no matter the challenge he had to contend with.

"Ha that's the spirit kid, the school semester starts tomorrow, for the first 2 weeks we'll be doing theory so you just make the cut off line on age, good luck."

This is my first book so let me know how it is, if theres any errors please let me know and ill try and fix it as best I can, thank you.

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