
Just A Bit Longer

Alex Grey always wondered why he is the way he is. He is color blind in a way that isn't commonly seen. Every color is dulled, unless they are one of Them, such as his skin, which is a light tan, looks pale, almost sickly white. He also has the Sight, the ability to see the Good Neighbors. He doesn't know who his father was and his twin sister is the one who is what he should be. Read to find out exactly what and more.

Nine_Tall_Tales · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

An Hour

Light, warm golden light, started to invade my dream with this Fey man. He seemed to understand and waved me off. "See you soon Alex Ander Grey."

And with that I jolted awake in an unfamiliar room. My sister was asleep on the bed next to mine. There was a beautifully carved night stand in between. On the other sude of the room was an equally beautiful set of drawers. There was a two doors, one leading out, the other leading somewhere, I don't know, that seemed to have live vines growing on them. As a matter of fact I think everything had these vines growing on them.

I look back over to my sister and she's still asleep. Suddenly the door opens and a tall muscular man with spikey, bright red, hair that looked almost like the guy from my dreams, literally, except for the hair and the eye colors. His eyes were green and a silver-blue. I stare at him with an somewhat confused expression.

"The Summer King and Queen would like to see their oldest so follow me." I slowly get up and stretch. Following the firey red head I start to ache. I touch my cheek that hurts, I have a scrape there, great. I sigh, I hope this heals and doesn't leave a scar. The scrape stops hurting when I realize that my hand has a warmth about it. I take my hand from my face to look at it. My entire hand and arm are tan, not pale like I usually see, tan. I'm shocked, maybe it is because I'm now in the Summer Court or something.

"No I assure you, your half Fey like your sister. And the first born half breed son to the the King. The King of Summer wants to see his son. And no he doesn't know anything about you, like the fact that you're gay, except for who your mother is. The Queen of Summer is a hateful mistress who a lot of Fey steer clear of. She has a habit of turning people into animals and sending her dogs after them."

"The Queen seems like a bitch." I mutter under my breath.

"Yes she does but you should meet the King and Queen of the Unseelie." He states simply. "The King there is the third one so far because the last ones were killed because she thought that they were cheating on her."

"Damn, you got some good hearing. Wait...how did you know that I'm gay?"

"Does Black hair ring any bells?" That's when I FINALLY pieced together everything. I didn't just imagine him being the guy who waits in the darkness just to keep me company. Instead of giving him the shocked expression I just nod in exceptence. "What? No shock or yelling about staying out of your dreams or something like that?"

"Nah no point in being shocked. I am really excepting with things that most people would be upset or shocked about. My sister, on the other hand, is easily surprised with anything that isn't Fey related.

short cause I'm tired sorry

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