
Jupiter’s Legacy: Son of Utopian(Dropped)

A guy in his late teens transmigrated into original Netflix series Jupiter’s Legacy as Brandon Sampson the next Utopian or so they thought. “Am I dreaming, why is there a floating man in ridiculous tights preaching with a stick up his ass about some code in the middle of the forest!?” Starting as a power hungry 9 year old watch as he uses his cunning to fulfill his ambitions.

VeritasImperium · TV
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Your average sociopath was living through another draconian lockdown in 2021.

Damn when will this crap ever end.

I wish this daddy was rich then he wouldn't have to travel anywhere.

He had been working on his online business and was starting to make progress selling toilet paper and fragrant masks initially as a joke but turns out his brand was more catchy than he thought with the logo of a monkey-faced Faucci dressed in saintly robes arms spread to the heavens mocking the cultists of his era.

He was walking down the street and heard a screeching sound down the road.

Oh, crap is that a truck!?

He started to run, but it was too late.


His body flew several meters into the air rag doll blood flowing like Christmas rain for all the poor sods standing on the sidewalk.

Losing consciousness his last thoughts were

'At least I don't have to wear a diaper over my face anymore.'

And all went black.

Witnesses at the scene report a dark brown-haired man with light brown skin bent in unseemly angles bleeding from seemingly every orifice.

A whisper could be heard carried by the wind.

"Ordo Ab Chao"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

No world hopping or tag changing.

Knowledge of the Lore/Comic appreciated and would suggest watching an episode or 2 of the TV series to enjoy this more.

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