
Chapter 9


I didn't go to work that weekend, Louise was out early morning. Probably to work I don't know where exactly because he didn't tell me.

Our only interaction is mostly greetings. And I sometimes ask him how his day went and to inform him that I made food and if he will like to eat immediately.

He replies to my greetings very well but hardly eats. His excuse is that he already had something to eat.

One Friday he returned home very late with a visitor.

A lady who's probably in her late twenties or early thirties.

She looks good I must say but she appears not to notice my presence.

Louise kept ordering me around like a maid.

He will say "April, quickly fix Miranda's bath. Prepare a very rich tea with enough milk.. that's the way Miranda likes her tea. April, come and clear the table and get Miranda chilled water to drink.

April change the television channel to an interesting foreign romantic movie for Miranda