

"My goodness, what did you just ..........." Julie said in shock looking at her spoilt blouse but stop her sentence midway when she came face to face with the man who had collided with her. For a moment she couldn't believe what she was seeing. She even tried to open her mouth to speak but her mouth went on strike letting her eyes and mind work. The man standing before her was extremely handsome. The handsome type that seemed to be out of this world. The first thing she noticed was his blue oval eyes that shone bright piercing through her soul. Then his pointed nose that was perfectly placed on his face making his curved pink lips look so edible. His chiseled face made his countenance even more intoxicating. His black soft hair that was tied neatly at the back of his head even made his face more appealing as his flawless brown skin seemed to be glowing. And his physique? Goodness it was definitely goals. He  was tall, more like 6.4, with a well built body that you could see his muscular chest through the t-shirt that he had won inside his leather jacket. He was probably a gym person. That's what she thought as she oogled on the man standing before her. Not that she was doing it alone because looking at things, he seemed to be ogling at her too. Sebastian on the other hand stared in awe at the woman whom he had knocked off her coffee. Sebastian thought she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Looking at her flawless dark skin that complimented her shining grey eyes that was sorrounded by long eyelashes that kept blinking as she stared at him made him feel breathless. And her lips? He felt like he could kiss her right there. Her beautiful short  black hair that revealed her african long neck even made her beauty so extraordinary natural. Not to talk about her splendid body figure. All he could think of was how the woman standing before him looked like a beautiful black pearl. "What a beautiful black pearl." Sebastian said breathlessly more in a whisper but obviously Julie heard him. "Such a hot stuff." Julie also muttered breathlessly.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Julie Blacks, she is a single mama, broken and maimed a thousand times. Rejection is what she's known almost all her life until she lost the hope of loving and maybe being loved again. She is a broken insecure girl not until a mysterious guy crosses her path and all her walls crumble down. Meet Julie Blacks a Kenyan Music Star and Sebastian Parker, an African American Billionaire. A miracle love story it is.

debby_liliane · Urbain
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Chapter 5

L. A, California.

The Parker's family all sat in the living room enjoying their family time, laughing and listening to each other's tales and comedy. This was the house of the first born twin in the extended Parker's family, who lived in the east wing of the big mansion that somehow looked like a palace. Infact people around and the neighbors  referred to it a the ' Parker's Palace.'

The Parker's palace was built by Chris Parker, a rich billionaire tycoon who had a lot of blooming businesses  inside and outside the USA and a well known leading company, Parker's Inc Ltd. He built the mansion in the late 70's having in mind that he was going to have all his family live in there. He was a family man and didn't want his family scattered all over but preferred them living in one place so they could easily reach out to each other. He had married a black woman from Africa and with his wife they had given birth to four sons and four daughters. The blend of the black and pure white blood had produced extremely beautiful and handsome kids.You would identify them easily since they looked uniquely beautiful.

Each son was given a wing in the mansion. The first son was given in the North wing, then the second the East wing, then third son the South wing and the fourth son the West wing of the mansion, whereas the parents had the center wing for themselves and the daughters before the got married. It was an O-design built house, with three floors each having over five bedrooms in it, with a lift in each wing, and walls painted white from the outside and inside. The Sons however had the responsibility to furnish their own wings the way they wanted it.

Years later, Chris's son's had gotten married and gave birth to many kids. He and his wife now had many grand children. Before that, the mansion used to be a quiet place since the mansion was so big and few people lived in it. But now, it had become noisy,full of laughter and full of people in each wing. It was a happy family to all and truly after his sons and daughters were all married Chris Parker died happily at the age of 89 leaving his wife and his happy family having one of his sons to be in charge of his successful company and other businesses. Nevertheless the Parker's were a well known family who were also known for being staunch Seventh Day Adventists since ages. Everyone knew that and it was like a family mark to them since when it came to their church beliefs, they wouldn't compromise it even for a bit. That's how they were all brought up. As long as you were a Parker, then the Adventist blood also ran in you.

In the East wing Stephen Parker's family sat chatting happily. Stephen was the one left in charge of his father's businesses after he died. He was the first born twin and his other twin was Samuel who lived in the North wing. Stephen had gotten married at the age of 25 and a year later they had twins, a boy and a girl, Sebastian and Sabrina. The two children were actually the first grand children of the well known Parker's family. Later on they again gave birth to a son, Seth and finally another set of very identical twins, Sally and Sella. The were a happy family of seven.  All the kids were hyper, playful and outgoing apart from Sebastian, the first twin. He was a quiet boy, reserved and an introvert. He was different from his all siblings even from his twin Sabrina. What made him more unique was his brilliant mind that superseded everyone's mind in the family. Everyone who knew him would say he was the exact reflection of Chris, his grandfather. And truly before Chris died he use to be so close to the boy that they were inseparable, same thing to his grandmother, Christina. Let's just say everyone knew he was his grandparent's favourite. After all he was the first grandson of the family.

Sipping his tea Seth who was 27 chuckled at something he saw in his phone. What he saw seemed to have been amusing because he ended up laughing stupidly.

"Hey wassup bruh. You don't have to laugh alone you know." Sally's twin, Sella asked him curiously. She knew her brother to be full of amusing stories that always made everyone laugh in the house like mad people. He was the comedian of the house and the most cheeky and hyper of all. You would also say he was the most cute in the extended family of the Parker's or maybe not cute but pretty since he had some girly features in his face. 

"I'm reading some hot gossip online about Sabrina's wedding." Seth answered laughing lightly. Sabrina had wedded just a week ago and they were all missing her terribly but they were all happy for her. She had gotten married at the age of 30, and it had taken her patience to wait for that long. Since she was from the Parker's family who were always on the limelight, and infact the first granddaughter , the paparazzi had something to say about her.

"What are they saying?" Sebastian who had been reading some book also asked curiously. He just had to ask. That was his twin sister they were talking about. The sister who was always so overprotective of him and him to her. They were so close and they always behaved like they shared a heart.

"They are saying Sabrina might have gotten married to Zac because he is hot in bed. Like he is from the lower class so he had nothing to impress her with maybe apart from him probably being good in bed. " Seth told them chuckling.

" What the fuck?" Sally exclaimed laughing at that too.

" Language Sally." Staphanie, their mother scolded her.

" Sorry mom. But surely how can someone come up with something like that?" She asked amused.

" How do you expect them to make money anyway."  Sebastian smirked understanding what bloggers can write about people to make money.

"You all are used to that already. It shouldn't be shocking." Stephen, their dad also commented.

" Haha I think Sabrina needs to hear this. I should call her." Sella said laughing.

" You can't disturb someone who's on their honeymoon Sella. " Staphanie scolded her.

" Fine mom. I'm not calling but hey, since Sabrina is now gone, someone to replace her should be brought sooner. " Sella said chuckling. Her statement of course had a deeper meaning.

"Ooh how I like that idea. I think you are actually right sis." Seth who was sitting next to her hi-fived her.

"Are we somehow talking in parables here?" Their dad asked smiling knowing what his kids were talking about.

" I think you guys should just go direct to the point. Seb, you are Sabby's twin. You need to get married and bring someone to fill her space at home." Sally told Sebastian directly. She was a girl who was always straight forward in her conversations.  And as much as everyone seem to fear Seb due to his introvert nature, she didn't fear him. She always told anyone what she thought.

"You all are unbelievable." Sebastian said shaking his head wondering why his siblings always pressurized him about getting married.

"If Sabrina was here, you all could have earned yourself thorough beating for stepping on Sebastian's feet." Their mother commented.

" And that's why we need another defensive woman who's gonna be defending him here now that Sabrina is gone to her husband. Which of course Seb is the one to bring her home." Sella added supporting her sister.

" You all are talking about Seb should get married yet he doesn't have a girlfriend. Shouldn't we start with first things first?" Seth commented jokingly.

" I think I need a break from your drama. I should be somewhere this holiday I think." Sebastian said thoughtfully knowing that he had to make a trip somewhere. For the last four years since he turned 26, his father had handed him over the company and all the Parker's businesses to be in charge. He was always a busy man but he always took a break every August, annually so he could relax.

Funny enough his family always asked him about his plans for marriage especially when he was always on holiday. And to avoid it, he always flew out of the country to enjoy his time alone and maybe with his twin Sabrina, since he never travelled without her at times. Now that Sabrina was married he was wondering who was going to be his company.

He really needed to get himself a girl. But where in the world was this girl she saw seven years ago? She's the girl that hadn't allowed him to look at any other. He had been searching for her all this year's but he hadn't found her. That's the main reason why he kept making trips out of the country hoping he would find her. He had been to the UK, South America, Asia, India and hadn't met her. He had also made trips to Africa since they also had businesses their bit still he hadn't gotten a glimpse of her. Of course the world was so big, full of people. So how did he expect to find her in a short period of time? It was almost to impossible but he had hope.

This time round , he just had this feeling that he should go back to Africa again for the umpteenth time. He was going to take a flight to Kenya. Come to think of it, they had relatives in Kenya. Kenya was their grandma's motherland and it had been long since he visited. Yes, Kenya was the place he was flying to this holiday. The question was, who's company was he going to use?