
Julie left the house with Taylor

"So why aren't they together anymore?, you haven't told me, yet", Julie said to Taylor who was focused in drinking out of his coffee.

After drinking he continued, "Why are you so concerned?, what matters now is you're with him".

"Really?, so you're not gonna tell me?".

"Well, she died", Taylor said with ease.

"Wait, what?!, how?!", Julie was shocked to hear this, at first she didn't hear him clearly.

"Who killed her?". "I wasn't in the country that year, I had only heard that she died". "What a good cousin not to care", Julie said being sarcastic.

"You won't blame me, I was also going through something", he said before taking a sip from his cup of coffee.

"What were you so caught up with that you didn't care to know about her death?", Julie interrogated as she gave him a stern look.

"Don't give me that face, take it easy, I am not a bad person, my mum was very sick, so we had to travel out of the country for urgent treatment, weeks after her surgery, she died", Taylor said while trying to mask his feelings.

Julie felt sorry for blaming him and it was obvious because she showed the feeling of remorse, after a moment of silence, she calmly spoke, "I'm very sorry for your loss".

"Yeah thanks", he was very quick in saying this. It was obvious that he still felt pained, and the way Julie was looking at him wasn't helping, so he immediately drank the coffee till it was finished.

"Okay, why don't we get going?", he stood up already set to go.

"So soon?", Julie complained.

Taylor scoffed at her before sitting again, "I could remember, some minutes ago you had asked whether we could be going soon, I can't believe you now want to stay".

Julie smiled and said, "Okay, let's go then". He paid the waiter before leaving.


"This is actually good, I didn't have to do a thing, Taylor has already made my work easier for me, so what should I do now?", Diane said to herself while pacing round the room, happily.

She stroked her hair as she thought of what to do next. An idea came to her mind, she let out a smile before saying, "I'm so smart, of course I'll call Damien to tell him what is transpiring between his to-be-wife and his cousin, should I go over to his place?, no!, it's better calling him, the last time I went to him, I got hurt, who knows what will happen this time?".

She raced to the bed to take her phone. She was about going through her contacts when she remembered that she didn't have his number, "Ouch, This is actually bad, how can I not have his number?, I'll call Aunt Maggie". So She dialed Aunt Maggie number.

"I'm not impressed with this at all!!", Maggie scolded her employee as she flung the document on her face. She walked towards her husband's office feeling unhappy, she was about to enter into his office when she got a call from Diane.

"What does this girl want now?", she paused and said before answering the call. "Hello Diane, how can I help you now?"

"You're just what I need to soothe my hunger, this cold afternoon", James said to Lauretta, who was sitting on him and busying herself playing with his buttons.

"Of course, I'm always on your menu, who else can soothe your hunger rather than me, Jamie", she said as she ruffled his hair. James laughed uncontrollably.

"Hello Diane, how can I help you now?", the voice came from outside. Lauretta and James were so startled that their eyes immediately, were now fixed on the door. They knew whose voice was that. James pushed Lauretta away and immediately buttoned up his buttons.

Lauretta held on to the table for support, afterwards she immediately did the same thing James was doing, to her shirt.

When James was done with his, he instructed her to get out of his office, "Get out of my office Lauretta!".

Lauretta who was so scared ran to the door, when she had gotten there she remembered something, "My brrr". It was too late, Maggie had already opened the door.

"I'll send his number to you, just give me a minute", she said while entering into the office. She stopped in her footsteps when she met Lauretta standing there.

After ending the call, she stared at Lauretta from up to down. It was more like she was scanning her, she irritated her while saying, "You look unkempt, work on it or you'll get fired". Lauretta, whose head was bowed down, said while shaking, "O-okay m-ma". After Maggie walked pass her, she immediately bolted out of the office like a bird that had escaped from a cage.

James sat properly on his chair before Maggie came toward him. Maggie felt something odd about him but she didn't know exactly what. "What was she doing here?", she asked him arrogantly.

"She came here to give me a file, hope there isn't any problem?", James said trying to sound formal, so Maggie wouldn't get suspicious of him.


As soon as she got his number, she dialed it. "What was the need of sounding so rude, she should be happy I'm making effort to get her heart-hardened Damien, speaking of the devil, he should answer my call".

The call was answered after she had said that. She waited for him to say 'hello', the silence was so absurd that she had to talk, "Hello".

"Who's this and how can I help you?".

Diane couldn't reply she was thinking of what to say and how to say that Julie had gone out with Taylor.

"I'm very busy at the moment, whatever you want to say, say it".

"Ehm, sorry, Julie went out of the house with Taylor", she let out whatever she had in her mind.

Then she said again, "I knew Julie would forget to inform you that she was leaving the house with Taylor, I told her and she said she would let you..".

Before she even continued, he had hung up.

Diane was very upset, she threw her phone on the floor, she didn't care to know whether it had broken. She was fuming with anger as she said, "How dare he hang up on me, who does he think he is?, He'll regret it".


They had gotten to the mansion. After Julie had taken off the seatbelt, she said, "Thank you for today".

"Well, it wouldn't have went the way it did, if you hadn't come with me, so you're the one who needs to be appreciated, Thank you", Taylor said while staring deeply into her eyes.

Julie felt uncomfortable, she turned her face away and made efforts to open the door.

As she was about to open the door, he held her hand and kissed it affectionately.

Julie withdrew her hand immediately and said to him looking very serious, "Taylor, please don't do that again, I shouldn't remind you that I am Damien's fiancée again". She opened the door and alighted from the car, and she didn't for once, turn back to look at him.