
Jujutsu Kaisen:The Cursed World

After the tragic death of his older brother, Takuya Takanashi. Takuto Takanashi has been living with his brother's best friend and former classmate. Satoru Gojo, The most powerful Jujutsu Sorcerer. Now at 16 years old Takuto embarks on his journey into the Cursed World of Jujutsu Sorcery. OCx Maki Zenin

ItzMenace12 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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8 Chs

Yuta Okkotsu

The Cursed Corps Observation Room is a large room in the Jujutsu headquarters where new recruits to the Jujutsu world are housed before they've been fully inducted into the world of cursed energy.

It is a room with bare walls where a new recruit can be questioned and taught about the Jujutsu world. There is also a table and at least 2 chairs in the room. It's a safe space where recruits can be housed without any threat to their lives and it's also used to impart information.

It is in this room where Gojo Satoru stares with a grin on his face at the boy Yuta Okkotsu, who is sitting hunched over on the only chair in the room. Gojo from his jacket pocket pulls out a knife, with the blade bent in a knot.

Gojo: Okkotsu Yuta... What is this?

Gojo asks amused as he playfully waves the deformed knife. Yuta remains silent for a while then answers in a low meek voice.

Yuta: ...It used to be a knife... I tried to kill myself...

He lifts his head, revealing his haggard facial expression, with bags under his eyes and a blank look.

Yuta: But Rika wouldn't let me...

Gojo's grin drops and looks deadpan at Yuta.

Gojo: Kinda dark.

He tosses the knife away and claps his hands trying to clear the tension and says cheerfully.

Gojo: Guess, what? You're starting at a new school today.

Yuta: I'm not going...

Gojo hums to himself, tilting his head.

Yuta: I don't want to hurt anyone anymore, so I'm not going outside anymore.

Yuta says still ducking his head between his knees.

Gojo: But... Living by yourself gets lonely.

Yuta grips the sleeves of his shirt but doesn't say anything back. Gojo stays silent for a moment and speaks again, his tone serious and void of any humour and cheer.

Gojo: The curse placed on you is one that can save people, too, depending on how it's used. Learn how to use that power. It's not like it'll be too late... To cast everything away after that.

**Time Skip**

Panda: Did you hear about the transfer student coming today?

Panda asks Inumaki and Maki as they are walking on their way to class. Maki appears lost in thought, while Inumaki is busy watching the birds flying by.

Panda: They say he "stuffed" four of his classmates into a locker.

Panda clenches his paws as if to demonstrate how they were "stuffed" in the locker. Both Inumaki and Maki ask in an uninterested tone.

Maki: He killed them?

Inumaki: Tuna Mayo?

Panda shakes his head and waves his paw in a negative.

Panda: No, but gravelly injured, apparently.

Maki looks up humming in thought and sighs with a shrug.

Maki: Hmm... Well, if he's cocky, I'll wring him out.

Inumaki: Bonito Flakes.

**Time Skip**

Gojo does a spin and holds out his hands dramatically making exaggerated hand gestures and movements.

Gojo: I'll now... be introducing... the transfer student! Everyone, get excited!

Maki, Inumaki and Panda stare at him unamused at his over-the-top dramatics. Maki crosses her legs and leans against the back of her chair giving Gojo a side-eye.

Maki: I heard he's an awfully sour one.

She impatiently taps her finger on her knee and scoffs.

Maki: I'm not going to create the mood for someone like that.

Inumaki: Salmon.

Panda: Hmmhmm

Gojo stares at them and then sighs in defeat. He shrugs and grins turning to the door of the classroom.

Gojo: Oh, well. Come on in!

He calls to Yuta standing outside the classroom door.

Yuta: I sense a really damp mood in there.

Yuta thinks to himself and takes a steadying breath and opens the door.

Maki: Just ignore him

Maki thinks to herself as Yuta enters and just as he takes a single step inside the room. Maki, Inumaki and Panda are hit with an insane amount of cursed energy pressure. They watched on high alert as he walked to the front of the class and stared wide-eyed at the cursed spirit hanging on Yuta's back.

Yuta: Hello, I'm Okkostu Yu--

His introduction is cut off by Maki stabbing the board just next to his face startling him. He glances to his left and right, seeing both Panda and Inumaki on alert waiting for him to make a move.

Maki: Hey you.

Maki snarls, glaring at Yuta, who is staring wide-eyed at the blade right next to his head.

Maki: Is this some kind of test? Hey.

Maki calls getting his attention on her and says grimly.

Maki: You're cursed. This is a place to learn curses. It's not a place for the cursed to be.

Inumaki and Panda get ready to attack but are stopped by a lazy drawl of a voice behind them.

??: The number of people that die mysterious deaths or go missing in Japan is over 10,000 a year on average.

The four students look behind them to see another teenager walking up to them with a slouch and listlessness to his gait. He is 180 cm tall and looks to have a wiry and athletic build under his Jujutsu High clothes. He has short black hair, dark brown eyes, some bags under his eyes and a bored look on his face.

??: Most of those are casualties of curses born from the negative emotions of people.

Panda, Maki and Inumaki glance warily at each other not knowing if to perceive the unknown teenager as a threat or not. The teenage yawns and sits on Maki's desk and stares at them continuing his monologue.

??: Among them are also malicious cases caused by curse users.

The teenager's face hardens slightly and smooths back over to his bored look. He sighs and walks up to the front and stares Yuta in the eyes.

??: Only curses can affect other curses. This is where we learn curses to exorcise other curses: Tokyo Jujutsu High School.

He watches as Yuta gets a dumbstruck look on his face and then glances at Gojo who is grinning from ear to ear.

??: I'm guessing that Walking Paintbrush didn't tell you of this...

He sighs and shakes his head. He turns and looks at his fellow classmates, lingering a bit on Maki which doesn't go unnoticed by her and introduces himself.

Takuto: Pleased to meet you, My name is Takuto Takanashi.

Panda: Huh? Another transfer student?

Maki: You didn't tell him that beforehand?

Inumaki: Salmon Roe

Gojo holds up his hand and nods.

Gojo: Sorry. Oh, you should all back away quickly.

He warns not specifying why. They look at him confused wondering why. Maki, Panda and Inumaki jump back when they notice a pair of big grey arms surfacing from the chalkboard.

???: Do not...

Yuta: Wait! Rika

Rika:... Bully Yuta!!

Mini Time Skip

Gojo: So as you can see, this is the boy cursed by Rika, who just loves him...

Gojo leans back and theatrically points at Yuta with a cheer.

Gojo: Okkotsu Yuta! Be nice to him, everyone!

Maki, Panda and Inumaki who now have a few bandages and bruises on their faces glare at Gojo unimpressed and annoyed. Takuto is standing by the window reading a book.

Gojo: If you attack Yuta, Rika's curse will activate...or not.

Gojo shrugs and smiles enthusiastically.

Gojo: So anyway...Everyone be careful.

Maki grits her teeth in irritation and glares at him.

Maki: Say that sooner.

She huffs a breath and subtly glances at Takuto. She scrutinises him and thinks to herself.

Maki: So that's the only surviving member of the Takanashi clan. I wonder if he's just as powerful as his older brother.

Takuto glances up from his book catching Maki's gaze, causing her to blush from getting caught staring at him and quickly looks away. Takuto stares impassively at the side of her face for a few moments and continues reading his book.

Gojo: These guys are being all rebellious, so I'll introduce them quickly.

Gojo turns to Takuto and starts the introductions with him.

Gojo: Just in case you might have already forgotten. That is the Cursed Technique user Takuto Takanashi. He is one out of twenty others who have inherited the Takanashi family's innate Cursed Technique, Heaven's Eyes.

Takuto gives a slight wave, still reading his book. Gojo chuckles at the other students' amazed expressions and Yuta's confused one. He clears his throat and moves on to Maki.

Gojo: Next is the Cursed Weapons user... Maki Zenin. She wields special armaments that can exorcise curses.

Maki clutches the handle of her polearm hard, with a frown. Gojo moves on to Inumaki.

Gojo: This is the Cursed Speech user, Inumaki Toge. He can only speak in rice ball ingredients, So good luck conversing.

Inumaki: Seaweed.

Inumaki holds up his hand as if to say hello. Gojo moves on to Panda.

Gojo: This is Panda.

Panda: I'm Panda. Pleased to meet you.

Gojo looks between the four students with a hand on his chin.

Gojo: Well, there you have it.

Yuta: He didn't give me the explanation I wanted most!

Yuta thinks to himself indignantly and heaves a sigh walking to stand beside his classmates. Gojo claps his hands excitedly.

Gojo: Okay, now there are five first-years!

Yuta glances at his classmates warily.

Yuta: Four people and one animal...

Gojo spreads his arms out dramatically getting their attention.

Gojo: For your afternoon jujutsu practice, you'll be in pairs of two on two.

Gojo poses with his arms crossed, holding up two fingers in each hand.

Gojo: Toge, Panda, pair up.

Panda: Let's do our best.

Inumaki: Salmon

Gojo turns to the remaining students.

Gojo: Maki, Yuta, pair up.

Maki scrunched her face in disgust and indignation. Yuta winces.

Yuta: She just voiced disgust?!

Takuto: Oi, you albino broccoli you forgot about me.

Gojo grins at him and waves him off flippantly.

Gojo: Oh, yeah. You can just join up with Maki and Yuta.

Takuto sighs and leaves while the others watch him.

Panda: He's so serious.

Inumaki: Salmon

Gojo: Not really... You just have to get to know him then you'll see who he really is.

Gojo shrugs with a mysterious grin and waves them off.

Gojo: Well off you go then.

They watch Gojo teleport away and leave the classroom with Maki in front and Inumaki, Panda and Yuta behind her. Maki stares inquisitively at Takuto who is only a few paces in front of her still reading his book. She is brought out of her musings by Yuta meekly saying.

Yuta: U-um, I-i hope we can work together.

Maki doesn't reply for a while then glances at him.

Maki: You were bullied, weren't you?

Yuta stops in shock at her deduction and asks in a self-deprecating tone.

Yuta: It's that obvious, huh?

Maki stops and says matter of factly.

Maki: I totally get it. Even I'd bully you.

Yuta sighs, shoulders slumping. Maki asks in a speculating tone.

Maki: Maybe it's because of your curse? It's written on your face that you're branding yourself as a good guy.

Maki glances back at him in disgust.

Maki: It's sickening.

Yuta flinches but Maki is unbothered and continues criticising him.

Maki: Why are you acting like the victim when you're being protected? You've been passive your whole life, haven't you? 

Yuta's lip quivers slightly trying to cover up how upset he is by Maki's harsh words.

Maki: Jujutsu High isn't so easy that you can get by without a goal.

Maki says coldly. Yuta's breath hitches and ducks his head in shame and embarrassment. Panda steps forward placing a comforting paw on Yuta's shoulder and defending him from Maki.

Panda: Maki. That's enough!

Inumaki also jumps into Yuta's defences scowling at Maki and voicing his displeasure at her attitude.

Inumaki: Bonito Flakes.

Maki turns to her two friends and scoffs.

Maki: Okay, fine. Get off my case.

Maki turns and continues walking by Takuto who had stopped and is leaning against the wall head still buried in his book. She stops when she hears him defend and agree with her.

Takuto: She's right, you know.

Takuto pushes off the wall and sighs, looking up from his book to stare impassively at Yuta.

Takuto: A weakling like you has no place being a Jujutsu Sorcerer... You'll only end up putting yourself or those around you in danger.

Panda goes to defend Yuta again but is stopped by a glare from Takuto. Takuto walks up to Yuta staring him dead in the eyes coldly.

Takuto: A Jujutsu Sorcerer with no goal or ambition will just end up slaughtered like the trash they are.

Takuto looks at Yuta's uncomfortable and upset expression and smirks gruelly.

Takuto: You think, you can just hide behind your little wife's skirts forever... Pathetic.

He watches as Yuta clenches his fist in anger but doesn't say anything back. Takuto looks him once over and turns with a scoff. He closes his book and puts it back in his jacket pocket and continues walking down the hallway. He stops just as makes a turn and stares at Yuta coldly with his Heaven's Eyes blazing red.

Takuto: You better get your shit together, Okkotsu... Or I might kill you myself.

Takuto looks at Yuta for a few moments more and turns the corner leaving the rest of them standing with various thoughts going through their heads.

Yuta: T-that was scary...

Panda: He's so intense...

Inumaki: Salmon Roe...

Maki: Those eyes...

Would you look at that another fanfic!! Damnb I must be on fire!! Woot!! Woot!!

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