
Jujutsu Kaisen : Reincarnated as Asta

You know the drill. An otaku gets transmigrated in Jujutsu Kaisen with powers of Asta. Want to know what happens read on. I don't own black clover or jujutsu Kaisen. The covers not mine so if you have problems I will take it down.

Uday_Prakash_9664 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs


(After Shizune Ahane,the blonde sorcerer left.)

"Dear....are you sure it is a right decision to let them tutor our son? I believe this matter is more delicate than what you are letting on,isn't it?" asked Ayame with a worried look on her face.

"Haha,well aren't you the Sherlock.My wifey can be quite the detective if she wants to."said Daisuke while leaning a bit closer for a kiss.

"Don't evade the question by cracking a joke and being lovey-dovey."Ayame said with a pout.She understood her husband enough to know when he is trying to divert the topic.

"Sigh*.....honestly, it can go both ways.Him being tutored by a 1st grade sorcerer in his early ages can be really beneficial to him.You see Ayame the world of Jujutsu is a cruel one and what I can see our son has the potential to be a special grade sorcerer and I'll have you know that the difference between a sorcerer who is is special grade and all the other sorcerers below it is so vast that it can even be called unfair."

"With tricks and tactics a 3rd grade sorcerer can defeat a second grade sorcerer. With enough knowledge about the enemy and right tools a 2nd grade sorcerer also has fair share of chance in defeating a 1st grade.But unless it is a ridiculously powerful cursed tool, even in a battle with advantage in numbers no amount of knowledge or preparation can ever be enough that can help a 1st grade sorcerer defeat someone who possess the strength of a special grade. That's just how much of a monster they are."

"Of course there are exceptions to this case but even that is only applied to those who barely qualify as special grades.Make-no-mistake in no way a special grade sorcerer is weak but a true bona fide veteran special grade can wipe the floor with anyone standing against him/her.You can think just how rare they are by the fact that currently there are no special grade sorcerers."

'If we ignore Toji Fushiguro since he already left the jujutsu society to live a peaceful life.Also,that Gojo brat who is most likely going to be handed the special grade license the moment he enters Jujutsu High if the rumors about his strength are anything to go by.'Daisuke thought in his mind but didn't say out loud.

"Justice,peace, equality and other bullshits are nothing but just facade for appearance sake and what truly matters in this world is power, wether it is position,money or in jujutsu's case-strength of a sorcerer, they are just different forms of power and those who have it dictate what happens to those who don't."

"My love there is almost a certain chance our son will also gain that level of strength or maybe even far surpassing that,so it is very likely that it doesn't sit well with many.If our son awakens a powerful technique on top of having such an insane bottomless pool of cursed energy,he could very well be one of the strongest sorcerers in history.It would make those geezers unsettled having such an individual run free without any control over him.We need to be very- very careful with this otherwise it could lead to a disaster."Daisuke said this with a face that he was not in any way being funny.

"W-What....What are you talking about Daisuke,he is just a child and don't you think you are being way over the top with this talk of yours.While I also feel wary to them after knowing their nature but it could also be that since our boy is talented they just want to keep him in check while also making sure that he doesn't missuse his powers but at the end of the day he is still a boy.You are being over-dramatic and it's s-scaring me now."

"The only reason why you can say that with such ease is because you can't feel his cursed energy love, do you know what my first reaction was when he was born and I sensed his cursed energy - I was terrified.The moment I sensed the curse energy being emanated by his body all my senses were screaming at me to run away!!.It was an instinctual fear of nature when a prey sees a predator."

"His curse pool is like an ocean, a barely constrained tsunami ready to swallow everything in it's path.But,the moment I saw the smile on his sleeping face, it was like, the pressure that felt like a mountain didn't even exist in the first place,like it was all a dream. All I could see was my sleeping baby boy held by my sleeping wife.Haha I still don't know where I got the courage of approaching you guys when you were on the bed holding Kazuhiko."

Daisuke's thoughts drifted to the moment when he first laid his eyes on his son.


[A/N: Last one promise 🙏🙏.]

Daisuke was sitting in the hospital just out of the operation theatre alone, tapping his feet on the floor impatiently.He was both nervous about his wife's health and excited about his child's arrival but the nervousness was now the dominating emotion as the natural delivery was going for the past two hours now and he started to get worried about his wife's well being.

"Uwaa....Uwaaaaaaaa.... "

Suddenly,he heard the cries of a baby from inside the room and before he could even have the tears of joy, all his senses started tingling,colour drained from his face and a feeling of dread washed over him like never before.

'W-a....W-What's going on?W-What is this pr-presence?'suddenly he realised something that made his heart skip-a-beat.

'No w-way this is coming from the op-peration t-theatre.A-Ayame....'he immediately wanted to rush inside to protect his wife and newborn child but the moment he lifted his feet to move he tumbled forward,his body was feeling like jelly so he started pumping his cursed energy to negate the pressure that his psyche was feeling.

'Focus, someone incredibly strong is inside it's definitely not a cursed spirit as their presence is filled with malice.This one is like a sorcerer's but I have never heard about a sorcerer who has such massive reserves even in rumours.'

After mustering all the courage, he opened the door to the operation room with trembling hands while pumping as much cursed energy he could in his body ready to run away with his wife if the need be.But,what greeted his sight was something completely out of his expectations.The ridiculous cursed energy he was sensing was coming out of the child being held by the nurse completely covered in blood.

Then he saw the nurses bringing the baby to wash off the liquids and returning with the child wrapped in towel.His wife muttering "Kazuhiko.." before fainting again and the child opening his eyes and falling asleep just as quickly as well.

All this while he was completely ignored which could simply be the case because the nurses were too busy while his wife wasn't even looking at the door while also being too tired to notice him.But that was something he didn't even care about.What was concerning though was the cursed energy seeping out of his child's body which made him feel like his legs would give up on him just by being in the close vicinity of the child.Just then,he saw a very small smile on the child's face who with his grey hair and and closed eyes looked the most adorable thing in this world and all his worries seem to magically gone just by seeing that.

The nurses also saw him and just motioned him with a smile to go and see the mother and child.He got near the bed and started caressing his wife's hair while looking at his son-yes 'son'.

"So,a boy huh....hmph,I guess you took after your mother considering how cute you look despite having the same hair as mine."

He kissed the child's forehead looking at him lovingly.

"Thank you for coming into our lives,Kazuhiko.."

******************Flashback Ends****************

Daisuke was looking at a painting in the room while laying his thoughts bare in front of Ayame. The painting depicted a crowd of people holding various tools surrounding a newborn baby held high up in the air by a pair of hands with the sun directly shining upon the child as if to announce the birth of an angel but the people were looking at the child with intense hostility like he was the most evil thing in this world.


Daisuke took a deep breadth and there was a long pause after which he dropped a bomb with a very grave expression -

"Honey...what I am about to tell you may come to you as over-exaggeration but the truth is, they want to tutor our son only because they most probably -no definitely want to turn him into their pawn to do their bidding.A sorcerer who only believes that following the orders of the higher-ups is the most important thing in this world even above morals and ethics and who would be better to brainwash than children of 7-10 years old who are mature enough to understand the instructions and ideas being implanted in their mind but naive enough to not truly know the meaning and intentions behind them and if the elders realised that they won't be able to do so,they may even send assassins to take care of all of us and nip the flower in the bud unless it becomes an eyesore to them.I th...."

When Daisuke looked to see at his wife,his eyes widened and he immediately took her in a hug.

Ayame stood their like a statue,her face devoid of colour,her mind still processing all the horrifying facts her husband was throwing at her.She looked like a human who have almost lost their soul and barely keeping herself to gether but feeling her husband's arms wrapped around her in a tight hug,her legs gave out.


*sniff* *sniff* *sniff*

"P-Please....Please tell me you are lying.There's no way it's true,they can't take my son away from me."

*sniff* *sniff* *sniff*

'Shit,what kind of idiot am I? In the flow of the talk I forgot the fact that just because she knows about the jujutsu society doesn't mean she knows how vicious it can be.' he cursed himself for his own stupidity.

"Don't worry Ayame,no matter what it takes I will make sure that no harm comes your or our son's way as long as my body even have a breadth left inside."

"We must persevere through until our son becomes strong enough to protect himself from any and all kinds of danger"

He made her look in his eyes which were burning with resolve.

"I have a plan for this,I am going to enroll myself as a teacher in Jujutsu High and take you both with me.Jujutsu High has teacher's dorms which can be used by the teachers who wants to stay in school or those who don't have their own home but in some special cases the teachers can request to let their family stay as well in the dorm which is assigned to them."

"Even they can't openly do anything irrational if we stay in the high school considering the fact that there won't be a way for them to act freely inside Jujutsu Tech.We will stay in the protection of Tengen-sama."

'But the main problem is,Ayame isn't a sorcerer. If they decide to use that as an excuse to prevent us from entering the high school it would become troublesome as they might even become more wary of my movements and decide to put spies upon us.'

Although Daisuke's mind was going through a plethora of thoughts he didn't voice any of them out.

"I trust in you Daisuke *sniff*.... it's just terrifying for me *sniff*.... to think that they can take our small bundle of joy from us *sniff*..... even though he is just an innocent boy.

"They won't be able to I will make sure of it."

Daisuke spoke in the tone filled with his resolve.


"They won't be able to I will make sure of it."

Kazuhiko who was relishing in his thoughts about what his domain would look like happened to hear the conversation between his parents which was was a bit louder since they were discussing it right next to his room and his good hearing due to the hanma bloodline.

'The elders.....I will murder you bastaaards.'