
Jujutsu Kaisen : Legacy of the Senju

In a world where cursed energy reigns supreme, Hiroshi Senju emerges as a force to be reckoned with, wielding the ancient and formidable Shinboku no Jumon. With unwavering confidence and boundless charisma, Hiroshi navigates the complexities of the sorcerer world. P.S Cover not Mine, Tell me if you want it taken down, but it looks cool so I put it here.

Impulsive_69Author · Anime et bandes dessinées
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70 Chs

Hidden Inventory Arc 3

As Toji ascended the footsteps of Mount Mushiro, he sensed something was off the moment he found himself already behind Gojo Satoru. Locking eyes with Senju Hiroshi, who was smirking at him, Toji realized that the Senju Patriarch was ready for him. The fact that his katana wasn't able to strike through Gojo Satoru further cemented this realization.

"I once went to see that newly born Senju kid, who awakened the Spell of the Divine Tree, simply out of curiosity. But that was the first time anyone noticed me watching from the shadows. The kid looked at me directly, as if he could see through the trees. We exchanged words for a bit before I went away. Then, the last time I was noticed was by the Six-Eyed kid born into the Gojo family. It's interesting that the Senju kid always initiates contact first. This time is no different," Toji thought as he was repelled by Satoru's technique.

Seeing Toji repelled, Hiroshi moved to attack, but Satoru intervened, waving him off. 

"Hiroshi, do you mind leaving it to me?" Satoru asked, his voice firm with determination.

Hiroshi recognized Satoru's stubbornness, knowing it was his ego talking. "Satoru, you're going to die," he warned.

"No, I won't. Suguru is going to fight with me while you escort Amanai. Besides, we can't always be under your shadow," Satoru asserted.

Hiroshi glanced at Toji, who was already on his feet, observing them. "Fine, don't die, Satoru and Suguru," Hiroshi said as he swiftly hoisted Riko and Kuroi over his shoulders and made a run for it.

"Ready, Suguru?" Satoru asked, his gaze focused.

"Think fast," Suguru replied as he summoned a giant worm cursed spirit to attack Toji, who effortlessly sliced it to pieces with the Split Soul Katana on his shoulder.

"You know, with that Senju kid, you stand a far higher chance of survival," Toji smirked, taunting them.

"Don't get ahead of yourself, pal," Suguru retorted, opening portals that launched squids at Toji, while Satoru prepared to attack.

But Toji vanished amidst the trees, leaving them on guard.

"He disappeared," Satoru exclaimed, his senses heightened.

"Careful, Satoru. He doesn't have any cursed energy," Suguru warned.

"He has that weird cursed spirit around him. Do you think you can tame it, Suguru?" Satoru inquired.

"I'll try," Suguru replied, bracing himself.

"We can't find him at this rate. I'll clear the area. Maximum Output: Blue," Satoru declared, unleashing his technique to drag trees and rubble alongside him, ensuring no surprise attacks.

Suddenly, a swarm of Fly Heads approached them.

"Fly heads?" Satoru exclaimed in surprise.

"Don't worry, I got it," Suguru reassured him, preparing to absorb them.

But before Suguru could react, Toji appeared between them, kicking Satoru away and swiftly delivering multiple slashes across Suguru's torso. He then launched a powerful kick that sent Suguru crashing towards a nearby Tori, leaving him unconscious. 

"Suguru!" Satoru shouted in alarm, his heart pounding with fear and anger as he launched an attack at Toji. But once again, Toji vanished in a blur of inhuman speed, leaving them in a tense standoff.

"I made sure to appear in between the two so that the Gojo Kid can't use his cursed technique. That gave me the opportunity to eliminate the Cursed Spirit Manipulator. Now that he's down, I can focus on the Gojo Kid," Toji analyzed as he moved swiftly around the swarm of fly heads, his movements calculated like a shark circling its prey, with Satoru Gojo seemingly trapped within the swarm.

Meanwhile, Satoru Gojo, amidst the chaos of the swarm, struggled to sense Toji's movements. Despite Toji's lack of cursed energy, his superhuman physique made him elusive, and Satoru couldn't locate him through the dense cloud of fly heads. "I can't locate him through the swarm," Satoru realized, frustration mounting as he searched for any sign of Toji's presence. Suddenly, he felt a cursed energy signature nearby and turned just in time to see Toji wielding the Inverted Spear of Heaven.

Realizing the danger, Satoru instinctively activated his Infinity, but to his horror, the Inverted Spear of Heaven negated all cursed techniques. "That sharp instinct, able to detect even the slightest movements... and with the Six Eyes, you can't possibly miss... the cursed energy seeping out of this cursed tool. But you have finally... started to defend with cursed techniques," Toji thought as he aimed the Inverted Spear of Heaven at Satoru, bypassing his Infinity and effectively stabbing him through the neck with Satoru attempting to fight back only to get his legs swept and Toji adding a few stabs in and a slash vertically down the torso ending the fight with a knife to the head.

"I'm starting to remember how to do this," Toji said as he stepped over Gojo Satoru's unconscious form, delivering a kick to the face of Suguru Geto. "Jujutsu sorcerers can't die from these few cuts. If you were a Shikigami user, I would kill you, but you use Cursed Spirits Manipulation. I don't know what will happen to the cursed spirits you absorbed after you die. I want to avoid trouble here. You should thank your parents. But the blessed like you still lost to me, a monkey that can't even use Jujutsu. If you want to live longer, remember this... blessed... Megumi. I almost forgot I named him," Toji said, his memories flooding back as he recalled his son's name.

"Now all that's left is that Senju Kid and the Star Plasma Vessel," Toji thought as he made his way towards Jujutsu Tech.


A few minutes earlier:

Hiroshi arrived in the Tomb of the Star where Master Tengen awaited him.

"Master Tengen, I have brought the Star Plasma Vessel," Hiroshi said as he gently placed down Amanai Riko and Kuroi from his shoulders.

"Pleased to meet you finally, Amanai Riko," Tengen said gently. "Now the time has come for the ritual to begin," she continued, escorting them to the roots of the massive tree where a translucent fruit with a woman in a fetal position lay.

"It's time, Senju Hiroshi," Master Tengen said.

"I'm listening," Hiroshi replied.

"I have already communicated with the world through this tree. You should be familiar with this Tree, Senju Hiroshi. This is the God Tree, the Tree that Connects Heaven to Earth and is the core of all my barriers. With this, I created a new body from your flesh. What we need now is the Fate and blood of the final Star Plasma Vessel, Amanai Riko," Tengen explained.

"By Fate and blood, you mean?" Hiroshi inquired.

"The Fate of the Star Plasma Vessels will stop at Amanai Riko from here on out. Amanai Riko will be the last Star Plasma Vessel," Tengen clarified. "Amanai Riko, please step forward and place your hand on the fruit," Tengen instructed.

Riko stepped forward, exchanging a glance with Kuroi before placing her hand on the fruit. With a flash of light, Amanai Riko and Master Tengen fell to the floor simultaneously.

Hiroshi and Kuroi caught their bodies, but as Hiroshi held Master Tengen's body, he felt massive amounts of cursed energy gathering within it, accelerating the evolution into the four-eyed figure he knew from the past. Meanwhile, the woman within the fruit woke up and was released from her prison.

The woman unsteadily took her first few steps, and Hiroshi immediately took off his trench coat and placed it onto her. "I presume that you are now Master Tengen?" he asked.

"Indeed, Senju Hiroshi," the woman answered, bearing a striking resemblance to Amanai Riko.

Meanwhile, Amanai Riko woke up groggily, touching her head. "Riko?!" Kuroi asked excitedly.

"Kuroi?... Kuroi!!" She started sobbing. "I thought I wouldn't see you again." Tears fell from her eyes as they did from Kuroi's.

Tengen went to change a few minutes later, while Hiroshi sensed that the battle was over. Gojo and Suguru had lost, while Toji was closing in fast.

Master Tengen once again appeared, now wearing a blue yukata with flower patterns, a splitting image of Amanai Riko. She looked at Amanai Riko and said, "My Star Plasma Vessel... no, Amanai Riko, from henceforth, you are free. Live your life as you want."

Hiroshi looked at the living Amanai Riko and thought to himself, "Thus, my existence has changed the pivotal moment. I wonder how this will change. Will Suguru still fall? Who will Kenjaku inhabit to trick Satoru Gojo into the Prison Realm?" Hiroshi pondered, unaware of the far-reaching butterfly effects of this pivotal moment.

"Master Tengen, do you mind explaining what happened to your original body?" Hiroshi inquired, gesturing toward the four-eyed figure lying on the ground.

Tengen gestured with her hand, and her former body stood up. "The world imposed a Heavenly Restriction on that body, and on this one," she gestured to her current form. "This body will be immortal but will possess zero cursed energy. All the cursed energy will be borne by my former body. In exchange, I must exorcise the former body to be able to use it; otherwise, it will become a cursed spirit stronger than all the Special Grade Cursed Spirits. And thanks to your contribution, the world has allowed the evolution of my cursed technique from mere immortality to that of an Immortal Puppeteer."Tengen explained, looking at Hiroshi.

Hearing this, Hiroshi thought, "Sasori would be interested in your location," chuckling to himself.

"What about Amanai Riko, Master Tengen?" Hiroshi asked.

"Amanai Riko is the last Star Plasma Vessel because I no longer need to reset my body. I will remain in this form for eternity...well, in the mature stage of this body for eternity. All the cursed energy and consequences will be borne by the puppet body. In exchange, my new body cannot use cursed energy due to the Heavenly Restriction placed on it. However, due to the binding vow I made with myself, I can still control the puppet body. However, I need to exorcise it annually to be able to use it, similar to the Ten Shadows Technique of the Zenin Clan. I cannot perform the exorcism myself; thus, a representative from either the Gojo or the Senju clan must do it. If the puppet is not exorcised, it will not be controlled and will rampage," Master Tengen elaborated.

"So it has special conditions. To exorcise it, there's a hefty price. But I believe we can do it," Hiroshi said, as the Puppet began emitting massive amounts of Cursed Energy and started moving by itself, looking at Hiroshi as if he were its nemesis.

"Well then, time to exorcise it," Hiroshi declared as Master Tengen took Riko and Kuroi away from the vicinity.

Hiroshi disappeared from the Puppet's view and reappeared beside it. "Heavenly Spear Fist!" Hiroshi shouted, hitting the puppet so hard that its middle part disappeared, opening a hole in its torso.

A quick exorcism followed as the Puppet fell to the ground.

Master Tengen appeared again, and with a wave of her hand, the puppet disappeared and reappeared behind her like a shadow. "Thank you, Senju Hiroshi. Until next year," she said.

"Until next year, Master Tengen," Hiroshi replied as he felt Toji arrive outside the Tomb. "I take my leave, Master Tengen," Hiroshi said, waving as Tengen returned the gesture.

"Amanai Riko and Kuroi, please stay here for a moment. While you wait, Amanai Riko, I want you to contemplate your future. Will you live your life as a sorcerer or choose to become a mortal? One path leads you to live in constant danger but allows you to reach your full potential, while the other offers a life of peace. Please share your decision with me once I return," Hiroshi said, looking at the duo.

Riko glanced at Kuroi, her caretaker and family. "Whatever your decision is, I will support it, Riko," Kuroi reassured her.

Riko nodded in understanding.

Then, Hiroshi used a Wood Clone, taking the form of Amanai Riko.

A few seconds later, Hiroshi, in his clone form, and Toji met face to face. Toji immediately shot the clone, which fell to the ground like a corpse.

"Toji Fushiguro, Sorcerer Killer, The Monkey Who Killed God," Hiroshi stated.

"The Monkey who killed God? I like that title," Toji responded, aiming his gun at Hiroshi.

"Take the body and claim your reward...unless you want to fight me?" Hiroshi challenged seriously.

"I'd rather not. It would be troublesome if I killed you," Toji remarked, retrieving the body. The cursed spirit worm on his shoulder consumed it. Being beside Hiroshi set off all his danger signals, urging him to flee.

"Big words, but I'll let it slide," Hiroshi smirked. "Say, Fushiguro, how about you work for me?" he proposed.

"What's the price?" Toji inquired.

"800 million dollars," Hiroshi stated.

"I'll consider it," Toji said as he walked away, feeling the sense of danger diminish with each step away from Hiroshi.


Hiroshi arrived at the foothills of Mount Mushiro and observed the cleared-out surrounding trees. "Must be Satoru," he muttered, raising his hand to regrow the trees.

He found two bodies, Satoru Gojo and Suguru Geto. Approaching, Hiroshi noticed Satoru's body regenerating. "Looks like he has discovered the Reverse Cursed Technique," he thought, applying his own Reverse Cursed Technique to Suguru's wounds.

As Suguru's wounds healed, he gasped for air, touching himself in disbelief.

"Get your ass up, let's talk," Hiroshi commanded. Suguru, although confused, complied.

"What about Riko?" he asked.

"She's alive, don't worry," Hiroshi reassured him.

Satoru then rose from the pool of blood. "Get your ass up, Satoru. I'll show you and Suguru the darkness of this world," Hiroshi declared.

Both Hiroshi and Suguru noted the crazed look in Satoru's eyes as he levitated.

"What's wrong with Satoru?" Suguru inquired.

"He's been enlightened," Hiroshi observed, as the skies turned gold, shining down upon Satoru.

Gojo Satoru suddenly disappeared from where he was floating.

"Satoru disappeared!" Hiroshi exclaimed, feeling a rush of panic. "He's going for a rematch!" He turned to Suguru and urged him to follow.

As they raced towards the headquarters of the Star Religious Group, Hiroshi couldn't shake off the worry. "Satoru, I hope you don't end up killing my future hitman," he thought anxiously.


Star Religious Group HQ

"Toji, you brought the body of the Star Plasma Vessel, Riko Amanai, intact. Not a single limb is missing," Shigeru Sonoda acknowledged.

"Confirmed. I will pay you the agreed sum, along with a little extra," Sonoda added.

"The founder is indeed generous with money," Toji remarked.

"He's not the founder," Shui Kong corrected Toji.

"Huh? Are you sure? You guys already helped out quite a bit. I even thought you'd haggle," Toji responded, surprised.

"We requested the assassination, but we initially thought it was a long shot. Our origins trace back to the Nara period. With the spread of Buddhism in Japan, Master Tengen advocated morals towards a minority group, Jujutsu sorcerers. The realm of sorcery and religious corporations can't get along. The current Star Religious Group's Time Vessel Association was born from that distortion. That's why we consistently maintain a non-sorcerer stance. After all, even sorcerers who are allowed to go beyond their authority cannot lay a hand on non-sorcerers in principle. But the time had come. The taboo recorded in our scriptures, the merging of something impure and Master Tengen, the very person we worship as a monotheistic religion. If we turn a blind eye to merging in front of the believers, we won't be able to continue. But if we interfere too much, we might be eliminated by the sorcerers. We were desperate. But now? We now hold in our hands everything we could have lost. That's why we're so generous with our money," Sonada explained.

"If Tengen loses control, the one who won't be able to continue might be human society," Shui Kong added gravely.

"If we are to fall with the star, then so be it," Sonada concluded with finality.


Outside the Religious Group HQ

"Let's use this money to have a meal. Take me to someplace with a grand reception," Toji suggested to Shui Kong.

"No. I know you don't treat men. I've decided a long time ago. Besides work and going to hell, I don't want to get involved with you," Shui Kong declined firmly.

As they went their separate ways, Toji was met with the brightness of the sun. He raised his palm to shield his eyes and found himself face to face with a bloodied Gojo Satoru, who had a crazed look in his eyes.

"Yo, long time no see," Satoru greeted casually.

"Seriously?" Toji exclaimed, surprised to see Satoru alive after their earlier encounter.

"Absolutely. Fit as a fiddle," Satoru declared confidently.

"Reverse Cursed Technique?" Toji blurted out, surprised.

"Correct. The moment you pierced my throat, I gave up on fighting back and focused on activating Reverse Cursed Technique. Cursed energy is negative energy. It can strengthen the body but not regenerate," Satoru explained calmly.

"So, multiplying two kinds of negative energy to produce positive energy. That's the Reverse Cursed Technique. Hiroshi made it sound so simple, but I had never succeeded before," Toji mused, observing the rambling Satoru Gojo.

"But before my death, I mastered the core of cursed energy. You lost because you didn't behead me or use that cursed tool to stab my head," Satoru continued, his words tinged with a hint of mockery.

"I lost? The fight has just begun," Toji declared as he retrieved the Inverted Spear of Heaven from his Cursed Spirit.

"Is it? Yeah. Maybe!" Satoru shouted to the heavens with a crazed look in his eyes.

Toji swung the Inverted Spear of Heaven at Gojo multiple times, but Satoru deftly weaved around each strike, floating effortlessly in the air.

Dodging the final swing, Satoru unleashed his Reverse Cursed Technique, "Cursed Technique Reversal Red."

The technique hit Toji with a powerful force. Though Toji managed to block it with the Inverted Spear of Heaven, he was still carried backward and crashed into a building.

As the smoke cleared, Toji was found sitting with a bit of blood trickling from his forehead. "That monster. Looks like my bones weren't shattered. That shockwave just now is Limitless Cursed Technique, Cursed Technique Reversal, Red. He injected the positive energy of the Reverse Cursed Technique into the Limitless Cursed Technique etched on the body. First, force of stopping. The neutral Limitless Cursed Technique. Second, force of attraction. The enhanced Limitless Cursed Technique, Blue. Third, force of repulsion. Cursed Technique Reversal, Red. All fine with me," Toji remarked casually, stretching as he eyed Gojo Satoru.

Toji squared up, pushing aside the sense of unease that nagged at him, reminiscent of his earlier encounter with Hiroshi. Ignoring the feeling, he focused on Satoru Gojo, who floated in the air like a madman, several meters from the ground. The unease intensified with each passing moment.

"No, it's good. I'll kill you," Toji declared, connecting the Inverted Spear of Heaven to the Chain of a Thousand Miles and swinging it in a loop. With determination, he launched his attacks at Gojo, the chain extending like a serpent.

Meanwhile, Satoru Gojo, at the peak of Enlightenment, reveled in the sensation of the world around him. A quote surfaced in his mind, one often used by Hiroshi when boasting: "Throughout the Heavens and Earth, I alone am the Honored One."

As Toji's attacks tore through concrete, closing in on him, Gojo contemplated their clash of techniques. "The advantage of techniques passed down is that there are instructions for use. The disadvantage is that the technique information is easily leaked. You're from the Zenin Family, aren't you? That's why you know so much about the Limitless Cursed Technique. But this one, only a very few people in the Gojo family know it. Lapse and reversal. Their infinities collide and release the imaginary mass generated from the collision," Gojo analyzed.

With a flick of his finger, Gojo unleashed his Imaginary Technique: Hollow Purple, sending a purple mass of energy hurtling towards Toji.

As Toji was struck by the Hollow Purple, his dying thoughts flooded his mind. "Something's wrong. I don't work for free. I would usually say this and then leave. But what appeared in front of me is an awakened Limitless Cursed Technique user. And at this moment, he might have become the strongest sorcerer in modern times. I suddenly wanted to deny and overturn the Zenin Family, the realm of sorcery, and its apex that had denied me. To assert myself, I did something I usually don't. From that moment, I had already lost. Haven't I already given up my pride? Not respecting myself or others. Isn't that the way of life I chose?" As realization dawned, he felt a void on his left side.

As Satoru and Suguru approached, they found that the battle had concluded.

Observing the remnants of Toji Fushiguro, Hiroshi sighed. "There goes my personal hitman..."

Suguru, trying to maintain composure, inquired, "What do you mean by personal hitman, Hiroshi?"

"I was planning to hire this guy to assassinate a few people, but as you can see, he isn't hirable, not even intact," Hiroshi replied, gesturing towards the dying Toji.

Approaching Toji, who still clung to life, Hiroshi posed the question, "Any last words?"

"I was considering your proposal, but... In two or three years, my child will be sold to the Zenin Family. Do as you please with that information," Toji revealed before passing away standing.

Reflecting on Toji's revelation, Hiroshi pondered, "Megumi... maybe I could do something about Potential Man," recalling Megumi Fushiguro's lackluster performance from his memories.

He then turned his attention to Toji's weapons - the Soul Splitting Katana, the Inverted Spear of Heaven, and the remaining parts of the Chain of a Thousand Miles - and collected them in a scroll. "This is mine now," Hiroshi declared, plundering Toji's arsenal.

Hiroshi then handed the Inventory Cursed Spirit to Suguru where, he absorbed it.

Concerned about Amanai, Satoru asked, "But Amanai?"

"Don't worry, she's alive," Hiroshi reassured them before leading the way downstairs to confront the cultists.

As they entered the final chamber, the cultists greeted them with applause, believing they had prevented the merger.

"Why are they clapping?" Suguru whispered.

"Odd," Satoru agreed, puzzled.

On the altar lay the body of Amanai Riko, Hiroshi's clone. With a simple gesture, Hiroshi dispelled the technique, revealing the wooden form.

"Take a look at the faces that do not want us, take a look at the faces who do not appreciate us, even if we fight in the darkness to protect them. I admit this is a small part of the people we protect, but you guys must realize firsthand those people who are happy at the fact that without our interference, an innocent life would've been lost," Hiroshi addressed the cultists as he leaned on the altar.

"So, all these people are clapping because Amanai died?" Suguru realized, a revelation dawning on him.

Satoru remained silent, contemplating their next move.

"Should we kill them?" Satoru suddenly proposed.

"It's not worth it, and we might become fugitives. Only non-sorcerers can kill non-sorcerers legally in the sorcerer world, so let's leave it to them. Besides, the main perpetrators have already fled," Hiroshi explained.

"So, are we just gonna leave them be?" Suguru inquired.

"When did I say we should leave them be? This type of cult is unnecessary, but someone will take care of them. Come, let's return to Jujutsu Tech," Hiroshi replied cryptically, leading them away from the scene.


At Jujutsu Tech, Hiroshi, Satoru, and Suguru met with Amanai Riko and Kuroi. Seeing Riko alive and well, Suguru and Satoru breathed a sigh of relief.

"But what about Master Tengen's Merger?" Suguru inquired.

"The final merger was successful," Hiroshi explained. "Master Tengen now has a new body. Essentially, she used my flesh to communicate with the world, changing her Cursed Technique from Immortal to Immortal Puppeteer. She abandoned her old body to make it a puppet, essentially a vessel in which she can use Cursed Energy, like a Shikigami or Cursed Spirit of sorts."

"I see," Suguru nodded in understanding.

Hiroshi then turned to Amanai Riko. "So, Amanai Riko, what will be your answer?"

Satoru and Suguru exchanged puzzled glances. "What's she making a decision for?" they asked Hiroshi.

"She's deciding whether or not she will become a sorcerer," Hiroshi clarified.

"I choose to live my life in peace," Riko stated firmly.

"Alright, we respect your decision. From now on, you are free," Hiroshi declared decisively.

Riko breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for the opportunity to live her life in peace.

"Thank you, Hiroshi, Satoru, and Suguru," Amanai Riko expressed her gratitude sincerely as she left, with Kuroi bowing before following her.

Hiroshi then turned to Suguru and Satoru.

"So, both of you almost died. What did you learn?" he asked.

"Reverse Cursed Technique," Satoru and Suguru replied in unison.

"Great. Suguru, let's help you with that, since Satoru already knows it. Then we can move on to Domain Expansion," Hiroshi suggested to Suguru.

"Hiroshi, I'm coming for that title," Satoru declared decisively.

Hiroshi smirked. "When?" he asked.

"Let's say a year from now," Satoru replied.

"Well then, we've got ourselves a challenge," Hiroshi smirked back.

In one year's time, the clash of titans shall commence - the Battle for The Strongest.

A/N: What do you guys think about Miguel's Cursed Technique?

Hakuna Lana