
Jujutsu Kaisen: Honor Is Useless To Me

After the shocking weight of being brought to another world passes. All there is left is gaping hole of having no dreams and wants. After the bliss from strength is gone, the euphoric feeling of growth vanishes, and the word meaning becomes meaningless. What is left? Throughout heaven and Earth only few know this answer and sadly Kuta is one of them. I accidently posted this under novel and not fanfic so here it is fixed.

Zxl_Numa · Anime et bandes dessinées
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26 Chs

The Strongest One vs The Stronger One

Gojo quickly fired back at me after catching himself on the wall. I quickly put my hand forward with the intention to catch Gojo. Using fist, he slammed into my head before using blue to enhance his punch.

'How many times will you do that before you notice that won't work.'

I took the energy from the attack and pushed it back at him causing him to fly upwards.

'That blue, something was off.'

[After years of working to kill other sorcerers, Kota had built a six sense when it comes to fighting. After successfully redirecting the Blue, feeling a weird sensation as he looked at Gojo being thrown in the air.

'Why was that so weak.']

As Gojo lifted into the air I quickly noticed something.

'So, that's your plan. Overpowering my technique how smart.'

[As Gojo was midair, a smile grew on his face.

"Cursed Technique: Blue

With the help of his technique Kota know what was coming long before Gojo preform it but was still amazed by Gojo's plan of attack]

I once again found myself staring down another Blue, but this time it was way closer. Quickly lifting my hands up. I intended on completely absorbing this technique like before and sending it back. Focusing on catching the attack I grabbed it and began absorbing.

[It is human nature for someone to get arrogant. written into every human's soul this was enhanced more for sorcerers. As many of them viewed themselves as above humans, this rule was not void for even Kota. Unknown to even himself Kota was riding a new high from his power causing him to be ignorant to the opponent right in front of him. While Kota focused on the Blue thrown at him, Gojo quickly appeared to his side. Kota last second noticed an energy coming from his side before turning to face a smiling Gojo.]

"Cursed Technique: Blue"

I felt my body become absorb into the attack while it pushed me into the building wall to my side. With my focus still on the other Blue the new attack was able to land.

[The Blue dragged him through the building, as the attack dragged him into the building Kota was engulfed into it the energy. Gojo stood there after the attack finished looking at the effect of his Blue. Utahime and Geto looked at the figure of Gojo before walking up to him.]

"Did you kill him."

Geto walked up to Gojo looking at the ruined building in front of them.

But before Gojo could answer a laugh was heard from the rubble.

I moved some rubble of my body before climbing on top of it and facing the three with a huge smile.

"Expected of you, Satoru Gojo. Even when in front of an opponent that outclasses you by a mile you still find ways to land a strong attack."

[As Kota stood on top of the destroyed building. Utahime covered her mouth with a face of sickness while Geto looked at him with a surprised look. Kota's arm right arm was twisted and contorted to multiple angles. But he still looked forward paying it no mind. His arm slowly started to fix itself while Kota fully focused on Gojo. To Kota Gojo was an unripe fruit he could feel the immense potential from him and wanted nothing more than to fight him at his fullest.]

I could feel my hands start shaking while I continued to look at Gojo.

"Satoru, two minutes have passed didn't you say you'll kill me in 4."

Once again, my face had a twisted grin before I launched forward.

[Like lightning Kota rushed at Gojo. Beside Gojo, Utahime and Geto who were slow on reacting. Gojo quickly put up his infinity in an instinctive reaction. But was launched back as Kota grabbed his face throwing him. looking at the back of Kota, Geto who was pushed out the battle earlier quickly fired off a Uzumaki.]

I turned around quickly looking at Geto while he sent an Uzumaki at me. I reached my hand through before grabbing Geto's head and slammed him into the ground.

I looked at the Geto as he was crushed into the ground. Before turning my head towards Utahime and gaining a serious expression. I stood over her exerting an air of seriousness.

"Do not interrupt."

I looked at her before she nodded her head. As I turned around, looking over where I threw Gojo. I noticed him getting up looking at me with a serious expression. As we stood looking at each other I yelled to him. "Gojo It's been three minutes. Was that confidence just bravado."

"Keep that same tone. I plan to honor what I said."

We both started walking towards each other before we stood face to face with each other.

[When both stood face to face, they both felt like that other was unlike any opponent they've ever faced. Gojo the strongest who always stood at the top while Kota who had fought others who were just shy of pushing him. Both felt the intensity of the other's cursed energy, and both wanted to destroy the other.]

I quickly shot out a punch towards Gojo, looking at him dodge it I quickly throw out another. Once again Gojo was able to evade my attack but catching me off guard I felt a pain on my face.

[Gojo using Kota's technique to his advantage with a risky gamble. After evading throw out his own punch without any cursed energy. Causing it to bypass any of Kota's technique. Using this opening Gojo threw another punch at Kota landing on his face.]

My head shot back while feeling the punch sting my cheek. I looked at Gojo before bringing my head back with a smile. I spat out some blood before returning to the offensive attacking Gojo.

I start quickening my punches while I felt Gojo himself start quickening.

[Kota grabbed Gojo's arm throwing him into the ground before stomping where his head is. Gojo rolled out the way before getting up and sweeping Kota's legs. As he fell Gojo throw a kick at his head. Kota raised his guard before being hit back from the impact. As he got up quickly Gojo rushed at him throwing a punch.

'I'll just counter it'

As the punch approached Kota decide to just let the attack hit him. Feeling a something was wrong. Kota quickly looked at the punch before it connected thinking of a technique used by Itadori. Kota hadn't activated his technique feeling as if he was safe. In the last second of the attack Gojo poured his Cursed technique into the punch. Causing a lag effect in the technique.]


I planted my feet while the attack hit me dragging me back. My feet dragged through the ground my upper body fell backwards. I caught myself lifting up before looking back at Gojo and letting out a heavy breath.

[Gojo in that one attack had felt like this was the only way he had to defeat Kota. But looking at Kota's current state he know that he had nothing else to beat him.]

I gaze at Gojo before lifting up five fingers.

"It's been five minutes. It seems you won Gojo."

Gojo looked at me confused.

"I won?"

"5 minutes passed. You've won."

A small smile dressed my face.

Gojo still looked at me ready to attack while I walked up to him. He just looked at me while I came closer, I could tell he know I wasn't a threat anymore. I extended my hand to him while he stared at me. I lifted my hand before putting my hand on his head.

[Using his technique and his cursed manipulation Kota pushed his own RCT through Gojo healing him before walking towards a knocked out Geto passing by a shocked Utahime and doing the same. Gojo stared as confusion dropping his guard while Kota turned back to him.]

"Satoru Gojo, you were a great opponent. Come find me when you get stronger."

I hopped onto the top of a near building that we somehow didn't destroy and looked down at them. looking at Gojo.

'You've yet to reach even an ounce of your full strength until then. I'll wait patiently.'

I stared at Utahime specifically before saying.

"And Utahime let's go for coffee sometimes."

[Gojo looked up at Kota while Utahime could only feel a pain in her heart. Kota turned around disappeared hiding his cursed energy in his exit.

Kota was gone.]

(Author's Corner)

I hope this chapter wasn't to anti-climatic. But as a end to the first part of this prequel Arc I feel like this was the best way to end this arc. And don't worry this is just the start.

I planned on catching up on the to the Shibuya arc by dropping around 3 chapters a week and uploading them 8 to 9 PM central. Then slowing down taking a break before dropping Shibuya in a batch. So, let me know your thoughts on that.

Fun Fact #3

Kota will not be the only orginal main character. The next one will probably have my favorite technique and Domain.

Bye Bye :)

Zxl_Numacreators' thoughts