
Jujutsu Kaisen: Good Loser

What if you had the ability to 'erase' an aspect of reality? the ability to even deny concepts and causality. What chaos will you create? Our boy Kumagawa Misogi who owned that ability receives a gift from Anshin'in-san. Look forward to what will happen if the King of Minus himself arrive at the world of Curses. Will he become a curse or perhaps a curse energy generator. Read to find out

Asthoglho · Anime et bandes dessinées
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19 Chs

Chapter 5: Kugisaki Nobara


"Is she the one we're waiting for? It's kind of embarrassing" Itadori commented, staring at the new student who was grabbing a man on the road. [You really get it~] Kumagawa also spoke, irking Megumi. "You're the one to talk! What the hell are you wearing?!" Megumi snarled at them and got really pissed.

[Hahaha, chill Megumi-chan, you should wear them too!] Kumagawa said before placing shades and hat at Megumi who tried to prevent it but failed. "Its good that you are enjoying this but we should get going. We still have some curse to exorcise" Gojo decided to stop their conversation as they made way to the new student.

Gojo raised his hand and was about to wave when someone took the headstart. The three watched as Kumagawa got closer to new student. "What is he going to do?" Itadori asked eating popcorn. "I don't know..? I have a bad feeling about this" Megumi said concerned.

[Hmm, white. How pure~!] Kumagawa commented, staring at the new student's panties while lying on the floor. "Ha?" The girl just noticed the presence below her as a vein popped on her forehead. "Damn pervert!!" She shouted, bringing her hammer to the man's face.

She controlled her strength enough not to kill the man but the next scene shook everyone on the place.


The hammer collided with the head popping the whole thing off. The brain matter bursted as it splattered to the nearby people. "Ah… ah… AHHHHHHHHH!!!" with that as a trigger, the whole street was covered in loud screams.

"N-No! What the fuck just happened? It wasn't supposed to kill a person!" The girl who did it grabbed her head feeling the urge to vomit. It was her first time killing a person and it is a disgusting feeling! The pressure was heightened when the surrounding people started pointing at her while shouting Murderer.

Gojo whistled watching the chaos while Itadori and Megumi was dumbfounded. They are aware of Kumagawa's regenerative capability but they don't know whether he can resurrect himself. 'Shit! Resurrection is impossible!' Megumi thought sprinting to Kumagawa's body. The only one calm about the situation was Gojo.

"Sensei! Can you do something about him?!" Itadori asked Gojo as he was already panicking. The girl stared at Megumi and Itadori holding Kumagawa's body. She felt horrified by what just happened, she thought that her life here would be fantastic but here she is, already killed a person!

"Yuji, Megumi. That's enough. It may be short but we have to say our goodbyes already…" Gojo held their shoulders saying this. His expression was hurt while his eyes refused to look at the corpse. "Kumagawa was a good boy, he was! Unfortunately the lord has a different plan for him… we shall not hinder his resting soul" Gojo kneeled on the spot with utter pain on his voice.

"Sensei!" Itadori exclaimed feeling tears welling on his eyes.

This scene caused the girl to feel more guilt. It was slowly piling up with no signs of stopping. "H-Hey… I'm really sorry…" she could only say that not knowing what to do anymore.

Suddenly out of everyone's control, the time stopped. All of them could perceive what is happening but couldn't move a finger. Even Gojo who was used to his Domain could not resist the will of time.

Within the blink of an eye, the whole reality changed. [The reality where I was destroyed is now… 'nothing'] the voice rang along with the change.

The new student which is named Kugisaki Nobara opened her mouth in bafflement. "What the hell was that..?!" She shouted grabbing her hair and shaking it. She almost decided to end her life earlier and be done with it but this changed everything.

[Hallo! Your a new student right? In that case… sensei! Can I test her? Thank you!] Kumagawa didn't even wait for Gojo's answer as he dashed towards Nobara. "?!"

[Nice to meet ya~] Nobara was alarmed when the boy's hand was already clenching her face. She wasn't able to process before she was slammed on the ground breaking the concrete behind. "Gukhh!"

Nobara immediately regained her clarity as she jumped away from Kumagawa intending to gain some distance. "Kumagawa! What are you doing?!" Itadori who witnessed the whole thing rushed trying to stop Kumagawa from attacking Nobara.

[Pathetic! Is this all you can do?] Kumagawa ignored his question and landed a hit to Nobara sending her flying. Itadori had enough, he understood that Kumagawa won't stop until he had his fill. He needs to prevent that. Itadori stomped on the floor pushing his body as he reached Kumagawa in an instant.

He didn't hold back and swung his fist, hitting Kumagawa right in the guts. Itadori hoped that it would be enough to knock the guy out. [Ow, ow, ow! That sure is hard. Come on, hit me harder! You won't become a main character of a shounen manga if you won't show your value!] Kumagawa stated smiling at Itadori.

"Don't ignore me!" Kumagawa and Itadori turned their heads looking at Nobara who threw some nails in the air, almost all are pointing at Kumagawa. [Crazy girl, you are definitely a work of art] Kumagawa opened his arms accepting the barrage of nails that embedded on his body. Kumagawa dropped on the floor bleeding all over.

Creepily enough, the damage didn't hinder him as he still kept smiling happily. [Kuh.. you are not strong but crazy enough. Craziness confirmed! Round 2 shall we?] Kumagawa stood up patting his body and moving without a hint of difficulty. [Oops, it seems like my left lung got pierced, it should leave an everlasting injury in this pace] he started patting his chest as blood continued to gush.

"You crazy bastard! Stop this already!" Itadori could not entertain this game of Kumagawa. He is already getting creeped out by how brutal it was. Megumi who is watching is also preparing to summon some shadows ready to enter the fight.

Megumi took a step forward but was stopped by Gojo's hand. "Don't Megumi. This is also the perfect chance to test the three of them. Kumagawa is crazy enough that I can trust him. He won't kill them" Gojo said smiling, he is quite confident in his intuition.

Hearing that, Megumi has no choice but to adhere. "Watch, a second coming of Yuta should be witnessed here" Gojo smirked, assuring Megumi that nothing will happen.

The fight continued with Itadori and Nobara chasing Kumagawa despite his injuries. This is already a huge handicap for them yet they can't seem to catch the anomaly. "Stop running around and fight like a real man!" Nobara was irritated by the events. They witnessed how strong this guy is but here he is running like a fool.

[Try this!] Kumagawa snapped his fingers before sprinting away. Itadori who chased him stepped on the ground where Kumagawa was standing before. "Uh?" He uttered a confused voice as the ground cracked and collapsed under his weight. "Ahhhhh!! How?!!" He screamed reaching out to Nobara who catched him.

[Scardead can also open past damages from structures. Convenient~] Kumagawa smiled looking at the result of his new minus. "Shit! He went too far!" Megumi exclaimed staring at the streets that are slowly collapsing burying the innocent bystander in the process.

"Sensei! Are you sure we shouldn't interfere yet?! This is getting out of hand!" Megumi is starting to become afraid about the situation. Kumagawa seemed to disregard the lives of normal people, casually using large scale techniques like that.

Even Gojo frowned for a second but he shook his head still trusting Kumagawa. The next scenario made him smile as the streets were reversed, returning to their previous unharmed state. Even the people were resurrected from the dead. "See~? He is responsible enough! But still, we need to take this somewhere" he recognized the danger.

Gojo rushed to the fight as he grabbed both Nobara and Itadori teleporting them to a forest nearby. He then proceed to go towards Kumagawa. He teleported him the same way which was a surprise since the guy didn't resist. "This should do it! The show is on the way, are you coming too Megumi?" He asked Megumi who just sighed.

Both of them teleported to the expecting to see some large action. As they appeared, they were stunned at the scene. "Where's fhe forest? Oii, did they destroy it?!" Gojo exclaimed with lips twitching. The bountiful forest was turned into a deadland.

A sound of explosion rang somewhere garnering their attention. Gojo and Megumi did not hesitate to go there. The result wss within expectations but still overwhelming. Itadori and Nobara are on the ground unconscious while Kumagawa was lying besides them. [Ahh, I couldn't beat them. Is this going to be my lose too? I see] he muttered accepting his defeat with a smile on his face.