
Jujutsu Kaisen: Creation of Shikigamis(Paused)

I don't have a specific role in this world. "He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster."

Chester_LV · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs

Part 7


Taking deep, heavy breaths and gulps of air, Minato found himself near the Shibuya Tower again.

More specifically in the vicinity, where the screen had been destroyed by the Young Jujutsu sorcerers.

Sighing, he felt like a wave of calm, relief and tranquility touched his being, relaxing his shoulders and tense posture.

He was far from Shibuya Station and although he knew he was not finished he could now fulfill his role as a clone.

Closing his eyes he focused on himself planning what to do now.

'This is going to get chaotic, Sukuna unleashed, that curse and probably more things that I can see are escaping and this girl...'

Looking at the body clutched in his hands he found this girl vulnerable and weak, with a blank expression and with her hands clinging to him, her arms surrounding his torso without even wanting to let go, the girl had serious spasms and did not even seem fazed by the 1 second trip that would have made most humans dizzy.

Originally he had taken it because he needed information, the questions about, How they got Sukuna's fingers. How did they know Itadori was the vessel? Were they related and they didn't know it? They had to do with this Shibuya chaos from the beginning. of the same? this girl knows things that he doesn't, maybe even more.

But now her mind is in a traumatized and crushed state, I doubt she can speak, much less provide any information.

Sighing, he felt how the girl stopped her spasms and made no movement, she didn't even look him in the eyes.

He didn't even have time to get angry with her right now, but one question was on her mind, why did she unleash Sukuna? Whatever caused that, it was beyond her comprehension.

It was probably hatred or revenge, but her mind immediately flashed back to the thunderous scream the girl let out and her shattered expression as that fiery curse charred her sister.

Sighing, he continued thinking because in his mind, even this action carried out by the girl would not make sense.

'What can an extraordinary psychopath give you?' He thought of his bewildered mind of her...

"This is crazy."

Muttering, she decided it would be better to knock the girl out and send her to her secret place.

Moving her hand gently, he took pity on the girl by stroking her hair a little before moving it to the back of her neck and hitting her, successfully disabling her.

He placed her hand on the girl's front and teleported her to her base.

He quickly ran towards a building and with the help of his cursed energy he moved to the top using the cursed energy as if it were chakra, using the walls of the building as support and placed himself placidly on it.

Placing his hand on the structure he left a Hiraishin mark.

Just as he stood up letting his cloak flutter gently in the wind, he felt a tremor and then saw Sukuna and the Volcanic Curse fighting each other.

Fireballs and slashes flew everywhere.

Undoing the shadow clone he saw how the curse and Sukuna ultimately crashed into a building at breakneck speed creating a powerful roar that made part of the abandoned city tremble.


Back with Minato(Original)

They had been fighting like that for several minutes, seeming like they had reached a stalemate.

He had previously received some of the memories of one of his clones who had been ambushed from behind.

This clone was the one who had the task of following Megumi.

From what he had been able to analyze while he was in combat, he had entered a domain, where apparently some of his allies were having problems.

The appearance of whoever attacked him was slightly familiar, but he still put it aside.

I'm sure the boy will be fine, Or At least he hopes so.

While he moved, avoiding Mahito's attacks, which consisted of trying to attack him with tentacles generated from his body.

Another burst of information rushed into his brain and swirled around him.

The sudden burst of information alerted him but consequently made the already existing exhaustion in his brain intensify even more.

This left him paralyzed for 3 seconds, his eyes widened when he saw that Mahito did not skimp on launching an attack more powerful than the previous one with even more force.


Mahito's bloody words alerted him even more.

He didn't have the time he needed to know that he had made one of the clones of him to deactivate himself.

The whip hit his body and apparently sent him flying into the train car he had seen earlier, denting it and opening a hole as he hit the last wall of the car and shattering glass in his wake.

Mahito smiled macabrely and immediately rushed towards the impact site.

But his surprise was great when he saw a small cloud of smoke approaching and then a shattered log instead of the destroyed body of his enemy, which was what he honestly expected to see.

Mahito clicked his tongue in annoyance before turning his head to both sides of the car while he was still standing in front of the destroyed log, he believed that he might be somewhere but he was not able to perceive his presence.

Mahito walked out of the destroyed car and saw nothing, only humans destroyed by the combat, currently almost all of them had been cut in half by his ferocious and psychotic attacks.

Mahito walked several steps but abruptly stopped when he felt someone touch him from behind.

Transforming his hand into a long katana, he turned and tried to cut off the head of whoever touched him but his arm stopped dead when he saw that no one did.

His look went from psychotic to confused and dazed.

"eh?". he muttered he confused

.I could swear that something had touched him and that he wasn't going crazier than he already was..

A 3-pronged object, rather that guy's 3-pronged Kunai attracted his attention again while that kunai was buried in the ground.

His smile widened as he recognized that weapon he had seen before.

"He's still here... isn't he?"

After these words, he moved his head quickly in all directions but saw no one.

"What the hell!!!"

His surprise grew when he felt two hands grab his feet and push him into the ground with tremendous force.

Mahito's head was the only thing left outside, his eyes were wide and shocked by this action.


Questions flew through his head, confusion making him feel useless.

Right in front of him, the cold floor cracked and revealed Minato emerging from beneath him, rising to his full size.

"Earth Element: Double Decapitating Suicide Jutsu and Earth Element: Hiding like a mole, success."

He had to smile at the subtle reference he had made to his favorite character from the Naruto Universe, Shikamaru Nara.

Mahito looked at him bewildered.

"Element what???."

Minato quickly cloned himself and left a clone standing in front of Mahito and disappeared in a yellow flash.

It's time to take care of more important things.

He immediately reached for his registered Last Hiraishin Mark which was placed on the building.

He had gotten rid of the curse Mahito as soon as he found out that Sukuna had gotten free...

He hadn't had time to worry about disabling Mahito because Sukuna was 200 times more important than his previous enemy.

The only thing he could think to do was release an explosive clone and let it explode alongside Mahito.

In an instant, he felt another small tremor as a sign that the battle was not over.

Watching from a distance he debated in his mind if he should go with Minato to the fight...

While he thought and looked at the horizon where the fire curse and Ryomen fight.....

One of the restrictions of his technique was when it came to the requirements of controlling a summon.

With the shikigami it was just a matter of how strong they are and how much-cursed energy and properties they have.

But with the characters it was different, everything could vary.

A perfect example of this was Madara Uchiha. This character was difficult to control due to the insane amount of cursed energy he possessed, plus the fact that there was something unknown that often did not allow him to control the body in its entirety.

He had a slight suspicion that it could be due to the emotions or muscle memory of a character, as they were almost human bodies, and possessing memories of his life as a Shinobi, Madara would most likely resist being controlled.

Or it simply applied to some law of this world that related the body to the soul or the body to the mind.

Now returning to his train of thought, he was thinking about who to choose to face the king of curses.

Madara wasn't an option yet, so his other option was Hashirama Senju.

That one was easier to control but he didn't understand why, what he had experienced when summoning and controlling Hashirama was a fairly great inner peace.

Something curious about Hashirama Senju, or at least the invocation of him, was that for some reason he possessed an insane amount of positive energy, and most of his jutsus were mainly made up of this energy.

It was as if he only used positive energy to fight,

And it was incredible, in addition to this, Hashirama had many techniques and most importantly, his Wood Release could suppress the energy of others in this universe, he did it with curses and enemies that used cursed energy also worked, also one thing that fascinated him. It was the fact that the plants and trees seemed to grow faster when he was present.

He often saw how every time he tried to practice with Hashirama Senju, the plants grew at an unnatural rate.

Sighing and returning to reality he watched as a giant meteorite formed several kilometers away from him and crashed into the city.

"I must hurry."