
Jujutsu Kaisen: A Golden Experience

Waking up in a new world Takahashi finds himself inserted in the world of Sorcers and Curses and everything in between shortly after his arrival, follow how he'll navigate his way through with the powers of Giorno Giovanna's Golden Experience. The Mc will be someone righteous and will want to help save others but that doesn't mean he is an idealist and thinks that everything will go fine he will use cold logic to plan out his actions The book cover is not mine it's a random one I got online if it's yours please DM me if you want me to take it down. And of course, I don't own JJK or JJBA all rights go to Gege and Araki apart from my OC. That being said this is my first time writing so if you have any ideas or constructive criticisms then please don't hesitate to either comment or leave a review they will be appreciated!!

Newironfist · Anime et bandes dessinées
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7 Chs

Occult research club meeting! Ryomen Sukuna??

"Man, I sure didn't miss how long school drags on for, felt like an eternity" Sighing a heavy sigh I contemplated on what I should start doing from now on.

"Hey, Takahashi-kun!" Turning around I see Sasaki-san and Iguchi-kun, both my classmates and club members from the occult research club. "Hey Sasaki-san, Iguchi-kun, how can I help?" I asked, confused by the startled sudden interaction. Sasaki-san responds quickly with a big smirk on her face "Me and Iguchi-kun are meeting later in the club room, Itadori found something interesting and gave it to me so we'll be holding an impromptu meeting so be sure to sneak in later at night ok?" 

I sigh whilst deadpanning her "Yeah sure I'll be there just make sure you both don't wet yourselves again alright?" Now It's their turn to deadpan me but before they reply I cut them off "Anyways I'll meet you all later then, I'm gonna go study for the upcoming exam so I'll see you then" Saying that I start walking off back home, I still need to decide what I want to do in the future.

"Hmph, he talks as if he wasn't scared before either" Mutters Sasaki under her breath. Yet the ever-calm Iguchi replies "He's just teasing us relax Sasaki-san".

Back to Tomio's POV

Arriving back at home my hand fumbles in my bag in search of the key. After doing so I open the door and enter. "I'm home" I mutter to no one in particular, just a simple cultural thing ingrained into me. 'I better start revising now to cram in as much as I can before heading back out, sigh what a drag'. 'Well it's only 4 PM, I'll just study for an hour or two before having a quick lunch then leave'.

2 hours later, Sugisawa High School - Occult Research Club room

"Oii Takahashi-kun we're In here" Hearing Sasaki-san's familiar voice I walk Into the club room to see her along with Iguchi-kun sitting on the floor "Oi Sasaki-san Iguchi-kun, what's the big surprise I had to stop studying to come here so It better be worthwhile" I said whilst deadpanning.

"Stop complaining Takahashi-kun you'll be screaming at the end of it like usual anyways so stop whining, here take a look at this" Saying so she brought out an odd object that was kind of cylindrical and wrapped around In some dilapidated cloth that had writing on it. "I can't get the cloth off, here take it off Takahashi-kun" "Ehh you're so lazy Sasaki-san, give it here then" Saying that I stand up trying to Pry the cloth off, Iguchi-kun tries to turn the lights on, only for Sasaki-san to scold him talking about "It'll ruin the mood". 

eventually, I was able to pry it off revealing what seemed to be a purplish-pink decrepit finger with a long and sharp black-coloured nail. Looking at the finger sent shivers down all our spines "Hey Sasaki-san where the hell did Itadori find this It's giving me the chills it's omitting some real ominous vibes" "I don't know he just gave it to me after he said he found it in some small cabinet yesterday" "Hey Takahashi-kun is that a real finger?" asked Iguchi nervousness overflowing through his tone.

Unfortunately, before I could give a response an explosion occurred knocking me over as I stumbled around, I accidentally dropped the ominous finger "Sasaki-san Takahashi-kun are you alright?" I glance over about to reply yet as soon as I do I freeze up. Fear started to consume my body as I stared at a huge monster, towering over all of us, threatening to consume ALL of us. I could tell at first glance that the behemoth was of a more wicked and sinister nature than anything to be described in any book I had read from both lives. It was ginormous towering so high that the ceiling of the room had begun to crack and cave In, Its maw, a horror of its own kind meant to inflict devious and mortal injuries to anything caught inside of It whilst its eyes were pitch-black instilling a deep and primal fear within us all, Its gaze seeping into my body as if It's trying to devour me with looks only, trying to find my Innermost and darkest secrets.

"Sa..sasaki, Iguchi. On my sign, you're both to run out the door while I distract It. Got It?" I understood what I was saying, there was no chance of survival for any of us. Feeding them false hope just for It to be mercilessly crushed would hurt more but I couldn't, I couldn't just let these two die here. I may not have known them for long but my memories of them helped me realise that I appreciate them as friends I may have hijacked some random kid's body but he's not here anymore I am, these memories and this body are now mine so I'll do whatever it takes to protect my friends!

"NOW! RUN AND DON'T LOOK BACK!" Saying that I grabbed the finger from Sasaki waving it in front of this.. demon, baiting it to focus on just me coming to the realisation that by removing the cloth I had, successfully allowing Sasaki and Iguchi to run away while I was trapped. As I await my impending doom I think about how It's such a pity. A pity that I was given a chance to better my life, to be someone yet threw It away like this, yet thinking that Sasaki and Iguchi could live helped me believe that I don't regret It, I just regret realising how weak I am at such a crucial time, and that I wasted a chance that no other person would ever get. All these overwhelming emotions, the fear, the rage, they overtook me and then something just snapped, something Inside of me.

I came to a sudden understanding that If I'm going to die then I'm sure as shit not dying without putting up a fight, and so whilst releasing all my pent-up frustration I run to the creature and feel a sudden power rising within me, wanting to burst out as if it was resonating with my rage and unyielding will to live and not die here. The creature lunges at me and by some mystical miracle I dodge the blow allowing me to push further on, as I cock my left arm back ready to release my punch I feel my fist flooding with a power I never knew I could wield.

I stomp my right foot and contort my left foot for more momentum gathering as much kinetic energy as I can whilst twisting my waist to maximise the power and unleash my fist upon the scourge from hell. My fist hurls forward like a bullet, shot from a heavy caliber rifle and smashed into the demon's swollen underbelly. With a final yell, I follow through with the whole punch with the full intention of over-committing to It, after all this is my one and only opportunity to do such a thing, a final declaration to defy the fate that had been undeservingly handed to me "DIE YOU FUCKING VILE CRETIN!!".

With that, the beast screeched a howl so foul that I had thought that I was the one to be delivering an unjust sentence of death to It yet I wasn't... as It bellowed I felt my fist continue on its path of destruction plowing through the beast's body completely eviscerating its intestine. A punishment I thought to be light for the consequences it acted against me and my friends. A testament to my will to survive this hellish experience and protect those that I cherish.

With the creature slowly crumbling away from reality I picked up the ominous finger and walked out of the club room, dizzy from the mental and physical fatigue yet knew I had to carry on, I needed to check If Sasaki and Iguchi were safe otherwise my plight would've been pointless. I continue to stumble down the never-ending school corridor as I stop and marvel at the scene of a young man with pink hair and an undercut. His yellow jacket hugged his frame cementing his powerful and buff physique, donning regular blue denim three-quarter length shorts, and a pair of blood-red sneakers vaulting through the window and smashing into another one of the creatures quickly comprehending that it had been trying to assault Sasaki and Iguchi.

With another bout of rage building up, I squat down trying to replicate how a snake coils before leaping into the creature and striking out more of my rage and fear-induced punishment, knocking It away with an injury, yet not fully banishing it. I get ready to finish the job however before I can, I stumble leaving the pink-haired man who I Identify as Itadori to grab me before I faceplant the floor. Realising that I won't make It In time to save them both I feel dread creeping through my body like a disease yet wash away when I witness another young man this time wearing an all-black school uniform, regular black shoes with a slightly feminine face covered by black locks of his wild and untamed point hair. The unidentified young man quickly gets to work, somehow summoning twin dogs one black and the other black as If to represent the order of duality through an accurate depiction of Ying and Yang. Despite the looks of the twin dogs they are In truth savage hounds of doom as they rush towards the other curse and mawl the monster back into eternal damnation.

"Itadori what are you doing here I thought I made It clear that you can't help, without cursed energy It's Impossible for you to Inflict damage no matter how strong and resourceful you are?!" Seeing the man berate someone who not only saved my friends but Is also currently helping me stand I resist the urge to scold him as he had bought enough time for true help to come. "It's fine Megumi" said Itadori with a cheeky grin on his, face picking up Iguchi and Sasaki and laying them down on a nearby wall, "And besides Takahashi had the finger with him too so here, now you can seal It and stop these curses from harming us anymore right?"

Despite his voice brimming with a tone of success, I stare in horror as Yuji takes the finger planning to hand It over, another one of those curses breaks through the roof resulting in Megumi thrusting me and Itadori away. Itadori picks me up just in time to see Megumi summon a falcon with a strange mask yet accomplish nothing as he gets punted away to the rooftop of the seniors section of the building. Witnessing this I urge Itadori to go follow him together as we're going to need all hands on deck If It can neutralise Megumi so quickly and easily. "Itadori come on, we have to go help him" I yell getting ready to move however before that he grabs me and stares me dead in the eyes "Takahashi you're in no form to continue, leave the rest to us and just leave with Sasaki and Iguchi as soon as possible". 

Although he didn't imply It I knew he was worried that I wouldn't be able to help especially In my current state, however, "No I'm not going anywhere, I can't let you and that Megumi guy do this on your own I won't be able to forgive myself If I just walk away and let you two die. I won't. We're taking this stupid thing down together and plus he said only people with this cursed energy can hurt It, well I can use it to help so don't worry about me and focus on yourself." I could see Itadori contemplating what I had just said but whether It was my gaze of refusal to comply with his command or his admiration for wanting to help, he just nodded at me and led the way, "Alright let's go help save Megumi".

*A/N And ima end it there jesus christ this chapter is heavy it didn't sit right just ending it halfway through on some random cliff hanger so i decided to continue, id like to know your thoughts on Takahashi's bout with the cursed spirit, I tried to make it interesting despite not having much to go on but feel like I did a pretty good job. Overall I'm very pleased with how this chapter went and would appreciate it if you comment on how you think I should improve it or add something for future chapters :)