
Jujutsu Kaisen: A Golden Experience

Waking up in a new world Takahashi finds himself inserted in the world of Sorcers and Curses and everything in between shortly after his arrival, follow how he'll navigate his way through with the powers of Giorno Giovanna's Golden Experience. The Mc will be someone righteous and will want to help save others but that doesn't mean he is an idealist and thinks that everything will go fine he will use cold logic to plan out his actions The book cover is not mine it's a random one I got online if it's yours please DM me if you want me to take it down. And of course, I don't own JJK or JJBA all rights go to Gege and Araki apart from my OC. That being said this is my first time writing so if you have any ideas or constructive criticisms then please don't hesitate to either comment or leave a review they will be appreciated!!

Newironfist · Anime et bandes dessinées
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7 Chs


My eyes slowly fluttered open, finding myself in a room that seemed strangely familiar yet unknown causing me to tense up a little. As little clarity returns to me, I find that it isn't just the setting that is strange as my body is... different, panicking a little I scrutinize the surroundings hoping to maybe find out what the hell is going on and why my body feels lighter and more vigorous than usual.

Continuing my gazing, I sit up and find myself lying on a bed alongside a drawer with some pictures of a setting that seemed vague and what I presumed to be my phone, further checking out the room I notice a school uniform neatly hung up on a wardrobe door that was slightly loose from the hinge.

Taking a further gander, I observe some other details such as the TV flicking with static and the pile of unwashed dishes and cup ramen in the kitchen trying to disclose where I am. Rising to my feet I make my way to what I assumed to be the bathroom wanting to freshen up and get a better look at myself.

Standing up I realised that I had shrunken in both height and weight further distressing me as I peeked at my new lean stature yet slightly chubby belly I staggered, continuing to walk over to the bathroom unsure of how to feel with this sudden change that had occurred to me while contemplating this dilemma, I open the door and start my daily routine hoping to bring some sort of sense back into me only to glance in the mirror and come to the conclusion of why I had found myself in some unknown apartment with heavy changes to my body. This isn't my original body. I had been reincarnated.

Staring back at me through the reflection was a teenager no more than 16 standing at about 5'8 with dark messy hair, azure eyes, and a slim nose topping it off with a well-defined jawline and soft pale skin with a black mole just under the left side of my mouth. I double-take my new features before clutching my head in pain letting out groans of pain as memories of a life undisclosed to me flow through my brain as if some trigger had been released, gaining crucial information such as who I am, where I was, and some background information about how 'I' have lived my life up until this moment.

"Ugh. I guess looking at my face and coming to the awareness that I had been reincarnated had triggered the hidden memories on this body". "So I'm Japanese now huh, not that I care anyway my previous life was pretty irrelevant either way I'll just take this as a fresh do-over although I do feel bad for the kid, realistically the most I can do now is live my best life for the both of us".

Finishing off my morning routine and a quick shower to refresh, I head back into the main room, registering the fact that I need to get ready for school I look to cook up a fast and simple breakfast consisting of scrambled eggs and toast and start getting prepared. " Man having to go to school again sucks, I hope no one notices that I have changed or anything even if this person had similar tendencies and hobbies as me I don't think I should worry too much though".

Wearing my school uniform I go over my basic information to make sure I don't mess up and raise suspicion. "My new name is Takahashi Tomio, I'm currently 16 years old my birthday is on the 19th of January and I currently attend Miyagi Sugisawa Municipal High School and am part of the Occult and Reading club". I sigh not wanting to redo my school life yet it places a great opportunity for me to make the most of what I want to do in the future.

Looking at my phone I check to see the time knowing I should leave soon if I want to make it on time, and so with renewed vigor, I take my first step outside my apartment breathing in a mouthful of fresh air striving ahead thinking how I should make the most of my new life.

Walking to school, I spend most of my time looking around as even if I remember the sights from my memories It still feels like a new experience for me to take In new views as in my previous life I had been living in a whole different country making the walk slightly more enjoyable. Through the awakening of my memories I already knew the way to the school yet, It still felt surreal that I had crossed over to a new world in another body, and despite promising to live my life to the fullest for me and the original Takahashi the guilt is still overwhelming, even though I had no choice in the matter.

With my mood turning somber and my head filled with thoughts and doubts about my reincarnation I eventually ended up at the front gates making the 30-minute walk feel like a second, I stared at the school with a focused gaze, ceasing my thoughts for another day and striding inside with determination oozing off of me, preparing to tackle my first day back in high school.

*A/N Honestly I'm not too happy with how this chapter turned out to be so if you have any suggestions on some changes or anything else to include then let me know. Also, the MC will not know JJK to make things slightly more interesting however, don't expect the story to follow the original as his presence will change the plot for either worse or better.*

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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