
Chapter 77: Mighty Titans

"Ah, but it's not just about destroying Earth, is it?" Mr Nobody tilted his head, an almost conspiratorial tone entering his voice.

"It's about domination, about showing the universe that even someone as untouchable as Darius can't protect it. And isn't it far more entertaining to watch them squirm before you crush them?"

There was a pause as Darkseid considered the offer. Mr Nobody leaned forward, eager for the reaction.

"And what, exactly, do you want in return?" Darkseid's voice was cold, calculating.

"Return?!" Mr Nobody feigned shock. "Oh, Darkseid, you wound me! I ask for nothing… except maybe a front-row seat to all the delicious chaos that'll follow. I'll be the court jester, you'll be the king, and Earth will be our stage."

Darkseid's eyes glowed brighter, his voice filled with restrained power. "You seek to use me, Nobody. But I am no fool. Your plan amuses me for now, but if you betray me, your essence will be scattered across the multiverse, never to reform."

Mr Nobody chuckled, his form swaying. "You underestimate me, but fine, fine! Let's call it a partnership. You handle the heavy lifting, and I'll keep the heroes chasing their tails. It'll be a beautiful symphony of chaos and destruction!"

With that, the deal was silently struck. Darkseid would launch his invasion of Earth, and Mr Nobody would be there to create the distractions necessary for its success.

Mr Nobody couldn't help but smirk to himself as he vanished from Apokolips, back to his realm.

This was going to be fun.


In the heart of Apokolips, the dark, molten planet of eternal fire and suffering, Darkseid's avatar sat upon his monumental throne.

The towering walls of the throne room were lined with red, crackling energy, while molten rivers of fire snaked below, casting an ominous glow over the entire chamber.

His iron grip on his empire was symbolised by the trembling subordinates gathered before him, waiting in silence.

Before him stood his most trusted lieutenants, the elite of Apokolips' military and intelligence. Desaad, his loyal and twisted torturer, hovered close by, his gaunt, wrinkled features twisted into a knowing smirk.

Granny Goodness, the head of his brutal army of Female Furies, stood nearby with her staff, ever eager to please her master.

Kalibak, Darkseid's brutish son, stood with his arms crossed, barely able to contain his enthusiasm for battle.

And then there was Steppenwolf, the tactician, his posture rigid and formal, awaiting the commands of his master.

Darkseid's avatar, a towering, godlike version of the ruler himself, gazed down upon them all, his eyes glowing with the lethal power of the Omega Beams. He spoke with the weight of worlds in his voice.

"The time has come. Earth will kneel," Darkseid said, his voice deep, resonant, and commanding.

"The humans have become complacent under Darius' protection. They train, they grow, but they are still weak."

Desaad stepped forward, his sickly grin widening. "Master, they are distracted, worn thin from their endless battles. They won't see the full force of your might coming."

Granny Goodness chuckled, her tone dripping with malice. "Oh, my dear children will enjoy this, my Lord. The humans have been ripe for a proper conquest for too long. I shall mould them to your will once Earth lies in your grasp."

Darkseid's gaze never wavered. "You will not fail me, Granny Goodness. Earth's heroes, distracted by Darius and his games, will be scattered. When my Parademons descend, they will be unprepared for the force of Apokolips."

Kalibak slammed his fist into his palm, snarling. "Let me lead the attack, Father. I will tear them limb from limb!"

Steppenwolf shot a side glance at Kalibak, his tone much calmer but no less eager for battle. "The invasion must be precise. Earth's defenders are formidable, especially under His protection. We must attack from multiple fronts and crush them before they can regroup." 

Darkseid's avatar raised his hand, and silence fell instantly. "The conquest will be swift. Desaad, you will ensure our infiltration begins without alerting their pathetic leaders. Granny Goodness, prepare the Female Furies. Kalibak, you will lead the initial charge."

Kalibak grinned viciously at his father's command, finally given permission to unleash his full fury.

Darkseid continued, his eyes glowing brighter. "The rest of you will follow Steppenwolf's command. Coordinate the assault. Let the Parademons rain down upon them, and when their hope falters, I will arrive and deliver the final blow."

There was a brief pause, then Desaad, ever the sycophant, bowed deeply. "The heroes of Earth will tremble, Master. Soon, they will witness the true power of Darkseid."

Granny Goodness smirked, clutching her staff. "And I'll be sure to bring you plenty of new recruits for your armies, Lord Darkseid. The strongest of their warriors will break before me."

The god of Apokolips leaned forward on his throne, the fires of the Omega Effect blazing in his eyes. "Begin the preparations. Earth will kneel. The Age of Darkseid will dawn."

With his final command, his subordinates dispersed, each eager to carry out their role in the invasion. As the throne room emptied, Darkseid's avatar sat in silent contemplation, the wheels of war turning swiftly.

Soon, Earth and its so-called heroes would learn what true suffering was. The shadow of Apokolips would fall over their world, and nothing—not even Darius—could stop it.(A/N: Capppp!)

[A day later]

Darkseid's throne room remained engulfed in darkness, the flickering glow of molten lava casting eerie shadows on the towering walls. His avatar leaned back in his massive seat, contemplating the next step of his plan.

A conflict with the Mad TitanThanos—was inevitable. Though galaxies apart, their lust for control and power made them rivals in domination.

But Earth was his, and the Mad Titan had no claim to it.

With a simple gesture, Darkseid summoned Kalibak. His son stormed into the room, eager and impatient as always.

"Father?" Kalibak growled, awaiting orders.

"Go to Thanos," Darkseid commanded in his booming, authoritative voice. "Tell him of my coming invasion of Earth. Make it clear that if he dares interfere, he will face my wrath, and by extension, Apokolips. I will not allow him to meddle in this conquest."

Kalibak, always itching for a fight, grinned at the opportunity. "And if he doesn't heed your warning?"

A chilling smile tugged at the corner of Darkseid's mouth. "Then crush him."

Without another word, Kalibak bowed and stormed out of the throne room. A short time later, aboard one of Apokolips' fastest warships, he tore through the vastness of space, his destination clear: the realm of the Mad Titan.


Titan—once a flourishing planet—was now a graveyard of its former glory. Ruined and desolate, much like its ruler's cold, unforgiving heart.

On the surface of the desolate planet, Kalibak landed, surrounded by the barren wasteland of his enemy's home.

There, upon the throne, sat Thanos, his imposing figure almost serene amidst the silence, yet ever dangerous.

The two titans of evil faced off, though not yet in combat. Kalibak approached with no fear, his voice dripping with menace.

"Thanos, I bring you a message from my father, Darkseid," Kalibak began. "Earth is his, and he will soon bring it to its knees. He demands that you stay out of this invasion. If you dare interfere, you will face his full fury. He will obliterate everything you've built."

Thanos raised his head slightly, a flicker of amusement crossing his otherwise stoic expression.

"Your father sends you, his lackey, to deliver threats? Interesting." His deep voice carried the weight of countless worlds conquered.

Kalibak bristled, stepping forward, muscles bulging as he clenched his fists. "Don't test me, Mad Titan. If you refuse, I'll gladly end you right here."

Thanos slowly stood up, his imposing figure now fully revealed. His eyes narrowed, his fingers brushing over the gauntlet on his hand. "I don't care for your father's warnings. Earth holds... value to me, in ways your brute mind cannot comprehend. I will not stand aside."

Kalibak's eyes burned with rage. "You would dare defy Darkseid? You know what that means."

Thanos took a step forward, his gauntlet glowing faintly. "I do. But your father is no god to me. Let him come if he wishes to face my wrath. I am Thanos, and I never back down from what I want."

A moment of tense silence passed between them, the air crackling with anticipation of battle. Kalibak's knuckles cracked, ready to attack, but Thanos raised his hand.

"Return to your father, dog. Tell him if he wishes to claim Earth, he will have to go through me."

Kalibak's lips curled into a snarl, his primal instinct begging him to attack, but he knew better. As strong as he was, fighting Thanos without Darkseid's command would be foolish.

With a guttural growl, he turned away, stepping back onto his warship, but not before throwing one last warning over his shoulder.

"My father will come for you, Thanos. You've signed your death warrant."

Thanos watched as Kalibak left, unflinching, unbothered by the threat. He smiled coldly to himself.

Darkseid's challenge only made the game more interesting. Earth was not merely another target in his grand plan—it was a crucial piece.

For Thanos, the war was only just beginning.
