
Chapter 59: Father... hear your son.

[Volume 2!!, THINGS WILL BE VERY INTENSE HERE. So hold on to your phones/laptops/tablets and strap in for the greatest piece of literature you have ever read.]


In the mortal realm, Darius sat in a meditative state at the center of the grand training room, his long white hair floating around him like a halo.

His physical body remained still, a mere shell of his true essence.

Around him, the Archers of the Endless stood vigilant, their eyes trained on the surrounding space, ensuring that no one disturbed the delicate balance of the moment.

But Darius was not truly there. His consciousness had ascended to a higher plane, crossing the boundaries of reality to enter his father's realm—a place beyond time and space, where the fabric of existence itself was woven.

It was a realm of infinite possibilities, where the past, present, and future intertwined in a complex dance that only a being like Eternus could fully comprehend.

Darius found himself standing on a vast, glowing platform that floated in an endless expanse of stars.

The platform was made of a material that seemed to shift between gold and silver, reflecting the cosmos in its surface.

In the center of the platform sat Eternus, his form larger than life, emanating a power so profound that it made even Darius feel small in comparison.

Eternus, the Father of All, was an imposing figure. His skin was a deep shade of cosmic black, dotted with twinkling stars, and his eyes glowed with a light that could pierce through the very soul.

His presence was overwhelming, a force of nature that commanded respect and reverence.

"Father," Darius greeted, bowing his head slightly in respect.

Eternus turned his gaze towards Darius, a small smile playing on his lips. "Ah, my son. It's been a while since you've visited. What brings you to my realm today?"

Darius approached his father, his steps echoing in the vastness of the platform. "I needed to speak with you, Father. There are… matters I wished to discuss."

Eternus chuckled, the sound reverberating through the cosmos like a melodic hum.

"Matters, you say? Is it about your sister? Or perhaps that rivalry with Life that still lingers?"

Darius shook his head, though a wry smile tugged at the corner of his lips. "Not this time. Though Harmony is, as usual, causing her fair share of trouble on Earth."

Eternus leaned back, his cosmic eyes narrowing slightly in thought. "Earth. The mortal realm seems to hold such a fascination for you and your siblings. I've always wondered why. What is it about that tiny planet that draws you so?"

Darius paused, considering his father's question. "It's… the life there, Father. The mortals, with their short lifespans, their fleeting emotions, and their constant striving to overcome their limitations. It's fascinating to witness, to experience."

Eternus nodded slowly, though there was a glint of curiosity in his eyes.

"And yet, for all their flaws, you continue to return. You immerse yourself in their lives, their struggles, and their joys. I often wonder if it is merely curiosity, or something deeper."

Darius glanced up at his father, the weight of the cosmos reflected in his gaze. "Perhaps it is both. The mortal realm offers something different—something that we, in our infinite existence, do not always see."

"It's… refreshing."

Eternus chuckled again, this time with a hint of mischief. "Refreshing, you say? Perhaps I should take a visit myself. It's been eons since I last walked among mortals. Maybe it's time to see what all the fuss is about."

Darius' eyes widened in alarm, and he quickly shook his head. "Father, no. That… might not be the best idea."

Eternus raised an eyebrow, amusement dancing in his eyes. "Oh? And why is that, my son? Are you afraid I'll cause a little chaos?"

Darius cleared his throat, choosing his words carefully. "It's not that, Father. It's just… your presence in the mortal realm could have unforeseen consequences. The balance is already delicate, and your power—well, it could overwhelm them."

Eternus laughed, a deep, booming sound that echoed across the stars. "Ah, Darius, always the cautious one. But perhaps you're right. The mortals are fragile, after all. I suppose I'll leave the meddling to you and your siblings, for now."

Darius let out a silent sigh of relief, though he couldn't help but smile at his father's light-hearted tone. "Thank you, Father. I think the mortals will appreciate it."

Eternus leaned forward slightly, his massive form casting a shadow over Darius. "But tell me, what is it you truly seek, my son? I know you didn't come here just to chat."

Darius nodded, the playful atmosphere shifting to something more serious. "There is something I wish to ask of you, Father. A favor."

Eternus' expression softened, a fatherly concern in his gaze. "A favor? Speak, Darius. You know I would grant you anything within my power."


Darius looked down for a moment, his expression weary. "It's my body… the vessel I've been using in the mortal realm. It's failing me, Father."

Eternus' eyes narrowed slightly, his cosmic gaze intensifying as he regarded his son. "Your vessel?"

Darius nodded, his tone grim. "This body… it's too weak to contain all my power. The strain is becoming too much. It's agonizing, Father. Every moment I spend in this form is a battle to keep from shattering it. It was never meant to hold me."

Eternus' expression softened, though his cosmic presence remained intense. "I warned you of this when you first chose to walk among mortals.

Your original form was created to exist in the vastness of the cosmos, not in the fragile reality of the mortal plane."

"I know," Darius admitted, frustration creeping into his voice.

"But my siblings and I—our original forms are too powerful for the mortal realm. We can't walk among them without causing immense destruction. The mere act of existing in our true forms would tear reality apart."

Eternus remained silent for a moment, his mind turning over the problem. He understood the burden his children carried.

Beings of their magnitude, even when diminished, were still far too powerful for the delicate fabric of mortal existence. But he could see the toll it was taking on Darius.

Darius continued, his tone pleading now. "Father, I need you to modify the Laws. I need to be able to walk in my original body, but without the fear of destroying everything around me. The vessel I'm using now—it's breaking down, and I can't continue like this."

Eternus sighed, a sound like the shifting of distant stars. "You ask much, Darius. The Laws that bind you and your siblings to these mortal forms were created to protect the mortal realm from your full power. Altering those Laws would be… dangerous."

Darius met his father's gaze, desperation in his eyes. "I know the risks, Father, but I can't continue like this. I've spent years on Earth, and while I've grown fond of it, I can't protect it, can't guide it, if I'm constantly battling against my own power. Please, Father. I need this."

Eternus studied his son for a long moment. Darius' agony was clear, and Eternus knew that despite his immense power, he was suffering. It was a suffering that no being, no matter how great, should endure alone.

"You seek to return to your true form," Eternus said thoughtfully. "But to do so without destroying the world you've come to care for…"

Darius nodded, his expression earnest. "If anyone can alter the Laws, it's you, Father. You're the one who set them in place."

Eternus sat back, contemplating the request. His children were beings of incredible power, created to exist beyond the confines of any single reality.

Allowing Darius to walk the mortal plane in his original form would be a monumental shift—one that could tip the balance of existence itself. Yet, Eternus knew his son's heart.

Darius was not reckless; his love for the mortal realm had become deep and genuine.

After what felt like an eternity, Eternus spoke. "Very well. I will modify the Laws, but only for you, Darius. You will be able to walk in your true form without fear of unraveling the mortal plane."

"But know this: the power you carry is still immense, and even with the Laws altered, you must remain cautious. There are forces that would seek to use this against you."

Darius bowed his head, relief flooding through him. "Thank you, Father. I will be careful."

Eternus leaned forward, a hint of warmth in his otherwise awe-inspiring presence. "You have always been one of my most curious children, Darius. You seek to understand the mortal world, to experience it as they do, even though you are far beyond them.

I admire that. But remember—your power is a gift, and a burden. Use it wisely."

Darius smiled, gratitude filling his heart. "I will, Father. And I will not take this gift lightly."

Eternus nodded, and with a wave of his hand, Darius felt a profound shift in the very core of his being. His essence trembled as the Laws that had once restricted him were altered, reshaped by his father's will.

The pain that had plagued him for so long began to ease, replaced by a sense of freedom he hadn't felt in ages.

"There," Eternus said, his voice softer now. "Your body will no longer fail you. You may walk among the mortals as you truly are, but heed my words: there is a reason we do not linger in their realm for too long. Remember who you are, and what you are capable of."

Darius bowed deeply, humbled by his father's words. "I will not forget, Father. Thank you."

Eternus smiled once more, his presence growing even more distant. "Go now, Darius. Return to your world. And know that I am always watching."

With a final nod, Darius felt the cosmic realm begin to fade away, his consciousness slowly returning to his body. As he opened his eyes, the familiar sights and sounds of the grand training room flooded his senses.

The Archers of the Endless, sensing his return, lowered their bows and resumed their silent vigil.

Darius took a deep breath, feeling his restored power coursing through him with ease. His body no longer strained under the immense weight of his energy; instead, it felt natural—whole. He stood, flexing his fingers as the air around him crackled with power.

But suddenly.....
