
Judgement of Demon God

In the modern world, two realms coexist - the divine Gods from heaven and the Demons from Hell. Long ago, Zeus and Hades signed a peace treaty when there was magic and sword, kings were ruling the land, but as time pass and human became more advance in science and technology they started to forgot about the Gods then Zeus created a plan in secret to gain lost faith of human once again by betraying the King of hell Hades. Disclaimer: This web novel is a work of fiction. All characters, events, and settings are products of the author's imagination. The story is intended purely for entertainment purposes and does not aim to offend or hurt anyone's feelings. Reader discretion is advised.

Promezus · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

Chapter 5 - The first SS Rank Hunter

A mighty figure appeared in front of the four S rank hunters, using his ultimate skill. He healed all four of them, and it was as if their injuries had never happened. Seeing this mighty figure, everyone started cheering. All the hope that had been lost came back again.

"Jang Jin-Ho? Is this really you?" Eun Young-II exclaimed, her face expression hinting that she recognized him. He recognized Jang as the archaeologist from the ruins of Greece, as she was Eun Young-II, one of his colleagues from that expedition.

"Stand back! I will defeat him. I healed you guys, so just sit back and relax," Jang smiled, filled with confidence.

"So you have come. You saved me the trouble of looking for you. In the end, you came for your demise," Demon Lord said to Jang, his face filled with confidence and a malevolent grin. His eyes were locked onto Jang, as if he were looking at his prey.

"My demise?" Jang replied, laughing like a madman. His laughter echoed through the surroundings, filling the surrounding with a frightening sound, sinister smile dancing on his lips.

"What do you think of yourself, Monster or Demon Lord, I do not care you all are same, A creature whose existence is to harm the humankind, filled with confidence in his own power. I am a Great Sage, and I shall be your demise!", Jang declared with full of confidence in his abilities, His words, his power carried the weight of an entity beyond S Rank, An SS Rank Hunter, and he stood tall and unwavering, ready to face the Demon Lord.

"Time Wrap," without any delay as he did not want to give a any change to Demon Lord to retaliate, He casted the skill with a wave of his hand, he manipulated time, slowing down everything around his surrounding, or we can say it stop the time.

Everything came to a halt; everyone present there stood still, not a single movement or even a breath could be heard. Then, he slowly walked towards the Demon Lord.

"Ethereal Chains!" He cleanched his hand, and spectral chains materialized, binding the Demon Lord's six hands and restraining his movements. The chains pulled him towards the Earth, preventing him from casting any spell to counter Jang's attack.

Demon Lord is struggling to break the chain, but unable to break free from the ethereal restraints.

"Greater Item Creation - GodEater Weapon" Jang used his unique skill, Item Creation. This extraordinary ability allowed him to create an item equivalent to a divine artifact. With great focus and concentration, he summoned the GodEater Weapon, a formidable blade capable of instantly kill the God-level entities.

He tightly grabbed the hilt of sword with both hand raised it above his head. In a swift and fluid motion, he brought the blade down, unleashing a powerful aura that rushed towards the Demon Lord. Bound by the ethereal chains, Demon Lord was unable to move or cast spells. The slash was aimed to strike the Demon Lord directly, and if it get connected, it would instant kill him.

"No! No! How is this happening? How can a mere human who just awakened have so much power to summon the GodEater Weapon?," He screamed in pain, unable to believe that a mere awakened human could summon a GodEater Weapon, his sinister smile turned into fear and panic. He couldn't die here without fulfilling his master's orders.

As the powerful aura of the GodEater Weapon rushed towards the Demon Lord, he felt the end is near for him. The slash was aimed to kill him directly, and it seemed like the end was near.

"Abyss Shield " In a desperate moment to save himself, the Demon Lord channeled the last bit of energy he had left. He used all his might, every last bit of streangth that he left. To cast a abyss sheild, summons a powerful shield from the depths of the abyss, providing complete protection against all forms of harm for a short duration.

The aura of the GodEater Weapon collided with the barrier, causing a tremendous explosion. The impact was so immense that it sent shockwaves rippling through the surroundings. The Demon Lord was barely able to hold on, his body trembling from the strain. The barrier shattered under the immense power of the GodEater Weapon, but it had served its purpose. Though he was severely wounded and on the brink of death, the Demon Lord had managed to survive the deadly attack.

Behind the dust, he used the skill "Dimensional Teleport," which allowed him to teleport to a different realm and escape from Jang.

As the dust settled, Jang searched for him, but the calamity was now over. Everyone was joyful and cheering for Jang as they saw the Demon Lord flee from the fight.

Jang stood there, waving his hand with a big smile on his face.

And the fight between the Demon Lord and Jang was over for now.

Meanwhile, the three hunters who had been standing behind felt jealous. They had been fighting since the beginning to defend the citizens and defeat the monsters, yet suddenly, Jang had arrived and grabbed all the attention of the people.

While the three hunters were in agony and jealousy, Eun Young had her own motive for getting closer to him. She wanted to become famous throughout the world, it was her dream to become the rich and famous actress, However, her dream had been crushed by the people who held the power in the film industry. Due to not having connections, she was unable to become an actress. But now, she saw a chance and a glimmer of hope with Jang's immense power.

Meanwhile, Demon Lord teleported himself to a abyss, He was in brink of death.

"My Master! I am sorry. It was my fault, my incompetence to not accomplish the order given by you. I am utterly ashamed to be defeated by a human. I am worthy of a thousand deaths. Please, master, you have every right to punish me and grant me a thousand deaths," the Demon Lord spoke to someone, kneeling in front of him. Despite being on the brink of death, he gathered all his remaining energy to maintain a proper pose in front of the entity whom he called Master.