
journey towards revenge

Nibo was a renowned leader, among allies and enemies alike, with a war record full of victories, evident in his prowess during battles, thanks to his distinguished personality and immense capabilities Since he is originally from a powerful Viking warrior lineage . However, he will face a series of challenges , within a world reflecting the conflict between different beliefs, leading to new adventures and changes in Nibo's and his family's life paths. The narrative also, sheds light on characters driven by revenge, the events of the novel will gradually unfold into highly exciting dimensions. —————— "The cover image is not mine. "As for downloading more enjoyable chapters daily, it depends on engaging with the story, whether through liked , voting on Power Stones, or providing welcomed comments and opinions. I will take them into consideration." My Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/whiterose_se6

WhiteRose_Se · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Chapter Three: Training Commenced

Riflin nodded his head, then asked "How can I become strong, grandfather?" 

Hagel raised his eyebrows, "I'm sorry, I must go ,you may find the answer with your father , I must not delay!" 

Riflin stepped back, pondering over his grandfather's words "What is this intense enthusiasm I have never felt before! 

So I will hurry home."

After a few minutes, he arrived, looking around to find his father planting some fields near the house.

He stopped by Nibo, who stared intently, "What's up, Riflin? Your eyes seem to sparkle and flutter a lot." 

Riflin said, "I want to ask you , I hope to find the answer with you father , what should

I do to become strong like you or even better?"

Nibo smiled spontaneously upon hearing this! then he muttered " I'm busy now, I'll finish the work and then tell you.

Riflin eagerly said, "No problem, I'll help you so we can finish it as soon as possible"

Nibo: "Haha, it seems you're eager to get the answer , well, I'll clarify for you.

Firstly, strength isn't built overnight, but through my experience, it's about rigorous training and commitment. 

Since you see me as a role model, I'll be the one to guide your training process."

Refleen, filled with joy, asks, "Are you right, then, father? But when can we start?"

Nibo advises him "Training has its rules, young hero , Since you're interested, it's best to start right after waking up early in the morning."

lights up his face with a broad smile " I'm ready, Coach , I'll be prepared tomorrow."


In the awaited morning , Riflin woke up early, unlike usual 

His willpower was the alarm that woke him up at that time, as he thought, "Will I really leave my warm bed now?"

He managed to shake off laziness

He then entered his father's room, but didn't find him there 

Next, he entered the kitchen and found his father preparing pancakes.

Nibo turned to him, saying, "Good, you came on time, brave one , I'll bring some pancakes and fruits for us to eat after the exercise."

Riflin moved his head with almost closed eyes, resisting his urge to sleep.

*After a while*

They departed together, on their way to the place Nibo would choose.

Riflin started shivering slightly outside, saying that the weather was cold but it's okay , he asked, "What kind of drills are we going to do?" 

Nibo replied, "of course, since it's six in the morning, and this will teach you discipline no matter what the circumstances.

It's clear that I want you to train in the arts of war and self-defense.

So, we need to follow a training system based on acquiring a set of skills.

Riflin smiled as he said "I long to absorb every lesson, every word, and every movement in this regard"

Nibo replied "Oh, you're smart and capable of understanding , despite your young age, it seems that your spirit burns with the fire of a beginner eager to embark , on the journey of learning " 

"They didn't feel the length of the path ahead , of them as they exchanged conversation , until they reached a mysterious site in the south of the island .


Nibo " He looked around, his eyes widening in amazement , then said , What do you think of this area? "

It was surrounded by many rocks and intertwined branches, as if guarding the place, while its twisted branches formed a natural maze. 

Rafelin exclaimed" Wow, what is this glow emanating from within? 

#Nibo approached closer, holding the hand of the motionless Riflin, amidst the atmosphere steeped in mystery.

saying "Move, it seems there are many luminous plants " 

Riflin reacting with an expression of astonishment, replied "Oh, it's like another unfamiliar world ; I now feel active and lively!"

Nibo : " precisely, it's a completely closed and secretive place 

I didn't expect it to be like this, but forget about its magic now"

Nibo by virtue of his knowledge " began to talk about , the art of war, considering it a balance between power and strategy. Suddenly, he found that Riflin had finally adapted to those atmospheres.

His father said sternly "you must prepare for this, it's your first training"

Riflin nodded his small head, saying "I am ready "

Nibo analyzed "We will run in this wide square, which may take about 45 minutes " However, due to the lightness that filled them, they completed the lap in half an hour 

*after warming up*


Nibo paused to sit, then said "you did well, take some time to rest "

Riflin refreshed, "It's like I hear echoes of distant waterfalls "

Nibo "Exactly, it formed a harmonious background for the training.

I have an idea for you, since you are very mobile, I want you to attack me with all your might, while I remain steady here "

Riflin , "I think you're joking father ? Alright, your request is easy, be prepared for it."

Nibo stood like a wall, levelly, in the middle of the courtyard. 

Then Riflin, who was distant from him rushed towards him, extending his hands to reach his body, but no matter what he did, he couldn't, because his father maneuvered in his own way to dodge every attempt aimed at him.

Riflin continued, repeating the attempts one after the other, remaining in that state for an hour.

After a moment of pause "Oh, I feel dizzy and tired, and you haven't even moved from your place " 

Nibo said, "Certainly, because I was closely observing your movements and reacting defensively with agility, which enables me to protect myself from attacks.

What do you think of this exercise?! I want you to learn it."

Riflin : "It's amazing, and I can keep training on this exercise as much as possible because I feel my energy is unusually high 

as if it's inexhaustible,fatigue is almost non-existent!"

Nibo opens his mouth in astonishment "Strange, what is happening?"

I also noticed ,that the longer we spend time here, the more energy we attract "

Riflin "Wow, how can there be a place like this with such unique effects?"

Nibo answers, "It's possible that there is a force that transcends the boundaries of the place .

He adds "Well, this is enough , Have you not even complained about hunger?" 

Riflin raises his eyebrows confidently"I don't need to eat " 

Suddenly, Nibo carried him and said in his ears "We've spent a long time; we must leave" 

Riflin muttered "No, no, okay, just put me on the ground, so I can walk beside you " Nibo responded "Alright, that's better "

As soon as they left the area, a ringing of steel spread from within. 

Riflin looked back hesitantly, searching for understanding the source of the sound, but there was a haze outside obscuring the view.

Nibo warned "Watch out in front of you

you might trip over these scattered rocks here"


*After a few minutes passed*

Riflin couldn't hide his fatigue, as his energetic steps now became slower and heavier, with an expression of surprise on his face, said "Where is all that immense energy that used to flow through my body?" 

Nibo responds "Well, it's okay, take a short break.

This is normal for your strength" 

Riflin raises his head, saying "Actually, I'll accompany you, I'll just have a little water "

Nibo contemplates, thinking, "You remind me , of the determination I once had, when I was a child like you."

Riflin smiles contently "Oh really, that's why you became the strongest warrior in this world"

Nibo chuckles "Enough, your convincing confession might make me feel arrogant."

Riflin responds, "I know you're joking

Then, he breathes with joy "Father, we're finally nearing home".


Meanwhile, Riflin longed for some rest. 

He met his mother in the dining room, who seemed troubled, examining him from head to toe.

Fatigue was evident on him.

Then she said "You're late ,Is all this time dedicated to training?" 

Riflin speaks calmly after sitting on a leather couch "We've been away for a long time, Mother , I don't want to explain now, I want to have my breakfast "

His mother spoke with reproach in her eyes "Have you not eaten yet? How could you endure all of this?"

Riflin didn't respond with any answer

Understanding his condition, she didn't delay for a moment, and brought him food. He didn't lift his head from the plate until it was empty.

Then, afterwards, he went to shower and entered his warm room , to doze off for a while.


After darkness fell, the family gathered under one roof, while Riflin joined them late , and approached his grandfather leaning on a woven mat.

Hagel said, "My dear boy, I thought you wouldn't take my words into

consideration,but it seems you found the answer to your remarkable question, isn't that so? 

He continued "Without exception, when I was young, I loved asking questions to know more " 

* I will soon publish the fourth chapter, so add it to library, continue enjoying, and explore the other chapters of the novel Leave your feedback here ، and vote for the Power Stones to motivate me.*

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