
journey towards revenge

Nibo was a renowned leader, among allies and enemies alike, with a war record full of victories, evident in his prowess during battles, thanks to his distinguished personality and immense capabilities Since he is originally from a powerful Viking warrior lineage . However, he will face a series of challenges , within a world reflecting the conflict between different beliefs, leading to new adventures and changes in Nibo's and his family's life paths. The narrative also, sheds light on characters driven by revenge, the events of the novel will gradually unfold into highly exciting dimensions. —————— "The cover image is not mine. "As for downloading more enjoyable chapters daily, it depends on engaging with the story, whether through liked , voting on Power Stones, or providing welcomed comments and opinions. I will take them into consideration." My Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/whiterose_se6

WhiteRose_Se · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Chapter One: The decision of the sudden escape

As winter approaches, in the Kingdom of England, in the main palace of King Hans while spending time with the prince playing chess, the special envoy enters,

Asking, "Do you want any fresh news, sire?" 

King Hans replies, "I believe the wars have ended this year , I think General Nibo's army is close, isn't it?"

The envoy confirms, "Yes, Your Highness Enemies cannot risk battles in winter, our army is relatively unharmed, and the casualties are few ,They will return soon"


Meanwhile, General Nibo, still with the army at sea on the massive warship, notices the fatigue on their faces and the heaviness in their muscles ,from rowing

He reflects on the accumulated exhaustion from the prolonged war Soon, he spots an island nearby and calls,for a break bringing joy to the tired soldiers.

As they rest on the adjacent island, Nibo explores with a soldier named Askel 

Nibo observes, "The island seems warm, green, and serene." 

Askel agrees, "Indeed, leader, I like this place. Look at the falling leaves around us." 

Nibo says"It's late autumn ,Inform the men to kindle a fire for cooking"


Afterward, the crew set up tents for a meal "until they felt full and their bellies were satisfied." 

While all the soldiers were ,relaxed and enjoying themselves, the leader sat alone away on a pile of straw. A close soldier named 

Askel approached him, saying, "I see you, leader, absorbed in thought. What's the matter? I thought you were contemplating the stars here,"

mocked Nibo. "You found me pondering the casualties of this recent war how terrible it is, resilience only favors the strongest this time"

Askel : "Yes! we have lost loyal warriors, perhaps because the enemies were stronger this time."

the leader responded" because as we have encountered many enemies who possess different combat systems"

Askel questioned, "Do you know what surprised me about you? 

During this war, you defeated many armies with your skills but left them behind injured, not killing any warriors!?" 

The leader replied, "I no longer find pleasure in killing ,It used to amuse me, but not anymore, winning for me now means triumphing on the battlefield without shedding blood and ending lives."

Askel shook his head in amazement,and mumbled

"Well, what's your plan for tomorrow?" 

The leader remained silent, for a long time and spoke slowly,"I won't return with you to England tomorrow, I've planned to step down from leading the king's army

I'll secretly leave, where they won't find me I've already sent my sons and wife with Sir Hagel, taking them on his ship, and I'll join them tomorrow."

The leader looked at Askel and said, "Seeing surprise on your face, does my words frighten you? You seem hesitant in my place." 

Askel replied, "Of course! You've astonished me, Do you know the consequences? No one has dared to do this before, You'll play with fire How will you escape the king's orders?

He relied heavily on you as a leader."

Nibo quickly stood up, placed his hand on Askel's shoulder, and said, "Enough, I'm not interested. I'm not afraid of anyone's threats, I rely on you now, and I trust you. I'll be fine"

Askel acknowledged, "I understand, No one can stand in your way, I respect your decision, and I won't tell anyone about your departure. Your secret will be safe." 

The leader extinguished the fire and went to sleep, as he would set off early tomorrow to the destination he desired.


At the dawn of the next day, while the sun had not yet risen and everyone was immersed in their slumber, 

The commander rose with great enthusiasm , he went directly to his personal box containing weapons and war gear, carrying it quietly to a small ship, disconnecting it from the massive warship, Seated inside, he waited until the light sneaked in.

In the depth of that void, moments engraved in memory began to flow towards him. He recalled scenes from various battles, pivotal decisions, and thrilling encounters, but he ignored it all and returned to his present , Casting a final glance at the crew as if bidding them farewell because his purpose was firm, after a short while, he turned to his other destiny.


Not much time passed until 

Askel began shouting at the top of his voice "Oh men, get up, we've been delayed enough, let's go" They quickly loaded the luggage and ascended to the ship

Askel exclaimed"Come on, hoist the sails, hurry!' One of the soldiers said "What's wrong, Askel Do you think we'll leave without the commander? We must wait for him.

Askel responded," Do as I told you the matter of Nibo are not your concern now the king awaits our return"

The crew started rowing, unaware of what happened and where Nebo was?

After a long period of sailing

Askel said"Oh my God, my arms are damaged."we miss Nibo's role; he could effortlessly, with hands like iron, propel the ship into the ocean

A soldier replied" Enough worrying; surely Nibo is on some mission"


On the other side, Nibo continued to navigate the sea, engulfed in a sense of urgency, aiming to reach the remote village in southern Denmark, where he would reunite with his family.

After covering a long distance across treacherous waters ,Nibo disembarked in the village, searching for his family to reunite with them after a prolonged absence.

They had previously agreed to meet them

in the heart of the adjacent forest He continued walking for a few hours among towering trees, until he suddenly heard the echoes of their cries, "Where are you, Nibo?"

It was their voices; he approached their location They were finally there. 

Nibo reached them, saying "I'm glad to see you all well " embracing his wife, daughter Helen, and younger son Riflin, along with his father hagel, who had executed the plan with him.

Riflin asked, "I missed you, Dad, but why did you bring us to this distant and dense forest?"

Nibo, carrying Riflin on his shoulder, replied "I missed you too. Are you tired? Can your feet still endure the journey? Don't worry, my son, we're almost there."

Then Hagel spoke to Nibo in a hushed voice, "Let me talk to you alone."

Nibo said "Well, Father, I forgot to tell you first that you did well because you did this good deed " 

Hagel replied "I thought you came here for a certain task, but it seems you're hiding the truth from me" 

Nibo, suppressing anger, said, "It's time for me to live free from those constraints." Hagel asked "So, separation from the king's army is the goal you desire, but have you not considered carefully? Aren't you worried this decision might lead to your death without warning?"

Nibo responded "I know the king won't allow it; he might see me as a traitor, but I'm not It's my courage that led me to make this decision, and I'll face the challenges knowing how to handle them."


After traversing, the vast forest paths, they stood before the remote village, of where the air was scented with the fragrance of citrus orchards

Nibo said "This is astonishing! 

The natural beauty , exists in this village and the land is suitable for cultivation."

Hagel" looking around, remarked 

Truly, it seems fruitful, but its high population density makes it unsuitable for settling, perhaps we should find a more suitable place."

Nibo replied, "Exactly, it's bustling with activity. 

I'll consider that but for now 

I must knock , on the doors of these large sturdy houses that reflect, the prosperity of the villagers, they surely have plenty to offer us in terms of food and necessary warmth

I believe they'll willingly help, but I must carry my sword to ensure they don't hesitate."

Hagel replied "That's what you need to do Night is approaching, and your wife and children, their faces now showing signs of hunger, await us."

Immediately, nibo knocked on the nearest house in front of them several times, and then an old woman with wrinkled eyes opened the door, staring at them with a mixture of caution and curiosity

She asked him "Who are you, sir?" 

Nibo with limited proficiency in the language, replied "Could you welcome us? we are strangers to this village and need assistance."

The old woman , understood and warmly welcomed them into her home

The family entered to rest , after a long and challenging day of travel 


The next morning, while the woman was setting up the breakfast table

Hagel heard her voice , and whispered to the others "Enough of laziness, it's not time to enjoy sleep now"

Nibo muttered, "Yes, let's leave from here." The woman responded as if she was eagerly waiting for them to leave 

"Truly, the sky is clear outside, the conditions are suitable for you to continue your journey." 

Nibo said, "Thank you, we appreciate your hospitality Goodbye".