
Journey Towards Greatness

A war veteran and an anime fan as well, he got into anime by watching it with his grandson after his retirement, his grandson loved pokemon and so did he also came to like this world of pokemon where people didn't kill each other and people used to have fun with there pokemon, after watching Pokemon with his grandson and playing with him all day he got back his childhood which he could never experience due to the cruel war, and as of now our MC has turned 82 years old he was very satisfied with his life with no regrets and waiting for death to take him away but will death be is end or will it start a new beginning, a new legend. __________________________ Support me on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/zarakh

Evil_God_ZARAKH · Anime et bandes dessinées
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1375 Chs

Past And Present

As Julian went to sleep he found himself on the same bed he had died, seeing himself being in his old body again got him very scared he didn't felt like this old self was him but he knew that this was his own body and feelings he carried in his old body but he didn't get why he was so scared to return to his old body then soon realization hit him

Julian 'I am feeling old again, when I went to the pokemon world I had abandoned my old self so that I can relive my teenage years which I didn't experience in my past life, but why am I so scared to return being my original self again'

Then suddenly Julian's surrounding turned white and next thing he sees is a middle-aged man sitting opposite to him brewing tea, Julian knew who he was he was God, the one who sent him to the pokemon world, Julian didn't know what to say so he stayed there looking at God silently after some time God finished brewing the ten and suddenly two cups appeared before them, he slowly poured the tea in these cups and passed one to Julian, Julian bowed and picked it and took a sip

God "So Julian tell me how is your new life"

Hearing God's question Julian quickly got to know that he didn't die but was brought here by God

Julian "It was a very fun and exciting experience, I felt very alive and like a kid there with nothing holding me and no responsibilities"

God "That what you wanted isn't it to be a teen again, to enjoy your life as you want by not being an old man you are"

Julian "Yes Lord that's how I wanted to live and I unknowingly left my old self behind and was living a life as a teenager which I didn't even realize"

God "That's good"

Julian "Lord I have a question"

God "Go on, ask what you want to know?"

Julian "When I came back I fused again with my old self but it didn't feel right why did it feels like I am fake and the Julian I have been in the pokemon world so real"

God "Julian why don't you tell me everything about your past life but not the one you think is real but your actual past life"

Julian "Lord what do you mean by that?"

God "Julian, you should ask this question to your self look back to how you lived your life"

Julian closed his eyes and started to recall how his life was and when he opened his eyes he started to cry, his eyes turned red, he felt really uncomfortable, his heart started to ake

Julian "It was all a lie a lie I created to escape the cruel things I experienced"

God "Tell me, Julian, about your real life"

Julian "I was born into a happy family living with my father and mother happily, I was just 10 years old at that time but the happiness didn't last and war broke out as our village was near the bored our village was first attacked, the reinforcement came but it was too late I saw my parents getting killed right in front of me in cold blood they didn't try to spare but I was lucky that I was rescued just in time I was sent into an orphanage where I made a friend his name was Alex but unlike me he was an orphan from birth but I could not stay in that peaceful orphanage as war was getting more intense, kids like me where brought to the army and where handed guns but I was not alone Alex was right beside me but the horrors didn't stop their, due to the war the road which the army got supplies got cut away as they didn't want to lose the remaining supplies they started throwing kids who had no talent for war of the cliffs to save the army's rashins seeing this both me and Alex started to work hard and we turned 15 soon but this war was never ending and this time both me and Alex where on the battle field where we enventually survived because we killed peoples that day started to haunt us we couldnt sleep for so many days but after killing and more killing we became cold to everyone but that was untill we met her, Mary she was both mine and Alex first love and we both new this but we didnt fight as our friendship was much stronger we promised each other that whoever wins her heart the other will be happy for them, war once again broke out and we headed to war again and we went and came back victorious and this time when we came back Alex didnt waste time and proposed to Mary and she agreed, I was heartbroken but I didnt show it to them as I loved both of them dearly and seeing them happy I had to swallow down my feelings, eventually they married and had a kid, he was very bright and well manared I occesnally visited them and so 12 years passed peacefully even though there were conflits it was not severe but in my life happiness never stayed for long, the country was attacked again but this time from the inside several sleeper cells went active and caused terrorist attacks every where and we have fallen victim to it I, Alex, mary and their son where visiting a place which happened to be where the sleeper cells planted the bomb as it detonated the place came crashing down and the explosion distroyed everything even my only leaving family in this world Alex, my love as I still loved her, I was never shot by a bullet my spine got injured in the blast, at their diying moments they only had one wish that is for me to take care fo their son like if he was my own and I fainted I had serious ingury in my spine and brain to escape the horrors of loosing my loved once again I totally removed them from my mind, I had taken the persona and thought that I was the one who married Mary, I thought I was Brendan's father I created a world for my self to escape from every thing from my past, when I went to see Brendan he was still in coma and the doctors sait that he suffered a truma in his brain and has forgetten every thing about his past and when he gained conciousness I said that I was his father and he accepted it, after this I resigned from the army and went far away with Brendan to escape that hell of a place, well growing up Brendan alwasys asked me about his mother, but I couldn't say anything to him as I had removed her from my mind completely and when ever I tried to recall about her I would faint seeing this Brendan stoped asking me about his mother and so my life went well and after my grandson being born I was able to experiance my childhood with him and I started to want to leave more and more as a teenager than an old man and so waiting and waiting I finally died, then I met you and then went to an another world where I could leave as a teanager again" he closed his eyes and whiped his tears which where still running down his cheeks.

After telling God everything about his original past life he felt lighter he felt as if something which was holding him down has been removed, he started to fell young again, when he looked down to see that he was back to his new and young body, he looked at God to search for an answer

God smiled and started explaining "Your past life was made by you to escape the harsh reality you faced that's why when your new soul fused with your old you didn't want to experience those horrors again and so you felt scared, scared because you had lost many and your new soul was realizing it, but after you started telling me the story about your life you started cutting off the karma between this life and your previous life freeing you from the horrors"

Julian just listened to God silently as he continued to speak

God "Julian, now you have been reborn again and this time in both body and soul, you are no more the old man who was delusional about his life, now you are a young man who wants to travel the world and become strong, this is you the new Julian"

Julian has now calmed down and looks at himself once again the new him who is young

Julian "Yes I am Julian a young man who has wisdom greater than anyone at the same age" saying this Julian starts to laugh, as he is happy, God also smile looking at how happy Julian is.

God "My child its time for us to say goodbye if the mother of fate wants us to meet again we will see each other again"

Julian "I also hope to meet you again and talk about my new exciting life"

God "Then of you go" he smiles and waves his hand as Julian starts to fall into a black abyss and when he opens his eyes he finds himself on the bed where he closed his eyes last time.

Julian "I am Julian, as I live in the present and create a future where all will remember me and my past will never bind me, as I am reborn"


Author's Thought

As you guys know in the first chapter of this novel I didn't specify any major things about Julian's past life and maybe few people have noticed that Julian never felt like an old MC, lol if he was Old he would have never gone around having sex with young female, I was planning this chapter for a long time and thought that this was the perfect time to release this chapter as he recently broke through the shackles of the mortal realm, and I also wanted to give Julian this ability, what is the ability you might ask well I will let you guess that if you are not able to just wait for the chapters ;p