
Chapter 426: Knowing More People is Good

"Crops don't come with a yard, so of course I'd buy a residence." Chen Nuo said with a look of it being self-evident.

"What I want is a quick harvest. What if mortals see it in an ordinary field? Then I can forget about my plans that follow."

Jin Zha thought for a moment and supposed that was right; after all, mortal money wasn't exactly a rarity to them.

Buying the entire city was more than possible for them, but the Jade Emperor had expressly forbidden actions that significantly affected the mortal realm. Besides, they didn't have that much spare interest.

"What's your upcoming plan?" Jin Zha recalled what Chen Nuo said at the restaurant about oil pressing. "Are you planning to plant peanuts for oil extraction?"

"Exactly," Chen Nuo answered, "but not just peanuts. Soybeans, sunflowers, and rapeseed can all be used for oil pressing too. I'll first see which yields more oil and which has flavors that appeal to more people."