
Journey To Become an Insanely Pampered Wife

Xiang Ling, the precious blue star, cultivated for ten thousand years and finally faced her heavenly tribulation to ascend to the position of an Immortal. Unfortunately, her tribulation occurred the very night when the Crown Prince of the Heavenly Realm was undergoing Nirvana. While Xiang Ling passed her tribulation, the heavenly thunder disturbed Nirvana, and the Crown Prince failed to ascend. In her rage, the Heavenly Empress punished Xiang Ling and sent her to the Mortal Realm to face life tribulation. When Xiang Ling opened her eyes in the Mortal Realm, she found herself inside the body of an eighteen-year-old girl who shared the same name as hers. It didn't take long for Xiang Ling to realize just how harsh her punishment was. The original owner of the body was the only daughter of the County Magistrate of Dongzhi Province and was famous throughout the province for her shameless, unfilial, and overbearing attitude. She was known to create trouble for her parents and siblings. She was famous for bullying the young ladies and masters of other families. She tortured the servants. She regularly visited brothels, pawn shops, and other places where a girl should never go. But if all these weren't already enough, she was also famous for bullying her husbands. Right! Xiang Ling was married and not only to one man but to five men in total. Now, it was not only the entire province and her family that hated her, even her husbands despised her and wanted to get rid of her. Could Xiang Ling possibly survive in the Mortal Realm when every other person seemed to hate her to the core? * * * Warning: Mature content in the story! This is a Reverse Harem novel. ----- This story is part of the WSA 2024 contest, so please show your support for the story and the author! ----- For more updates about the story, follow me on Instagram: @nightsummer20 ******* Disclaimer: The book cover is mine.

Nightsummer20 · Fantaisie
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336 Chs

Stars In The Galaxy

As morning turned into noon and then slowly started descending into the evening, the carriage kept heading toward its destination without any break. They passed through wilderness, mountains, forests, small towns, and fields. They were on their way across a small forest when the carriage suddenly stopped, jerking Xiang Ling out of her spiritual state.

Opening her eyes, she quickly turned her attention toward the man beside her who too had woken up from his sleep. "Are you alright?" She quickly asked and watched him shaking his head in response.

"Fu Xiao, what's wrong?" She asked the girl once she made sure that the Night Immortal was fine.

"My Lady, it's..." The girl seemed hesitant to answer and it made Xiang Ling remove the curtains of the window on her side to look outside. Sure enough, her gaze soon landed on a very unsightly scene.

"What is it?" Wei Guang asked in worry when he heard the deep sigh she just released.

Before Xiang Ling could answer, Wen ZheYuan came toward the window on her side and peeked inside the carriage, greeting both her and Wei Guang with a bright smile.

"You are finally here. We have been waiting here for a while." He spoke while nodding in the direction of Xin Cheng and Li Dao Ming. There were three horses tied to trees nearby which explained why these three reached there faster than their carriage.

"Fu Xiao, keep going. It's getting late." Xiang Ling instructed the girl as she let go of the curtains which immediately covered the window and blocked Wen ZheYuan from looking inside much to his surprise.

The very next second, their carriage was once again moving forward while the three young masters followed behind on their horses.

"You don't seem to like them much." Wei Guang said after a few moments.

Xiang Ling turned her attention toward him before replying, "It's actually the other way around. I can tolerate them but they seem to make everything difficult for me." She didn't hold back from complaining.

Wei Guang was silent for a while before he spoke again, "I can see that about Xin Cheng and Dao Ming, but Zhe Yuan is different. He treats you warmly."

Xiang Ling clicked her fingers as if he just said the key point. "That's the reason. While everyone else seems to despise my very presence, he keeps acting too warmly and gently. This makes me suspicious of him."

A barely noticeable smile bloomed on Wei Guang's lips as he heard her reasoning. Feeling slightly bold, he asked, "Then why did you marry him?"

He watched as the smile disappeared from her lips and she became silent. Her colorful aura became gloomy as she whispered, "I don't know. I don't remember anything."

Wei Guang felt his heart stirring inside his chest as he watched the sadness overtaking her beautiful face. Little did he know that the reason behind her sadness was completely different from what he was thinking. While he thought that she was sad for losing her memories and finding herself in a tight spot with everyone's scrutiny pointed toward her, Xiang Ling was actually sad while thinking about her sad fate which had landed her in such a harsh punishment.

Xiang Ling found herself pondering why the previous owner of the body would have married someone like Wen ZheYuan. If she had to be honest, all these men were insanely handsome but that was all. If beauty was the standard that the previous Xiang Ling was looking for in men, who knew how many more husbands she would have added to her harem if she got to live for a couple of more years?

The thought sent shivers running down Xiang Ling's spine, causing Wei Guang to misunderstand that she was feeling cold. He quickly took off his cloak and draped it over her shoulders before tying the knots to secure it.

On the other hand, Xiang Ling was completely taken aback by his sudden move. She just sat there in silence, watching him in surprise as he worked on securing the knots. Once he finished, he looked up at her and their gazes collided.

Xiang Ling found herself staring into his dark eyes which reminded her of the galaxy. She was sure that if she looked through her spiritual eyes, she would see her home and her fellow stars in the galaxy in those deep mystical eyes.

Realizing that she had been staring for too long, she quickly looked away and clutched the cloak tightly around her.

Wei Guang cleared his throat as if he too was trying to collect himself together. "The weather is cold because of the rainy season. You should stay warm." He quickly explained his reason for giving her the cloak.

Xiang Ling nodded her head in understanding before whispering, "Thank you."

Those two words caused Wei Guang to once again look at her in surprise. They had been married for over a year and yet, this was the first time he had heard her voicing out gratitude.

That small and barely noticeable smile returned to his lips as he found himself whispering, "I wish you stay like this for ever." The words were out of his mouth even before his mind realized what he was saying.

Xiang Ling turned her surprised gaze toward the man only for him to look away as if he was feeling shy after speaking those words. Silence descended inside the carriage for a while before she finally spoke again, "Ah Guang..."

When she looked up at him, she found his stunned gaze fixed on her as he waited for her to continue. "... I might not remember the past but the last two days have been enough for me to realize just how horrible I have been to everyone around me. I still can't forget the sight of you kneeling in my courtyard when I returned to the manor after losing my memories. I can't change the past but I will try to make up for my mistakes. I just hope... one day you will be able to forgive me. I'm sorry for all the pain I caused you."

The much-needed apology is here.

And these two are just so adorable!!

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