
Journey To Become A True God

Ye Chen was an honest and hardworking man, but he caught his girlfriend who was having an affair with a wealthy second generation, because of his sadness he decided to return to his hometown to calm down, while on his way he met a god cultivator and ended up being his student . After that his life began to change, on the right and left arms holding the Beautiful girl, from the start of the School flower, rich young women, beautiful teachers, beauty Ceo, famous beauty stars, beautiful goddesses. one by one the women came to him

DarkForces · Oriental
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3338 Chs

showed the video to Yu Ting and Dean

Lin Rouxi nodded, she would try to be even more patient in dealing with Yu Ting.

Ye Chen was happy when Lin Rouxi could understand what he wanted, Ye Chen then turned his attention to the dean sitting in front of him.

"Dean, let's talk about our initial topic, I hope you revoke my letter of release from this school" Ye Chen asked the dean to revoke the letter that had been issued.

"Sorry, but I can't do something like that." The dean refused Ye Chen's request, who wanted him to revoke his letter expulsion from this school.

"Then tell me if there is anything I can do for you to withdraw the letter." Ye Chen asked the school dean.

Hearing this, Yu Ting started to smile with great satisfaction, his plan finally started to work, it's time to execute Ye Chen.

Yu Ting started to get up from the sofa she was sitting on, she started walking behind Ye Chen's body.